- show/hide occluded geometry stops working midway project
- bevel shoots out single vertices like 200km into nowhere (happens alot)
- snap stops working randomly (sometimes i go back to an object and it works again)
- the bridge tool sometimes produces invisible geo, which you can see when you export the mesh and load it into maya or max
anyone else having the same issues ? iam using the 2.69version from graphicall.org
- show/hide occluded geometry stops working midway project
- bevel shoots out single vertices like 200km into nowhere (happens alot)
- snap stops working randomly (sometimes i go back to an object and it works again)
- the bridge tool sometimes produces invisible geo, which you can see when you export the mesh and load it into maya or max
anyone else having the same issues ? iam using the 2.69version from graphicall.org
I'm guessing that you mean 2.64.9? What is the revision number?
...- bevel shoots out single vertices like 200km into nowhere (happens alot)...
For this one specifically, watch where you place the mouse *before* initialising certain tools; the speed and distance the resulting edit travels increases a great deal the closer you are to the object - in other words makes sure the mouse is some distance from the object before pressing 'go'.
For this one specifically, watch where you place the mouse *before* initialising certain tools; the speed and distance the resulting edit travels increases a great deal the closer you are to the object - in other words makes sure the mouse is some distance from the object before pressing 'go'.
I've suggested before that a kind of 'safezone' would be nice here, where you can never got to the point where 1 pixel makes the difference between a thin bevel (or whatever, every tool suffers from this) and shooting off into space.
For this one specifically, watch where you place the mouse *before* initialising certain tools; the speed and distance the resulting edit travels increases a great deal the closer you are to the object - in other words makes sure the mouse is some distance from the object before pressing 'go'.
thats not the case
the bevel works on the whole edge just fine, but at one point in the curve it shoots out, but only the verts from the one point, points behind that behave like they should and bevel correctly
and no, they are not outside of any loops or crossing another loop. i have no idea why this happens
my fix right now is to delete the verts and reconstruct them -.-
sadly i cannot show you any screens or provide the files because of nda, i will try to reproduce this at home on the weekend
i could reproduce it. no modifiers on the object, just a cylinder with extrusions and scaling
yes, you are right, its 2.64.9 (r52177)
it was a typo on my side
yes, you are right, its 2.64.9 (r52177)
it was a typo on my side
That bug was fixed in the official 2.65. Someone noticed it in one of the release candidates and iirc they actually held back the release until it was fixed.
Which RAM cache are you talking about specifically?
The one in User Preferences>System. In the middle of the panel, at the bottom. You're supposed to be able to increase that to as much RAM as you have to load more video into RAM etc.
That bug was fixed in the official 2.65. Someone noticed it in one of the release candidates and iirc they actually held back the release until it was fixed.
downloaded the 2.65 build today and worked with it.
didnt have any bevel error until now. snap worked everytime so far.
occlusion stuff still broken
didnt test bridge (well, i can live with a broken bridge anyway)
quite happy so far
btw, most used tool since implementation : vertex slide, i love it so much
also, just to share with you :
i get mocked at work for using blender =(
"why dont you use maya?"
^haha well i prefer blender to maya too i mean it has interactive bevel, that vertex slide, edge slide, loop insert and inset tools and i can use it damn fast too.
i get mocked at work for using blender =(
"why dont you use maya?"
Why use an expensive tool like Maya if a free tool like Blender does what you need? If Maya is what you prefer, that's fine. It's silly to mock people because they found a tool that doesn't have mainstream appeal. At the end of the day, a hammer is a hammer, whether a ball peen or claw, so long as you get the job done. People tend to oppose non-conformity.
Is middle mouse button behavior hardcoded in transformation mode?
I'd like to have custom hotkey, which while pressed activates grab tool and immediately activates ineractive choose axis mode. And when released confirms transformation.
Just can't figure it out how to make it.
I'm not sure there is a single key function that does that by default, you might be able to create a custom hotkey but it could be tricky because you would be mapping several actions to the same key.
I thought MMB should be in transform modal map but it isn't.
I'd even mess with python if i knew it is possible but I can't find it in API refernce either. I'm new to blender and I feel that I'm missing something.
If you select something holding the RMB for a bit and move the mouse it automatically switches into grab, if you press and hold the MMB at this time it lets you snap to the nearest axis, press LMB to complete or RMB to cancel at any time. I think this is what you mean?
No. I want to set MMB to act like "sticky key" in XSI. It should activate grab tool with nearest axis snapping mode only while i'm holding it.
I intend to use this setup with my wacom. It should work roughly like this:
1. I'm in selection mode and use pen tip to select vertices. I won't accidentally move anything because grab tool isn't active.
2. I press pen side button (or keyboard shortcut) and move selected vertices when I want them to be.
3. I release pen side button and I'm in selection mode again.
I hope this make sence. Again, this is how XSI works.
There is no 'select mode' that I'm aware of, you can select verts, edges, faces, whatever by right clicking on them in edit mode. You can hold shift to select multiple ones. The closest thing I think to a 'select mode' is the circle brush select tool (press c in edit mode) which lets you select verts with the lmb with a circle/brush that you can change the size of. You can quickly switch into grab by dragging a selection as I describe above and axis snapping can be done by typing the axis letter or the MMB thing I described. I'm sure there's a way to map these things if you'd like to change them around, I believe cgcookie has a good video tutorial on mappings and hotkeys.
That's a very interesting perspective considering how often people here promote learning basic drawing skills as a fundamental step to gaining good digital art mastery. I started on Gmax, graduating to 3DS later on and then moved away from that to Blender because its workflow fits my way of thinking better than Autodesk software ever did. It let's me think spatially about the interface rather than contextually, which fits a visual/tactile learner such as I am. It also allows my right and left brain to work together to accomplish things faster than working entirely in one side.
This is what I've noticed as I started using Blender! Back when I downloaded maya and 3ds max to learn how things are done i found that the menus and shortcuts require me to stop what i'm doing to find the tool and continue. Being a person who does everything in my head i found blender to be the most amazing tool to get what's in my head or on m napkin out to my screen.
There's a few things i wish they'd put more work into like turning the sculpting tool into a mudbox/zbrush (or maybe i didn't find the tutorial for it since i've been busy lately) but i know i refuse to return to a nearly menu driven program to make 3d assets. I like my pencil on the paper.
There's a few things i wish they'd put more work into like turning the sculpting tool into a mudbox/zbrush (or maybe i didn't find the tutorial for it since i've been busy lately) but i know i refuse to return to a nearly menu driven program to make 3d assets. I like my pencil on the paper.
Next version is looking to possibly have dyntopo merged in trunk. It will let you sculpt and generate topology on the fly similar to Sculptris. It's pretty cool.
The notion of left brain / right brain is bs apparently. Not disagreeing with your post or anything, but you might want to avoid that metaphor/myth.
Actually, the left hemisphere has motor control of the right side of your body and vice versa. I think that's what he was getting at. In other words, two hands are better than one. But I think it's more that you rarely have to leave the workspace to access tools that makes blender so efficient. If you don't have to jump to the menu bar or a drop-down on one side of the screen or the other, you can work much faster.
Next version is looking to possibly have dyntopo merged in trunk. It will let you sculpt and generate topology on the fly similar to Sculptris. It's pretty cool.
@Fyreus, actually i wouldn't call max and maya that menu driven, you just never took the time to learn they keys and the marking menus, i can go for days in maya without needing to get anything from the menus, just by using marking menus like mouse gestures, and knowing the keys.
@Fyreus, actually i wouldn't call max and maya that menu driven, you just never took the time to learn they keys and the marking menus, i can go for days in maya without needing to get anything from the menus, just by using marking menus like mouse gestures, and knowing the keys.
The marking menu is what i'm talking about. it's all context related and menu driven. i'm not here to pick a fight or anything, but i don't want to spend most of my time looking for things. The gesture thing is a pet peeve of mine especially on droid apps
Next version is looking to possibly have dyntopo merged in trunk. It will let you sculpt and generate topology on the fly similar to Sculptris. It's pretty cool.
Just treated myself to a years Blender Cookie citizenship! Their citizen tuts just got too tempting. Hope they've a good year planned!
I would like to vouch that the BlenderCookie guys are awesome. I had to cancel my subscription (because I'm a poor student), and they offered to refund the month I just paid for. Thanks guys.
no, I mean object mode, edit mode, sculpt mode, pose mode ect. It would be great to get it working like that though.
Yes you can, under Input in the preferences expand '3D View' and under 'Object Non-modal' those are the hotkeys. You can expand each of them to see what they refer to, many are not set so you may want to 'Add New'.
Ideally I'd like to have them in a menu I can pick from, like the menu you can already use to select what mode you want, but bound to a key so it appears around the mouse pointer rather than being attached to the window header.
Nathan Vegdahl's Blender 2012 Experimental Keymap does that - Unfortunately, it requires a little extra scripting since Blender doesn't have it by default.
I'm not sure the easiest way to do it, but you need to add everything from "class Modeswitch..." to the end to whatever your current keymap is. I have it set to the hotkey tab.
import bpy
import os
wm = bpy.context.window_manager
kc = wm.keyconfigs.new(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(__file__))[0])
class ModeSwitchMenu(bpy.types.Menu):
""" A menu for switching between object modes.
bl_idname = "OBJECT_MT_mode_switch_menu"
bl_label = "Switch Mode"
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
layout.operator_enum("object.mode_set", "mode")
bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT', toggle=False)
# Map Object Non-modal
km = kc.keymaps.new('Object Non-modal', space_type='EMPTY', region_type='WINDOW', modal=False)
kmi = km.keymap_items.new('object.origin_set', 'C', 'PRESS', shift=True, ctrl=True, alt=True)
kmi = km.keymap_items.new('wm.call_menu', 'TAB', 'PRESS')
kmi.properties.name = 'OBJECT_MT_mode_switch_menu'
Thanks for that xrg. I'm playing around with the experimental keymapping in the most recent build, and it's actually really nice, especially if you're used to other packages. Some things are just a lot more logical. I'd say it's worth first giving it a try as it is, no scripting of the default needed, if people are looking into a different configuration.
Yeah, I really like the direction he's going with it so far. I think it'll remove a lot of the steep learning curve problems of Blender. He still has more stuff planned in this email - but progress on it has been kind of slow since he's busy with other stuff. Just the way volunteer work goes I suppose.
Thanks xrg!! Got it working. I bound it to q party because I like it and partly because I couldn't be bothered to work out what else tab was bound to. I never quite worked out the hotkey editor, to find existing keymappings do you usually just export the map and search in there or is there a way to do it inside the ui?
- show/hide occluded geometry stops working midway project
- bevel shoots out single vertices like 200km into nowhere (happens alot)
- snap stops working randomly (sometimes i go back to an object and it works again)
- the bridge tool sometimes produces invisible geo, which you can see when you export the mesh and load it into maya or max
anyone else having the same issues ? iam using the 2.69version from graphicall.org
Which RAM cache are you talking about specifically?
I've suggested before that a kind of 'safezone' would be nice here, where you can never got to the point where 1 pixel makes the difference between a thin bevel (or whatever, every tool suffers from this) and shooting off into space.
thats not the case
the bevel works on the whole edge just fine, but at one point in the curve it shoots out, but only the verts from the one point, points behind that behave like they should and bevel correctly
and no, they are not outside of any loops or crossing another loop. i have no idea why this happens
my fix right now is to delete the verts and reconstruct them -.-
sadly i cannot show you any screens or provide the files because of nda, i will try to reproduce this at home on the weekend
i could reproduce it. no modifiers on the object, just a cylinder with extrusions and scaling
yes, you are right, its 2.64.9 (r52177)
it was a typo on my side
How awesome is this!!! Hopefully he does it for every trunk release. Very purdy.
The one in User Preferences>System. In the middle of the panel, at the bottom. You're supposed to be able to increase that to as much RAM as you have to load more video into RAM etc.
downloaded the 2.65 build today and worked with it.
didnt have any bevel error until now. snap worked everytime so far.
occlusion stuff still broken
didnt test bridge (well, i can live with a broken bridge anyway)
quite happy so far
btw, most used tool since implementation : vertex slide, i love it so much
also, just to share with you :
i get mocked at work for using blender =(
"why dont you use maya?"
Why use an expensive tool like Maya if a free tool like Blender does what you need? If Maya is what you prefer, that's fine. It's silly to mock people because they found a tool that doesn't have mainstream appeal. At the end of the day, a hammer is a hammer, whether a ball peen or claw, so long as you get the job done. People tend to oppose non-conformity.
I'd like to have custom hotkey, which while pressed activates grab tool and immediately activates ineractive choose axis mode. And when released confirms transformation.
Just can't figure it out how to make it.
I'd even mess with python if i knew it is possible but I can't find it in API refernce either. I'm new to blender and I feel that I'm missing something.
I intend to use this setup with my wacom. It should work roughly like this:
1. I'm in selection mode and use pen tip to select vertices. I won't accidentally move anything because grab tool isn't active.
2. I press pen side button (or keyboard shortcut) and move selected vertices when I want them to be.
3. I release pen side button and I'm in selection mode again.
I hope this make sence. Again, this is how XSI works.
This is what I've noticed as I started using Blender! Back when I downloaded maya and 3ds max to learn how things are done i found that the menus and shortcuts require me to stop what i'm doing to find the tool and continue. Being a person who does everything in my head i found blender to be the most amazing tool to get what's in my head or on m napkin out to my screen.
There's a few things i wish they'd put more work into like turning the sculpting tool into a mudbox/zbrush (or maybe i didn't find the tutorial for it since i've been busy lately) but i know i refuse to return to a nearly menu driven program to make 3d assets. I like my pencil on the paper.
Next version is looking to possibly have dyntopo merged in trunk. It will let you sculpt and generate topology on the fly similar to Sculptris. It's pretty cool.
Only issue is that it seems everything in blender is customizable, except middle mouse button, lol.
Actually, the left hemisphere has motor control of the right side of your body and vice versa. I think that's what he was getting at. In other words, two hands are better than one. But I think it's more that you rarely have to leave the workspace to access tools that makes blender so efficient. If you don't have to jump to the menu bar or a drop-down on one side of the screen or the other, you can work much faster.
*takes off his glasses*
I didn't get anything for christmas. This will make up for it in so many ways.
The marking menu is what i'm talking about. it's all context related and menu driven. i'm not here to pick a fight or anything, but i don't want to spend most of my time looking for things. The gesture thing is a pet peeve of mine especially on droid apps
Yeah hitting space to find stuff in Blender instantly is so handy.
Dynamic Topology Sculpting confirmed
I played with it a little. Has a few little oddities with stray vertices sometimes, but overall works pretty well.
We've got some really fun stuff planned
I would like to vouch that the BlenderCookie guys are awesome. I had to cancel my subscription (because I'm a poor student), and they offered to refund the month I just paid for. Thanks guys.
are you referring to the vert, edge and face mode?
if yes it;s on control+tab
Yes you can, under Input in the preferences expand '3D View' and under 'Object Non-modal' those are the hotkeys. You can expand each of them to see what they refer to, many are not set so you may want to 'Add New'.
*edit gah, beaten by Gestalt!
edit: ok it appears to be view3d.mode_menu added in the same section
edit2: nevermind that appears to be part of a plugin
edit: I was using this for a while before, then I couldn't get it working, bu t I just saw theres a new update for it, http://blenderartists.org/forum/showthread.php?267414-Pie-Menus-(2-66)-Update-01-09-13
I'm not sure the easiest way to do it, but you need to add everything from "class Modeswitch..." to the end to whatever your current keymap is. I have it set to the hotkey tab.