fantastic work, very impressive for the time you gave it as well! Out of curiosity was there any asset you spent particularly long on in comparison to the others?
Faerian: I don't recall spending proportionally more time on anything specific, except maybe blocking everything out and making sure everything was fitting properly.
obviously more complex assets take more time though.
here's a copypaste of the reasoning behind the scene and some inside stuff, etc :
I decided to create a one week stress test to evaluate the quality of my workflows and how fast I could get a full environment done, what I would have to sacrifice to go faster and yet maintain a decent look. Mainly because if you take months to create an environment, you don't evaluate your mistakes and can keep repeating bad workflows all the time without even noticing there's something bad. the rules were simple :
-no more than 10/20 minutes struggle on a problem, if it takes more, it either requires a super complex solution, or is a bad idea.
-keep texture quality as good as possible, yet try to spend as little time as possible on them, focusing mainly on color and value, if it reads as wood, it's wood, no need to slap in noisy textures to make up for bad base values.
-use the 3 point shader as a base for the texturing process, meaning I don't have to go back and forth between UDK and max/ps (avoiding to re import textures as much as possible)
-create all the shaders from scratch, yet try to use as many material instances as possible, shaders must contain the same qualities as the 3 point shader since I want a predictable look.
Fantastic scene! Really nicely done. I really like the honeycomb (I think?) light setup on the ceiling. I think one of my favourite things about this is the story or rather mystery of the scene. It's something that's so easy to forget to emphasize but can play such a crucial part into the quality of a scene, as is seen here.
Also, thanks for sharing some of your observations on your workflow. Great things to keep in mind.
another update on the renders, added some FX and touched up a few other things think I'll call it done now :
Faerian: I don't recall spending proportionally more time on anything specific, except maybe blocking everything out and making sure everything was fitting properly.
obviously more complex assets take more time though.
update :
flythrough video :
picz :
here's a copypaste of the reasoning behind the scene and some inside stuff, etc :
I decided to create a one week stress test to evaluate the quality of my workflows and how fast I could get a full environment done, what I would have to sacrifice to go faster and yet maintain a decent look. Mainly because if you take months to create an environment, you don't evaluate your mistakes and can keep repeating bad workflows all the time without even noticing there's something bad. the rules were simple :
-no more than 10/20 minutes struggle on a problem, if it takes more, it either requires a super complex solution, or is a bad idea.
-keep texture quality as good as possible, yet try to spend as little time as possible on them, focusing mainly on color and value, if it reads as wood, it's wood, no need to slap in noisy textures to make up for bad base values.
-use the 3 point shader as a base for the texturing process, meaning I don't have to go back and forth between UDK and max/ps (avoiding to re import textures as much as possible)
-create all the shaders from scratch, yet try to use as many material instances as possible, shaders must contain the same qualities as the 3 point shader since I want a predictable look.
The critics I have is the same as perna said about some things being to bright, and I also think the fabric on the couch looks to plasticish.
I understand that you had limited time on this, and had to draw the line somewhere, but I thought just to share my opinions.
Also, thanks for sharing some of your observations on your workflow. Great things to keep in mind.