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vfx software recommendations for making particle effects to render out for games

polycounter lvl 10
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AndyLittleton polycounter lvl 10

Can anyone recommend me a good vfx software recommendation for making custom particles effects and rendering them out for 16x16 etc on a single texture sheet, Im going to do image uv animation. This way i can put it on a single poly a very few polys. Doing this the game way

What software do you guys and gals recommend?


  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    I guess anything will do that can export the animation as a image sequence (i.e. frame_001.jpg, frame_002.jpg, frame_003.jpg, ...) with data you can then create a image strip or sprite table using for example:
    GlueIt (which preserves alpha transparency)
    xnView's contact sheet tool

    or some Photoshop actions with some time investment.

    So if you already have the creative suite perhaps AE? If you already know flash perhaps flash? or If you have the trials or software and skills perhaps nuke, combustion,...

    So first create the animation in any application , export it as a image sequence and finally batch it together using any tool that can do such.
  • AndyLittleton
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    AndyLittleton polycounter lvl 10
    Cool thanks for those tips and leads. I'll try out nuke and combustion. Haven't tried those programs before.

    I tried doing particle effects in maya but it takes time and there wasn't much of a libarary set. I was looking for something that was quicker and easier and wanted to learn a program that was dedicated on doing vfx
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