I'm trying to bake my lightmaps using 3ds max.
I have a pretty complex scene, about 150 objects.
I unwrapped all of them with an automatic unwrapper , which i have set to channel 2.
Now my question is how do i combine the resulting 150 lighmaps, fast and easy but more importantly HOW DO I GET THEM TO SHOW UP IN THE VIEWPORT ?
I need to have one lightmap for the entire scene.
I could make individual materials for each object, but that seems like the wrong way to go.
Need help, fast
And yes it MUST be done in 3ds max.
If so, it should be fine and you need a shader or setup a max material to combine the various textures you have in the way you want.
If not, try to do it that way~? If you have more specifics please divulge them and more detailed solutions can be offered.
I'm not sure on your exact setup/requirements so I can't be more specific than this though, sorry.
then find a shader you like that supports light mapping and set up the material
you can bake the light maps without attaching but i think it would be a bigger pain to keep one lightmapt texture for all
for the next part it depends on what you want to display them with. if it's something like shaderfx you can just multiply it on top of the diffuse. most of the realtime viewport shaders have a slot for a lightmap aswell.
if you want to render it or something you could play with a blend material and see if that gets you what you want. no 100% sure on that since ive never needed something like that
edit: wow i shouldnt take so long for writing my answers
Also i must present them in a .max file.
I think i will merge and break everything and see what that does to help me. Thanks Rhinokey.
A lot of my objects are instances , i should make them unique and keep them that way so each one has different channel 2 UV's , right ?
i want to use xoliul' shader , which now supports lightmaps. For this i will be eternally grateful.
good luck dude!
Thanks cw and divi for the help. will keep you posted if i ever manage get a decent result.
If your using MR try making sure the meshes are closed. We did some lightmapping with MR at work a while ago and it refused to bake open meshes. we used a cap holes modifier and moved the caps off the main UV tile. worked fine after that.
We also had some issues with totally white or black maps. We found rendering them with a 32bit frame buffer and as .HDR files we could set the exposure iin photoshop. Im sure theres a better workflow but its worth being aware of
Finish up my scene just now.
And i must THANK YOU all for the great support , shaders, plugins and whatnot .
I could NOT have done it whithout you guys.
You are ALL that AWESOME.