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Subatomic Studios is looking for talented 3D artist!

Would you like to work with a highly successful award-winning game?

Subatomic Studios, the creators of Fieldrunners is looking for a very talented 3D artists for hire on a contract/freelance basis. While we're only open to contract/freelance at the moment, these positions may eventually evolve into a full-time position.

• Low poly/Hi poly modeling in 3DMax
• Basic Rigging skills in 3DMax
• 2-D texturing skills with Photoshop
• Ability to work within a highly stylized aesthetic, fit your work to that aesthetic
• Basic understanding of the English Language
• Functions to be performed
• Model and texture fun, stylized, RTS-like units. Characters and machines

Liking the RTS genre and having knowledge of games in it is a plus!

If you're interested and fit the description, please send you resume (or Curriculum Vitae), along with portfolio/art samples or website to jobs@subatomicstudios.com

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