So I need a little advice regarding wing modelling. Normally, for a character model I would use planes or another similar method to achieve this. However, I encountered a small issue.
The model I am making is a Gryphon. However, this is to be used as a statue, so everything needs to be modelled. Planes are out of the question.
This is a wing similar to what I wish to achieve.
How would you guys go about making this?
Thanks in advance!
The picture you linked isn't showing btw (no hotlinking).
I had already looked at sculptures of wings and such, but I was wondering if there was a quicker way of placing each individual feather. I was thinking of a path deform, but I've yet to experiment with that.
*edit* Uploaded it on imageshack. Should work now. If it doesn't I don't understand anything.
Uploaded with ImageShack.us
Sculpts the feathers using an alpha in Zbrush or Scultpris?
Just make different alphas for the different kinds of feathers and you're halfway there.
Hehe, thanks for the plug
To the original poster: I think if you're making a statue then I agree with the others that you should take a look at some real bird statues and see how the feathers are sculpted. This usually means keeping the wing as a solid shape, and extruding some faces here and there to break up the tips/edges. This is rather crude (and it's often crude in real sculptures), but if you shape these extrusions artistically then it can work in your favor to convey the feeling of wings without alpha.