I'm trying to bake a simple high and low poly model.
I have tried using a cage, and offset. I tried lowering the offset and shrinking the cage to the lowest possible value.
It always picks up on geometry in the distance, and I can't figure out why. Is there some sort of setting I need to enable?
Area highlighted in red should not be there, its distant geometry from the other side of the model.
One thing you can try, is assigning Material IDs to the Low and make sure the areas that you don't want to be seen by a certain face have different IDs and then check the 'Hit only matching Material IDs' option...
Something tells me you might still get wonky results... but never hurts to test it out if you have time.
Make an wedged clinder inside the object to occlude the other side.
Add the cylinder to the list of render meshes.
Switch your renderer to menatal ray and add an A&D material to the occluder.
Switch back to Scanline and render.
The rays hit the occluder object in the center and stop but cant be shaded becuase scanline cant handle Mentalray shaders. so you just get a flat blue in the normal map.