Hi again!
I'm creating a scene into max. so I need some suggestions on how to modify my models.
I have a wholescene.max which contains my whole scene of cource!
and I create other models like trees in the seperate files. when I want to check them in my whole scene, I have to arrange them there. and If results was not good enough, should change my tree in it's original file and import and arrange them again.
well it's very time consuming to work on this pipeline.
I can not arrange my models with XRef import mode too. because it will give just a dummy and I can't arrange other instances from that dummy.
well here I am! :poly114b:
is there any other ways manage this kind of scenes?
tis teh awesome!!1
i would further organise your scene by useing container for chunks of area, then colour coding the objects within, with several containers open for edit you can then use the select by colour tool (hotkey it) to easily isolate types, within areas
i could merge them and export them back to xref files. load them with their default materials or apply new ones.. and in general do anything i needed to do.
I'm not sure what you were doing..
what i am doing now doesn't require the use of xref or containers much unless when we make cinematics.. but are they really that much different than xref objects? and in what way? (other than that it is a different file format that i am loading)
i can't see any different functionality than what i could previously do with xrefs..
theyre basically a nice friendly way of partitioning scenes...so you can have the container in your scene but not loaded then if your exporter works with them correctly, will export the unloaded ones saving a shit ton of memory in big scenes. you only need to have the container your working on loaded if you want to use say a neighboring section as reference you can load it in, however you need to make a slight change so you click the edit button fix it, click the save button, everyone else who has that container loaded will see the edit, you could do most of this with xrefs, but it would be alot more painfull, im loving the container system
this scene is for a video game. basically I created that with template models and simple objest to get my overview of whole scene and design.
any other ideas would be helpful.
I did not understand you well. I grouped same models like trees, shops and .. and this way I can modify them separately. what do you mean by chunks of areas?