Ok, time to start up this tread for some feedback on my latest UDK project. The goal is to create a somewhat functional demo of my game concept which is called "COLONY 28".
COLONY 28 is basically a mystery / exploration game with gameplay that is a mix of games like myst and bioshock. As a boy named Malcholm, the player must explore the vacant underground mining colony that he and his father live in. There are no other characters in the game so the game play will be mainly focused on Malcholms interaction with the environment.
The colony is similar to rapture from bioshock in that it is an isolated colony of people, it is dark, moody, and also decrepit. The overall theme of the colony is art neuveau.
The timeline for this project will be the next six months. So by that time I should have at least a chunk of this game completed.
Character development pipeline:
Final Concept:
Its worth noting that Malcholm carries with him a lantern depicted in the concept. this is used to illuminate areas that are dark. Malcholm is very scared of the dark so this is a very useful item.
but i don't understand the mix you did of the jacket of the lower boy and the pants of the uper boy, right now it looks a bit like a dress he wears over his shirt, which is somewhat strange, but unusual so i'm not 100% sure if i like it or not
Good luck with this! I want it!
to Neox and oxynary: i have had other people tell me they don't like the froc either, do you think I should get rid of it or are there any minor changes that would make it better?
very quick and dirty mood piece. I am mostly trying to find my direction with this any any later mood pieces. They are by no means the final concepts. This one is for a hall in the metro station of the residential quarters.
another super quicky mood painting. idk if i am liking them so much or not, but its a start.
another metro mood piece. i like this on a lot. so this one will probably make it to the demo for sure. but tell me what you all think.
I'm leaning a bit towards Neox's statement though - not quite sure if I like the "dress" type overshirt that the boy has. It's like a bad mix between a welder's smock and overalls.
Love the way you do your concepts though, seems very efficient
another mood piece.
This one depicts the flower house. the flower house is essentially a small room that connects to the residential hall. inside the room there are flowers packed onto every wall of the brightly illuminated room. at the back of the room there is a desk and register. This is where the people of the colony buy their flowers. flowers are a very important part of the colony because they remind the people of the surface.
This is a very comforting room for Malcholm. he enjoys spending time here and his courage bar will replenish itself when he is in this room. There are also some useful items to find in this room.
quik update on malcholms costume
Here is a Preview of Malcholms House. This is the standard home model for his neighborhood in the colony. I want the architecture to be pure art neuvaeu.
Another quick update on the Environment of my Demo. OK, I have decided to start this game by modeling malcholm's house and the small street area his house is located in. I have a rough map and WIP concept going for his street. I am currently working on the concept art and layout for the interior of malcholm's house. Meanwhile, I have alo started the exterior house in 3d. WILL POST SOON!
if you need any help on the characters, give me a call
I'm loving your new style you picked up
I'm liking the designs so far, really different approach.
Keep up.
Here is a little update. I am starting on 3d!
First Asset! Lantern!
This is an item malcholm uses to light his way. Since this is a UDK mod. This item will essentially be a weapon. The game is first person so anytime malcholm has his lantern equipped the player will see it.
This is an important asset because the player will use this item A LOT.