Hello. I'd like to start a general thread on composition for images.
The single most important skill you can develop when rendering or taking screenshots of your art is composition. Feel free to discuss and ask questions about composition and post images you find intriguing.
Some basic food for thought when composing images:
1) What are you trying to showcase?
2) Where do you want the eye of the viewer to go?
3) What's the message?

I don't really think there's a point to posting a piece that you don't want it to be critiqued, this isn't an art show case forum.
i'll be posting other methods such as rule of thirds, the golden section and diagonal framing.
kudos for kicking this off AJR.
marshalls site... https://www.marshallart.com/HOME/reviews/composition/
This is a good starting point for appealing images^
Knowing the rules, helps you break them successfully.
composition in 3d space is slightly different, anyone studied feng shui?
good book - applies to everything, not just outdoor painting.
I thought feng shui was about the alignment of positive and negative Qi energy? How is that even doable in a computer?
Point taken :P
here's an interesting article on guiding techniques in games. it goes over the rules of composition as well. check it out!
Push And Pull by Clement Melendez
Composition for Artists - YouTube