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Mirror Component Selection - 3DS Max?

polycounter lvl 16
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Firebert polycounter lvl 16
Maya introduced mirrored component selections a couple versions back. Has anyone seen or used anything like this in Max? A script or plug-in perhaps?
Maya's implementation of it isn't too shabby, buggy at times, but can be somewhat useful.

Ran into a slight use for it recently in Max, worked around it, but was just curious if this is in there or not?


  • r_fletch_r
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    r_fletch_r polycounter lvl 9
    In 2010 graphite has mirroring tools. They arent live like mayas though. You should try Silo for this. The symmetry tool is really solid and respects modelling opperations(like NEX but they dont break every 2 seconds)

    to get the max tools

    CusomizeUI -> toolbars - > polytools -> symmetry tools.
    You will need to duplicate your model and set it as the 'main model'
    then you can mirror across the axes with a button press
  • Eric Chadwick
    Transmographier for Max is kind of similar to Reflection in Maya, live symmetry without changing the vertex count/order.

    Free for personal use, and only $20 for commercial use. Works well with morph targets/blend shapes.
  • SubSpherical
    Searched the interwebs for this and found that symmetry tools in max was very useful for post-skinning symmetrical vertex placement.

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