Polycount could use an ode to Indie games topic! Post your favorite Indie games w/screenshots, videos, your reviews, and links or what platform to get them on!
I'll kick it off with a game most of you are already probably familiar with; World of Goo which can be found on Steam & Wii Ware;
Got this gem off Steam for dirt cheap and it is easily more addicting than many high budget titles, you build physics based bridges towards the goal with your goo balls, every map has different challenges and the goo balls have different properties to mix things up.
My first published title happens to be one; Foreign Legion: Buckets of Blood. You can get it on Steam (and some other online retailers) for a few dollars. Some European residents can also find it in the store I believe.
Its a simple third-person shooter in a cartoon coating. Other than that, Torchlight is probably my favorite indie game!
Aquaria is a awesome metroidvania style game for the PC/Mac. I liked everything about it, the art, sound, story and most importantly gameplay.
The world map is much like any classic metroidvania game, massive and gives you a sense of non linearity. Only difference is since this game is based underwater, the maps are designed to allow 360 degrees movement instead of the classic side scrolling formula, which results in much bigger zones.
The controls are quite unique, especially the "singing abilities". Theres controller support or you could use the mouse alone if you wish. Of course theres some hotkeys as well and you can even use WASD. Its also fully customizable so it accommodates everyone.
There are a bunch of forms and a couple of spells you use by inputting a certain combo of notes to play a tune, much like the ocarina in zelda: ocarina of time. I actually played through 90% of the game before realizing these spells can be hotkeyed... so each time I used them I had to remember the tune and quickly spam it out while im being chased by multiple mobs or have 10 projectiles behind me - this actually made it really challenging and fun (but I guess only if you like that kinda stuff, it reminded me of playing street fighter
Biggest difference in gameplay feel from other metroidvania games is that this is very fast and fluid. Its like putting Sonic into the genre!
Its moddable too, the editor is very cool (video below the trailer)
It's definitely a lot more fun to use it with a stylus, or heck your finger if your PC supports it. Game is 4 bucks on steam ATM.
Can Trine be considered indie? I mean, Torchlight also isn't indie, technically. If Trine is considered indie, it's an awesome indie game. [ame]
A bit pricy at 20 bucks on steam though, so you might want to wait for a sale/discount weekend.
Torchlight was self-funded and self-published on the steam platform, and runic still to this day is a nonpublisher studio.
and as far as I know, trine hasn't been under a publisher for trine either, just for getting it to some platforms, so I'd put it under the indie definition too.
Machinarium! It's such an awesome game, I absolutely love the visual style! Clicky!
I'm going to have to buy torchlight now, any game that doesn't use a publish gets my support.
Picture bobby kottick physicly giving birth to torchlight, and then breastfeeding it through all its infancy, the game is so awesome that even then you'd want to buy it.
Oh and yeah, seems like the Humble Indie Bundle made a cool $1M in about 7 days :P
I'mma go sleep now.
Official website
Trailer i found on youtube!
Game by some friends of mine. Haven't had a chance to play the final version yet, but it's been getting some great reviews!
The other one is Machinarium (posted up top) I've been wanting that game for SOOOO long, it just looks so beautiful.
I was going to get AC2 for the PC, but the DRM and $60 bucks is a bit much. I'd rather pay $60 for a ton of great indy games.
Also, if you're not playing Give Up Robot you are now.
Heres 2 games i'm looking forward to massively. I really hope they get released on PC.I love sillhouette games.
and Spelunky!
Also, follow some tutorials! Because unlike 98% of games today this game actually NEEDS one.. :P It's insanely complex, and there's no ingame tutorials or hints & tips.
available on iphone for like 1 dollar!!! It's awesome
An old work mate of mine just released his first indi game on Steam - a rather good old school adventure game and Monkey Island homage. Demo is worth checking out at the least.
(no idea how to do the youtube thingy)
This teaser segment features Edmund McMillen of 'Team Meat' discussing his childhood, his games and the connections between.
Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet:
Shatter - Best Breakout clone ever made
Available on ps3 and steam
Frozen Synapse- Turn based birds eye view squad game.
Available at the website
Revenge of the Titans- Fast pased, loose tower defence
And my favourite freeware game of all time
Rescue the beagles - http://www.16x16.org/category/rescue-the-beagles/
You need this game in your life for those small time gaps
Not indie