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TF2 Concepts: Need Ideas? You probably won't find them here, but have a look anyways!

Okay, I hope this isn't considered "bloggish" or anything like that, but I guess that's up to the moderators to decide.

So the general idea behind starting this thread is that I'm not exactly what some people might call "good" at modelling, and, being a poor bastard, can't afford classes or even software. However, my brain likes to taunt me with ideas and such, so I figure I might as well have a place to put them down where someone might be able to do something about it, and take the very vague concepts that float around my noggin all day and turn them into something concrete.

The reason I'm focusing almost entirely on Valve's Team Fortress is because I would like to eventually see these ideas go somewhere, and with the new Contribute! feature, as well as the recent Polycount Pack contest, there's always a chance that some of this might actually make it in game. Slim, but still a chance.

Nothing says my ideas will be good, or even decent, but I'm hoping that someone somewhere somehow will like this. And if you do so happen to use any of my ideas, please let me know so I can steal your spotlight and take credit for it. Or at least credit the original concept to me.

Now with that said, time to move on. So with the "Pack" theme of the contest, I've been mulling over a set of Engy items with something of a "Miner" theme. The first thing that came to mind was a wrench replacement. It's sort of a pick-axe, similar to the Soldier's Equalizer, but with Engy-tech additions. Maybe like a little camera wired to the head with a team colored LED on the side and a digital readout just above the hand grip. Kinda hard to picture, I know, hopefully I can get some (crappy) concept drawings up in time. As for a name, probably something along the lines of:

The Prospector

I've done the most fleshing out on that one. Some of my other ideas include a small mechanical canary in a cage as a pistol replacement, an explosives plunger to replace the remote detonator, and a bushy grey beard as a misc. item. Feedback please. More ideas, and (crappy) concept drawings to come.
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