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Fireraven Game Studio

(Unregistered company)


About the project
Trails of 13 is a 2D cross-platform, platform game. Trails of 13 has a deep storyline to it, the game focuses on giving the players an enjoyable emotional storyline while also giving them a fun game play experience. You play as a character by the name of 13, who is running missions for an organization by the name of Trec.
The aim of this project is to incorporate a deep storyline that engulfs the player into the game, this will hopefully allow the player to connect with characters in the game. While at the same time having fantastic visuals and an addictive game play.
Project Main focus
The main focus of this project is to let it be as creative as possible. It will have different game play mechanics that other side-scroller platformers, an innovative art style(not like many of the pixelated games, this will focus on digital paintings), a different game play than other platformers, allowing the player to use the environment to do what they need, as well as talk with other characters on the game.
Emotional storyline
Deep Characters
interactive environment
a variety of attacks and controls
C++ and OpenGL
At the end of the project, percentages will be paid to those who helped and will be determined by the amount of people and how much work was done.
Extra Stuff
At the moment I have contacts with Assyria games and have entered an NDA with them, They are somewhat helping us out in giving advice and in the future we may collaborate on a project together.
Forums: http://fireravens.com/Forums


Short-term Plan
The Short term plan is to complete this project, we will focus on completing this project before making any plans for the future.
Long-term plan
Complete this project and move on to other better ones.
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