32 pieces? Might be four times the number you need. A lot are the same style/project, and represent the same skills.
Forget about the personal vs professional. Narrow it down to your best 3, then top 6 and finally 8-10. Figure out just what you really need to represent variety, skills and brevity. The idea here being, if you could only show 3, you put those up front, possibly saving one of those for the last. It seems as it is, you're pushing quantity too much.
i think textures don't do your models justice on those singularity assets.
at first i thought they were your textures since that info text is fairly small.
which obviously isn't good, being placed in the top rows those assets create an impression of quality of your texturing being lower than it actually is.
32 pieces? Might be four times the number you need. A lot are the same style/project, and represent the same skills.
Forget about the personal vs professional. Narrow it down to your best 3, then top 6 and finally 8-10. Figure out just what you really need to represent variety, skills and brevity. The idea here being, if you could only show 3, you put those up front, possibly saving one of those for the last. It seems as it is, you're pushing quantity too much.
I hear ya. I am working on grouping the stuff together based off the project it is from. So all the Singularity stuff would be in one drop instead of how it is now. As well as redoing the renders on the hp and new grabs of the low polys with wires shown and polycounts as well.
Yeah just a quick heads up, but I feel textures are mostly the weakest part of almost any piece on your site. I seem to understand not all are yours, but I didn't see that clearly stated anywhere.
yeah for real. a bunch of the singularity textures are really poor quality compared to your own stuff. flagbase, helicopter, and some of the techconsoles (especially 2) stand out. "powerunit" also doesn't read well at all to me, though the model is OK.
speaking of your models, you really need to beef up those edges! while your models are technically good with nice edgeflow, they look very boring because there simply aren't any edges to catch light.
I'd love to see larger thumbs. Sometimes I'm not sure what I'm clicking on.
Good design though.
Yeah I'm currently switching the thumbs over to more of the banner type like the one for Space Madness. I'll group everything from each project under that I think.
For larger groups perhaps 2 sub groups..
Singularity Environments
contain all the enviro stuff I did
any other enviro info
Singularity Props
contain all models/props I did
wireframe shots w/ polycounts (currently not available on my site and it should be)
any other prop work
Racer/Xoliul : I agree. The mats are probably one of the weakest areas. Was thinking of removing textured stuff that was not textured by myself and just including a lowpoly shot with the baked ao/edge highlights and normal maps applied. Show the wireframes and polycount with each ones as well.
That way it eliminates any doubts as to what is mine and what is not...
So I've been slowly trying to update things to my newer renders and image formats. I like the cleaner feeling of the newer presentation images over the older ones and trying to weed out older work.
Plan is to combine older work (Singularity for example) into only a few pages.
Here are a few things that have been updated recentely...
Also plan on doing a tutorial video of my rendering method and presentation over the next few days.
not sure why you need wireframes of the high poly, since end result imo matters a lot more. i can barely see them anyway.
i think you may have gone a little nuts with the render setup. stuff like the buggy (http://www.artbyjessemoody.com/images2/buggy_hp.jpg) is very much like a car render and makes complex designs like this look really busy and hard to read. imo you're better off keeping the colors (they're nice and simple) but sticking with a single light and a low gloss material so the edge bevels get shown off better.
Perhaps the wires are a bit over kill but some people like to see how clean people model. Wasn't quite sure how I felt about them yet so I hadn't decided on the finals quite yet.
Still a lot of work to clean up the old stuff to bring it inline with the newer layouts.
Well the hp renders at least. The ingame stuff will be much easier to transfer over.
Have to agree with Racer445 on the buggy. The lighting setup makes it look super busy and it's a bit hard to see what's what. Nothing wrong with shiny materials, it's just that there are too many birght spots. If you use max for rendering you can turn off the specular component in some of the lights and just have 1 or maybe 2 lights that will give you a specular spot.
Agree with the others. Too much spec on the buggy/forklift thingy. I love it though, it's a really nice model. Lots of really nice clean hard surface modelling you've got going on.
Forget about the personal vs professional. Narrow it down to your best 3, then top 6 and finally 8-10. Figure out just what you really need to represent variety, skills and brevity. The idea here being, if you could only show 3, you put those up front, possibly saving one of those for the last. It seems as it is, you're pushing quantity too much.
at first i thought they were your textures since that info text is fairly small.
which obviously isn't good, being placed in the top rows those assets create an impression of quality of your texturing being lower than it actually is.
great job!
I hear ya. I am working on grouping the stuff together based off the project it is from. So all the Singularity stuff would be in one drop instead of how it is now. As well as redoing the renders on the hp and new grabs of the low polys with wires shown and polycounts as well.
Thanks for the crits sir
speaking of your models, you really need to beef up those edges! while your models are technically good with nice edgeflow, they look very boring because there simply aren't any edges to catch light.
I'd love to see larger thumbs. Sometimes I'm not sure what I'm clicking on.
Good design though.
Yeah I'm currently switching the thumbs over to more of the banner type like the one for Space Madness. I'll group everything from each project under that I think.
For larger groups perhaps 2 sub groups..
Singularity Environments
- contain all the enviro stuff I did
- any other enviro info
Singularity PropsRacer/Xoliul : I agree. The mats are probably one of the weakest areas. Was thinking of removing textured stuff that was not textured by myself and just including a lowpoly shot with the baked ao/edge highlights and normal maps applied. Show the wireframes and polycount with each ones as well.
That way it eliminates any doubts as to what is mine and what is not...
Plan is to combine older work (Singularity for example) into only a few pages.
Here are a few things that have been updated recentely...
Also plan on doing a tutorial video of my rendering method and presentation over the next few days.
i think you may have gone a little nuts with the render setup. stuff like the buggy (http://www.artbyjessemoody.com/images2/buggy_hp.jpg) is very much like a car render and makes complex designs like this look really busy and hard to read. imo you're better off keeping the colors (they're nice and simple) but sticking with a single light and a low gloss material so the edge bevels get shown off better.
Still a lot of work to clean up the old stuff to bring it inline with the newer layouts.
Well the hp renders at least. The ingame stuff will be much easier to transfer over.