Dear Polycount,
I am absolutely thrilled to announce that I'll be working at Vigil Games as a Character Art Intern! Along with Mazvix, the next few weeks I will be spending my time packing and relocating to Austin, TX!!! I can only pretend to be able to express my excitement to everyone through the internet here

Big thanks to polycount (and those I met at GDC) for all of the support!
J/K, Grats man, that's fucking awesome!
I tried going for it as well, but it wasn't open to international applicants
Best of luck at Vigil as it's an awesome opportunity.
I am super happy for us and those who are getting jobs. Looks like I will have a new friend to hangout with over at Texas.
Lol I cannot beleive it came out to be you lady, the same person who critiqued my website
Anyways, I'm glad a polycount guy got it, and I'm really happy for you dude.
Big congrats, Crystel; what a fantastic gig!
Expect a permanent hire right after...jking
Good luck
Great studio to get into and learn from.
Must be a great thought to leave the less than creative mil sim modeling behind.
CJE/ Mazvix - definitely not trying to steal anything here, I'm happy you two have jobs as well! I'll be seeing you at Vigil Mazvix
Emil- Thanks and sorry to hear you're still looking. I've gone through quite a lot of ups and downs since GDC regarding job prospects, interviews I felt went perfectly and ended up falling through, I'm glad something finally worked out, and something absolutely fantastic at that! Just keep trying and keep working on your own stuff (you probably already know that).
Brad/ ericdigital- I'll admit I was wondering if I should post or not because I knew other polycounters had applied. Rest assured you have no idea what this means to me, and I'd probably have to write up a whole essay to describe it, so the job didn't go to someone who's taking it for granted or considering this as just a 'job'. I really hope you guys find something!
Cody- Hahaha, thanks man, I appreciate that
Vailias- Military simulation has been slowly eating away at the artist inside of me. I guess on the bright side of doing all that for a year, even as an intern it's hard to imagine any task I'd be assigned that'll be anywhere near as tedious, boring, uncreative, mind-numbing, etc. Now not only do I get to get back into the gaming industry, but I get to do what I love at a company I idolize among some amazing artists as part of a project I'm extremely interested in. I really couldn't have asked for more.
disanski- You're right! I should definitely finish that thing up! I had gotten a little discouraged chasing the dream of being a character artist with that one and decided to work on some personal hard surface work since it seems to suit both environments and characters. Now I've got no reason not to go back!
Vcortis- Thanks