As some of you know, vrav, myself, and a few others have been beta testing this app for a while now, and are excited to see it released. The amazing DrPetter has coded the entire app from the ground up in these past few months, and has been so kind as to take a great deal of suggestions from the testers and implement them into the package. If you tried any of the alphas let me just say that the app has evolved tremendously sense them, and aside from the basic UI is hardly recognizable in its feature set.
So now to get us started, here's a some info to get everyone up to speed:
What is Sculptris?
Sculptris is a free 3D sculpting and painting application whos primary strength lies in its ability to dynamically tessellate a mesh while being sculpted on. This means that you can start with a simple shape like a sphere and pull out entire limbs from it, and Sculptris will automatically add geometry as needed.
Is it competitive with what you get in ZBrush/Mudbox/3DCoat?:
Sculptris has many of the same functions you'd find in traditional sculpting packages such as lazy mouse/stead stroke, transpose-like rotation/scale/move, masks, various camera settings including snap-to-axis/trackball/gimbal, full mesh or brush-based decimation, etc.
However it cannot handle the same amount of geometry these other packages can, and as such is recommended as a complementary application as opposed to a replacement.
Can it bake maps from high to lowpoly?:
No, But their are other very competent free apps like xnormal that already handle this.
Can I import/export non-triangulated meshes?:
You can import quad or quad+tri mixed meshes and it will export them as the were on import, so long as when sculpting you do not use dynamic tessellation (which will triangulate the whole mesh).
And for those of you who have used Sculptris alpha3, what's new?:
Way too much to list, but a general breakdown:
-Paint colors/bump/materials
-multi-object support
-whole mesh reduction/decimation and subdivide
-New camera control system
-Improved detail reduction brush
-Improved Hide and mask functionality
-clay brush
-lazy brush
-Brush alphas
-Material browser
-camera snap-to-axis
-Anti Ailiasing slider
-'Unify tool settings' toggle
-beautify/relax toggle
-FOV slider
-Import/export quad and mixed meshes
-'lock plane' on flatten
lol. shift already is smooth, ctrl is negative brush, and alt does rotate
edit: Oh yea, that's a glitch that happens to a few people, was one of two that couldnt quite get fixed during beta.
To fix it just get rid of all the materials other then 00default.png
After you close it it'll make a config file and should be able to put the other materials back in, not sure though sense I never had that issue.
Windows Vista ultimate
Intel i7 920
Nvidia GeForce GTX 285
In the materials is a corrupt image file. I dont know which one it is (yet) but if you copy all the material files (the images) to another directory for backup and leave just 00default.png in there it will work fine. Does anyone else have this problem?
thanks polyhertz I was a bit slow in posting there hehe. Thats wierd that the controls all work as they should now, last time I used sculptris was alpha 3 and it was all the wrong key shortcuts
The brushes feel a little weird to me, but I'm used to ZBrush, with a little bit of practise it will probably feel fine
same here it has this very mushy feel to it while zbrush tends to be shaper when you push and pull geometry . But i had the same feel when i tried mudbox a while back
Its like with the draw brush it draws creates new geometry, but what if I dont want to create any new geometry.
And the detail slider whats the difference between half detailed and three quarters detailed.
The mask seems to work wierdly.
If the detail slider is set all the way to the left (zero) it wont tessellate as you sculpt at all (toggle hotkey Q). The farther to the right the more geometry it'll add relative to the brush size when sculpting.
Mask is inverted, so using the mask brush hold ctrl+lmb to draw a mask, or just lmb to erase.
As for settings and all that (in options window). I change:
fov = 40
Unify tool settings = enabled
show symmetry line = disabled
beautify/relax mesh = disabled
All of those except for symmetry line were ones I rallied to get put in, so I better use them
Yep, its the culprit, the next build update (v101) on the site wont have it.
Also speaking of bugs, one that I dont think got fixed and that you guys might want to watch out for is a crash related to windows tooltips being enabled (where you hover over file/folder for popup info). It happens sometimes when opening the obj/mask import dialog multiple times. I simply turned them off in Windows to avoid it at the time, but just Just fyi.
I didn't feel very comfortable sculpting with this app. However, I find it's 2d tools to be quite awesome. Just placed plane, turned on symmetry and started drawing on it. Brush engine is kind of neat, precise enough to get what you want and rough enough to be loose with strokes Win
yeah, first time I ever heard of this program, but I really like it so far. I could never get used to 3d coat sculpting (which I occasionally use for creating a base mesh). However, I really do like the feel of Sculptris. Really nice. Actually, I always set the navigation controls in all my apps to what Sculptris is set at by default. So that was really refreshing to have for once.
But I'm wondering, is there a way to set my own hotkeys? Not sure if anyone answered this yet.
Also, is there a way to set up reference planes?
Lastly, is it possible to merge meshes together like you can with zbrush or 3d coat?
Great job on this app guys, can't wait to work it into my workflow.
Brad Myers - painting between two separate meshes sort of blends the seam but there is no dynamic mesh combination. That would be totally awesome though. Reference planes, you will have to load an image viewer on top, though you can load a new background - options, upper left is a background button. Useful for setting a solid colour bg too.
Here's a case where airbrush can be useful during sculpt mode. Say you have the clay draw tool with pressure set to size, and scale it up really huge - going into options, you can lower the pressure sensitivity slider all the way to the left, which should make smaller strokes a lot easier to do. But when you draw, it might be get choppy - spacing being relevant to brush size.
If you turn on airbrush, small strokes remain smooth.
Gosh. That's the most fun I've ever had sculpting. Such a good job.
It really feels organic too, how when you move (Grab) things around, there's this tiny jerk backwards as, I assume, the new faces are created, like playing with goo!
Im loving this program soo far, in less than a minute i started to use it like it ive ben using it for days, its soo easy to use and even if it looks simple its very powerful, i made a entire model out of it, textures included without any complications.
The tools are quite basic and they don't work well. Too many crashes, and very very slow, the perfomance is pathetic. Sorry if i sound harsh, but is how i feel about it. When i load a png (only 8 btis, 16 is a crash), the standard brush doesn't work as it should do.
My first impression, viewing the videos was good (i thought, "it could be useful" with that adaptative tesellation"), but when i tried it.. oh damn, this is not good. I've been trying to make something, and what i can do in minutes in Zbrush, it's like impossible to do with this app. The horrible dotted effect is also present in this app .
I can't complain cuz is free, but well, this is my impression.
i am probably already more comfortable with the key assignment and viewport navigation than i was in mudbox/zbrush.
but i did notice some performance issues, too. but that was only happening while messenger windows were blinking in the background and stuff like that: tabbing out and back into scupltris usually fixed the performance issues :P
i never had any crashes yet, but haven't tried loading custom brushes or anything fancy tho.
added image of my 30min sketch, has about 140k faces.
Blaizer: fyi I wouldnt go over 750k polys in it (shown in the bottom left of the viewport) else the brushes will lag bad. Dynamic tesselation is great but you have to be very mindful of overusing it, thats why their is both a regular whole-mesh decimation and a brush based decimation. Its a different workflow, but if you learn how to work within it the app can be very useful for blocking in ideas.
Also you say it crashes alot? Could you describe what you were doing for it to crash so we can narrow it down for future revisions? Crashes arnt that common for most, and even if it does crash it should reload the work from before the crash one you open the app back up.
For the dotting, in options you can change brush spacing, see if that helps.
Also, could you describe what you mean by "When i load a png (only 8 btis, 16 is a crash), the standard brush doesn't work as it should"?
Hey Blaizer, maybe you ran into the same problem I had. It was very very sluggish for me on XP32home, but I had great performance on XP64pro, with the same hardware (only a different HD.) Might be worth testing out ?
I agree that some stuff does not behave the way it 'should'. I was also hoping for more powerful stretching/deforming tools (like a clean extrude, or booleans, and so on). I am sure we feel the same about polygon cages always being superior to 'magic' voxel or tesselation sculpting hehe.
Very interesting program. The pinch is incredible, and the un-tesselate brush is fantastic. I actually tend to see it more as a detailing toolkit, than a blockout environment.
2D sketch > Slapping primitives together in Max > voxelisation > Real sculpting pass (Mud and Z) after maybe a quick retopo > detailling in Sculptiris ... sounds delicious!!!
When i want to use a custom image as alpha, if the png has 16 bit color depth, it crashes all the times on my machine (dual xeon 3+ghz + Vista 64). And when i was sculpting with the standard draw tool, i have had random crashes just only sculpting or changing the radius in the interface.
Also, i changed the spacing at 5%, but i still had dotting issues using custom alphas for fat details.
I'm very customed to work with zbrush/mudbox and i really find the workflow really weird. I'm still toying around, and i think this program could improve a lot, it has potential. It would be very useful to have various slots for the brush presets.
The reduce tool seems to only work at a certain distance, because sometimes i need to zoom the model to make it to work.
Another issue i have seen, is that sometimes, working with a custom brush, when sculpting, appears like a jitter making noise on the surface.
I miss the levels of subdivision, is there any way to go back?. To be working with "the highest" level it's not very practical imho.
Anyways, i find the tessellate very good for low poly models , it can be very handy.
I never really use brush masks in sculpt mode; they don't go on very cleanly unless you already have super dense geometry. It's not worth it to use them, IMO, unless it's just a simple circular brush mask - like a dot or conical fade, or a rake type texture. But even then, the spacing can be really noticable.
Standard draw is kind of useless, but if you click on clay and use soft grabs it's pretty much all you need to create anything, even small details... Other image-based detail texturing can be done in bump if need be.
I like the sound of that process pior - I think it's as PolyHertz said - Sculptris has a definite place as a 'companion' app to one's usual tools; despite its being able to take things all the way alone, it's more or less welcome at any stage if you can think of a use.
Gave it a try last nite, love it! The feeling of sculpting is natural, the navigation is like mudbox imo, would be nice if it can provide zbrush like navigation or some sort of hack lol
Anyway, so I put a background image for reference, and I don't know how to remove
*found it, replace with background file in \data
How does reduce brush work? And reduce selected? Does it work with mask? I have painted mask and when I reduce selected, everything got reduced.
I have been fooling around, and i could come with this after continuous crashes, nothing special and i'd say that with too much effort/time. The workflow and tools of sculptris are not done for me , with mudbox or Zbrush the workflow is way smoother and faster for me. That's something that could be improved for next releases.
I was going to try the painting, but i got another crash while creating the map :S.
Im not sure what could be causing so many crashes for you Blaizer...Obviously we went though alot of bugs during beta but the release is mostly bug free.
Try this: Go into your config.txt file and change mt_maxthreads to 1, see if that helps.
* I cant even get it to start!? it just says sculptris has stopped working looking for solutions - this is on a vista pc
edit: Oh yea, that's a glitch that happens to a few people, was one of two that couldnt quite get fixed during beta.
To fix it just get rid of all the materials other then 00default.png
After you close it it'll make a config file and should be able to put the other materials back in, not sure though sense I never had that issue.
It crashes on startup. Alpha worked fine.
Windows Vista ultimate
Intel i7 920
Nvidia GeForce GTX 285
In the materials is a corrupt image file. I dont know which one it is (yet) but if you copy all the material files (the images) to another directory for backup and leave just 00default.png in there it will work fine. Does anyone else have this problem?
thanks polyhertz I was a bit slow in posting there hehe. Thats wierd that the controls all work as they should now, last time I used sculptris was alpha 3 and it was all the wrong key shortcuts
Looking forward to trying it out, seems like it could be sweet for quick sculpt concepts
I dont suppose any has some hints of how and what tools to use. Like specific settings and work flow they use.
Not really; sculptris have such an easy interface that even a 5 year old kid can no need. But do check out their website for stuff.
The brushes feel a little weird to me, but I'm used to ZBrush, with a little bit of practise it will probably feel fine
Great stuff though, and a 3mb free download? Instant win.
But I'm only 4.:(
Its not my understanding or misunderstanding of the interface that may be the problem.
Its like with the draw brush it draws creates new geometry, but what if I dont want to create any new geometry.
For some reason all the tools stopped working except for the grab brush, not sure if thats mine or its error.
And the detail slider whats the difference between half detailed and three quarters detailed.
The mask seems to work wierdly.
edit: OK I figured out why the brushes werent working its because I had the brush mask enabled.
same here it has this very mushy feel to it while zbrush tends to be shaper when you push and pull geometry . But i had the same feel when i tried mudbox a while back
Btw is there a way to set hotkeys?
If the detail slider is set all the way to the left (zero) it wont tessellate as you sculpt at all (toggle hotkey Q). The farther to the right the more geometry it'll add relative to the brush size when sculpting.
Mask is inverted, so using the mask brush hold ctrl+lmb to draw a mask, or just lmb to erase.
As for settings and all that (in options window). I change:
fov = 40
Unify tool settings = enabled
show symmetry line = disabled
beautify/relax mesh = disabled
All of those except for symmetry line were ones I rallied to get put in, so I better use them
seems to be the culprit, so remove it and all should be good (was for me, at least).
Also speaking of bugs, one that I dont think got fixed and that you guys might want to watch out for is a crash related to windows tooltips being enabled (where you hover over file/folder for popup info). It happens sometimes when opening the obj/mask import dialog multiple times. I simply turned them off in Windows to avoid it at the time, but just Just fyi.
Yeah I just discovered how the detail works I added a heck ton of detail to the teeth without realising it. Thanks for info.
I like it much more than zbrush. Less likely to get the kinks and stretches.
the tesselation works well with adding sharp edges
But I'm wondering, is there a way to set my own hotkeys? Not sure if anyone answered this yet.
Also, is there a way to set up reference planes?
Lastly, is it possible to merge meshes together like you can with zbrush or 3d coat?
Great job on this app guys, can't wait to work it into my workflow.
Edit: Found out
Shortcut reassignment, you can use AutoHotkey - here is my ridiculous script, for example:
Brad Myers - painting between two separate meshes sort of blends the seam but there is no dynamic mesh combination. That would be totally awesome though. Reference planes, you will have to load an image viewer on top, though you can load a new background - options, upper left is a background button. Useful for setting a solid colour bg too.
If you turn on airbrush, small strokes remain smooth.
It really feels organic too, how when you move (Grab) things around, there's this tiny jerk backwards as, I assume, the new faces are created, like playing with goo!
The tools are quite basic and they don't work well. Too many crashes, and very very slow, the perfomance is pathetic. Sorry if i sound harsh, but is how i feel about it. When i load a png (only 8 btis, 16 is a crash), the standard brush doesn't work as it should do.
My first impression, viewing the videos was good (i thought, "it could be useful" with that adaptative tesellation"), but when i tried it.. oh damn, this is not good. I've been trying to make something, and what i can do in minutes in Zbrush, it's like impossible to do with this app. The horrible dotted effect is also present in this app
I can't complain cuz is free, but well, this is my impression.
Why call a software 1.x if it's like a beta?
Hey Cap, powerful? with a simple stone?
but i did notice some performance issues, too. but that was only happening while messenger windows were blinking in the background and stuff like that: tabbing out and back into scupltris usually fixed the performance issues :P
i never had any crashes yet, but haven't tried loading custom brushes or anything fancy tho.
added image of my 30min sketch, has about 140k faces.
Also you say it crashes alot? Could you describe what you were doing for it to crash so we can narrow it down for future revisions? Crashes arnt that common for most, and even if it does crash it should reload the work from before the crash one you open the app back up.
For the dotting, in options you can change brush spacing, see if that helps.
Also, could you describe what you mean by "When i load a png (only 8 btis, 16 is a crash), the standard brush doesn't work as it should"?
I agree that some stuff does not behave the way it 'should'. I was also hoping for more powerful stretching/deforming tools (like a clean extrude, or booleans, and so on). I am sure we feel the same about polygon cages always being superior to 'magic' voxel or tesselation sculpting hehe.
Very interesting program. The pinch is incredible, and the un-tesselate brush is fantastic. I actually tend to see it more as a detailing toolkit, than a blockout environment.
2D sketch > Slapping primitives together in Max > voxelisation > Real sculpting pass (Mud and Z) after maybe a quick retopo > detailling in Sculptiris ... sounds delicious!!!
Also, i changed the spacing at 5%, but i still had dotting issues using custom alphas for fat details.
I'm very customed to work with zbrush/mudbox and i really find the workflow really weird. I'm still toying around, and i think this program could improve a lot, it has potential. It would be very useful to have various slots for the brush presets.
The reduce tool seems to only work at a certain distance, because sometimes i need to zoom the model to make it to work.
Another issue i have seen, is that sometimes, working with a custom brush, when sculpting, appears like a jitter making noise on the surface.
I miss the levels of subdivision, is there any way to go back?. To be working with "the highest" level it's not very practical imho.
Anyways, i find the tessellate very good for low poly models
hope this helps
Standard draw is kind of useless, but if you click on clay and use soft grabs it's pretty much all you need to create anything, even small details... Other image-based detail texturing can be done in bump if need be.
I like the sound of that process pior - I think it's as PolyHertz said - Sculptris has a definite place as a 'companion' app to one's usual tools; despite its being able to take things all the way alone, it's more or less welcome at any stage if you can think of a use.
Anyway, so I put a background image for reference, and I don't know how to remove
*found it, replace with background file in \data
How does reduce brush work? And reduce selected? Does it work with mask? I have painted mask and when I reduce selected, everything got reduced.
I noticed many symmetrical meshes have huge seams down the center, can that be avoided in how we work, or just a side effect of Sculptris?
throttlekitty: Do you mean the symmetry line? That can be turned off in options.
I was going to try the painting, but i got another crash while creating the map :S.
Try this: Go into your config.txt file and change mt_maxthreads to 1, see if that helps.