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Mabinogi Heroes - Vindictus

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Blaizer polycounter
Don't know if someone is following this game :), but if you don't know it, check out the link, Nexon USA will release it soon.

I've been followig the development of this game since its firsts days and it's an action mmo game that will please a lot of people. btw, it uses the source engine.



Europeans, like always, will need to wait :(


  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    I first learned about mabinogi because my studio does a lot of advertising for nexon, and I've gotta say, I am really excited about the newest mabinogi game that you linked us to. For a free to play, I can't think of any that look higher quality. I really hope it gets the recognition is deserves in the western audiences, because as it stands, it seems like no one has even heard of nexon and the various free to play games they make.
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