The dangerous lives of altar boys
has a similar feel to it as stand by me, donnie darko, virgin suicides, chumbscrubber, etc. i'm a big fan of these brat pack movies.
Lord of the Rings : Fellowship of the ring
Lord of the Rings : Two Towers
Lord of the Rings : Return of the king
Final Fantasy : Spirit Within
Final Fantasy : Advent children
How to train your dragon
And the new one that just came out, not because of the play since they completely raped the entire concept of the original game and disney is very good at it..But the title of the game play and I am a big fan of it.
My favorite movie of all time is Aliens. Great writing, surprisingly capable cast, fantastic action, one of the creepiest movie monsters ever conceived, Michael Beihn and Bill Paxton in two of their best and most memorable roles, this movie has it all. It even has great character development. It starts off with a sizeable cast, but they whittle down the cannon fodder effectively, leaving us with core characters that they intend to develop. And just about every character gets to grow or develop in some way.
I'm glad someone else listed "The Mist." This film got a hard time from a lot of critics when it came out, but I've always really liked it. I kind of like to think of it as "Half Life: The Movie." It feels like what the Black Mesa incident would have felt like to the general populace.
Yeah well good luck on getting a western remake of this one. Something tells me pitching "kidnapped schoolchildren are forced to kill each other" doesn't exactly go over too well in Hollywood.
Dude, totally.. Love the Mist too. I think its the only movie Ive ever seen where I liked the movies ending more than the book/storys ending. The story was great, the movie was fantastic.
I'm surprised it's not listed here yet, here's mine: Even though I dislike Tom Cruise in real life, he plays his role extremely well here.
And of course, LOTR!
So pretty much everyones said all my faves so far except for:
But I also Love
The Last Samurai (already posted)
Grandmas Boy (already posted)
LOTR (already posted)
Star Wars (already posted)
Fight club (already posted)
Gladiator (already posted)
And if you watch or have watched any of these movies, you know why already.
I couldn't possibly pick my favorite movie of all time. Here are some of my favorites in no particular order:
Donny Darko
No Country For Old Men/The Assassination of Jesse James/There Will Be Blood
Lost In Translation
Three Kings
Catch Me If You Can
Good Fellas
Pulp Fiction
My favorite movie of all time? Impossible to just name one, so since you're asking for suggestions I'll just name movies I absolutely loved that you might not have watched.
Prince of Persia - New, and for me it's one of the most enjoyable fantasy romps I've seen since... actually it might be the best.
When I was a kid I read this novel about a boy who is transported by a wandering magician to a fantastic Persian setting. He gets the girl, defeats the villain and when everything is done he falls into the sea and wakes up to find he's still in the town, taking part in some magic trick. That story evoked a specific feeling that this film recaptured, and that's why I love it, flaws and all.
Moon - I was expecting suspense/horror, but instead got a surprisingly human sci-fi film. One of the best sci-fi movies I've ever seen.
Wings of Honneamise - Before Gainax made Evangelion or Gunbuster, it made Wings of Honneamise, the most underrated anime movie of all time. A rock solid mix of characterization, politics, tech, and an underlying current of hope that is damn near impossible to find in anime otherwise. This is a must watch anime film along with Grave of the Fireflies (watch this, watch this and cry bitch tears) and Akira.
Black Cat, White Cat - Serbian humor at it's absolute finest. If you aren't busting your sides laughing, you're probably boring and I don't care for you as a person.
they are releasing a new one in 2010.... this is maybe ironic in this forum...but I hope its done in traditional stop-motion! gives it a darker feeling...
and Event horizon because it's twisted and a bit like dead space. there are far too few sci fi horror/thrillers out there
and Brazil is also awesome!
Amen to not enough Sci-fi horror thrillers (though Pandorum was decent). I totally forgot about Brazil - That movie is pure distilled awesome-in-a-box.
This. You know what else is good?
The Dude abides.. STFU DONNIE
Yeah, I think almost everyone on this site has the same taste in movies. I'm pretty much a huge fan of every movie listed in this thread.
I know it's silly in so many ways but I still love it.
This one...
has a similar feel to it as stand by me, donnie darko, virgin suicides, chumbscrubber, etc. i'm a big fan of these brat pack movies.
need to add that to the list :P
Lord of the Rings : Two Towers
Lord of the Rings : Return of the king
Final Fantasy : Spirit Within
Final Fantasy : Advent children
How to train your dragon
And the new one that just came out, not because of the play since they completely raped the entire concept of the original game and disney is very good at it..But the title of the game play and I am a big fan of it.
Prince of persia.
I'm glad someone else listed "The Mist." This film got a hard time from a lot of critics when it came out, but I've always really liked it. I kind of like to think of it as "Half Life: The Movie." It feels like what the Black Mesa incident would have felt like to the general populace.
I wanted to be cool and post box art too!
Good to see some Tarkovsky representation
apparently this is too hard for some people
excellent movies in this thread!
Yeah well good luck on getting a western remake of this one. Something tells me pitching "kidnapped schoolchildren are forced to kill each other" doesn't exactly go over too well in Hollywood.
THis movie has had so much influence on me.
Favorite horror movie: Shutter, but the original Thai version, it's scary as hell!
Favorite drama/romance movie: Amelie: awesome, beautiful, artistic and original movie.
And of course, LOTR!
Really like City of God ^
and Event horizon because it's twisted and a bit like dead space. there are far too few sci fi horror/thrillers out there
and Brazil is also awesome!
...But Fantastic Mr.Fox is great.
But I also Love
The Last Samurai (already posted)
Grandmas Boy (already posted)
LOTR (already posted)
Star Wars (already posted)
Fight club (already posted)
Gladiator (already posted)
And if you watch or have watched any of these movies, you know why already.
EDIT: Who could forget this one
Does this really count as a movie? I mean its more a documentary right?
I love the narration and the tension in this movie. The whole thing feels like a good poker game.
Is it your favorite movie of all time?
As said though, more or less impossible to pick one really.
Unique and nice characters. Unpredictable plot. Enjoyable scenarios.
Donny Darko
No Country For Old Men/The Assassination of Jesse James/There Will Be Blood
Lost In Translation
Three Kings
Catch Me If You Can
Good Fellas
Pulp Fiction
Prince of Persia - New, and for me it's one of the most enjoyable fantasy romps I've seen since... actually it might be the best.
Moon - I was expecting suspense/horror, but instead got a surprisingly human sci-fi film. One of the best sci-fi movies I've ever seen.
Wings of Honneamise - Before Gainax made Evangelion or Gunbuster, it made Wings of Honneamise, the most underrated anime movie of all time. A rock solid mix of characterization, politics, tech, and an underlying current of hope that is damn near impossible to find in anime otherwise. This is a must watch anime film along with Grave of the Fireflies (watch this, watch this and cry bitch tears) and Akira.
Black Cat, White Cat - Serbian humor at it's absolute finest. If you aren't busting your sides laughing, you're probably boring and I don't care for you as a person.
...This movie is fuckin cool!
they are releasing a new one in 2010.... this is maybe ironic in this forum...but I hope its done in traditional stop-motion! gives it a darker feeling...
Amen to not enough Sci-fi horror thrillers (though Pandorum was decent). I totally forgot about Brazil - That movie is pure distilled awesome-in-a-box.