Alright guys. I know you've probably been asked this 1000 million gabillion times, but I'm going to ask one more time. For someone starting out, which software package should one go with? I'm looking at either 3DS Max or Maya.
I'm planning on taking online classes, and am not sure which software package is better or even why. Why do people prefer one over the other. Is one geared more to game art and one towards films? Is there really even a difference between the two? With all of the collected talent and knowledge here at polycount, what do you guys suggest?
Thanks for any help and suggestions you guys can provide. I know it's a downer reading posts like this all the time.
Or for a more complete answer try this thread:
Don't you mean Maya or 3DS Max?
They're like condoms. One is ribbed the other is dotted and you still don't feel shit.)
Learning a software does not take too much time, what takes time is to be an artist.
Well, maybe for animation.
Alot of Animators say that Max and Maya are just tools but I think it's a little bit differently for 3D Art - In that case I'd be pointing more towards 3DSmax.
If you are learning on your own, there are a lot more online resources for Max so I would say go with that.
If you know a lot of people irl who are Maya users and can give you help in person or through IM I would recommend you do that.
You could also just try out both and see which one makes more sense to you and start learning it. Once you learn the principles of modeling, you can start to polish a workflow and decide which software really does it for you.
Good luck!:)
I'd say learn Maya (even though I prefer Max), simply because it seems easier to learn, and there's a lot of beginner/novice level tutorials for it.
But seriously, it really doesn't matter.
Screw Maya and Max, learn XSI for something different
jeramy79: if your starting out as a modeller id say max, animation maya.
I love XSI, started out learning Maya, then I discovered XSI. I haven't used maya since. XSI to me just seems like what maya could be, the UI, tools, shortcuts, material manager, etc etc all make more sense and work better, IMO. And now I'm trying to figure out this goofy app called 3DS Max.
But I wouldn't suggest learning XSI if you are trying to get a job right away, its not as popular, but its still used in the industry (Assassins creed Fable 2 & 3 and metal gear solid 4).
Thanks for your inputs. I know everyone hates these threads. Most of the ones I found were pretty old and I thought that maybe with the new 2010 and 2011 software packages things may have changed. I also noticed that alot of schools only teach Maya, and I was thinking that their may be a specific reason for that.
It's because they can teach Modeling, Animation and VFX classes in Maya. It saves them money not having to license more than one software package.
I think XSI is the best lol.
learn them all and choose what you like or what your company is using.
So my advice is flip a coin or try both and see which one sticks more for you.
I personally use XSI in a Max/Maya pipeline and have no problems. Some companies are cool with that, it just depends on where you end up. Autodesk is pushing it's FBX format to make a mixed pipeline as transparent as possible.
I like Max, hes my good buddy.
Maya on the other hand is like a good woman, used her a few times even though she wasnt my cup o' tea. Kicked her to the curb for another but she is always there waiting for me to come back if I so desire.
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oops haha used Empty's computer again...this is Cody