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  • marlfox8
    hey guys, is my anatomy getting better(probably not):p
  • Devin Busha
    Hard to tell at this point. You could really use some more studies for comparison. Draw more and try not to post unless you've got something to show. I stopped by your sketchbook a few times before and saw a lot of "drew this, don't have time to post that" kind of stuff. It's great that you're so enthusiastic to update, but most people need some kind of eye candy to give the feedback you're after. Don't be lazy with your fundamentals either. Really put the time and effort in. Improvement will come, people will notice, people will comment.

    Moving forward, If you're looking for tutorials, I can't recommend Scott Robertson's Gnomon DvDs enough for picking up the basics. A few to check out are..

    1. Basic Perspective Form Drawing - http://www.thegnomonworkshop.com/store/product/323/Basic-Perspective-Form-Drawing

    2. How to Render Matte Surfaces 1 - http://www.thegnomonworkshop.com/store/product/333/How-to-Render-Matte-Surfaces-1

    3. How to Render Matter Surfaces 2 - http://www.thegnomonworkshop.com/store/product/335/How-to-Render-Matte-Surfaces-2

    I see you've already been doing some Andrew Loomis studies. You may find George Bridgman's construction methods useful as well. He really breaks things down into their basic forms.

    The Human Machine - [ame]http://www.amazon.com/Human-Machine-George-B-Bridgman/dp/0486227073/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1272428726&sr=8-1[/ame]

    Lastly, if you're looking to give/receive generic non-constructive "Cool picture bro" comments, go to DeviantArt or something. What I'm trying to say is, you should really try to push yourself as an artist by also elaborating further on your comments. It's one thing to tell someone that you do/don't like something, and another to tell them why. Most will really appreciate the latter.

    Anywho, good luck and keep at it. I really look forward to seeing your progress and hope I haven't sounded like a complete ass here. :)

    - Dev
  • marlfox8
    hey dev we all act like asses from time to time is ok. thx for the tutotials i was going to look into bridgeman but didnt get a chance
  • marlfox8
    starting to work on an old cyborg on motorcycle concept.
  • Two Listen
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    Two Listen polycount sponsor

    I don't mean to be an asshole, but this isn't facebook where you update your status everytime you pick up fries from McDonald's. It's one thing to occassionally respond to people's critiques with an in-depth response, but to continually bump your thread without any art is in poor taste.

    If you're looking for critiques, post art with your updates. Otherwise all we have to critique is your posts. And...well...I just did.

    More pictures plz.
  • vatsel
    just do tonnes more copies! focus on drawing what you see and converting the 3d space into 2d
  • ngs616
    I really like the old man!
  • marlfox8
  • marlfox8
  • vatsel
  • Makkon
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    Makkon polycounter
    Dude, I can honestly relate to you in every way.It's almost creepy just how much I can relate. But like you, I came to this community aspiring to be like the people I saw here, and I eventually gained the courage to register and post some of my work. But this board is so much more than a place to show off your art, and it probably took me far too long to figure that out. So I'm giving you a heads up: now that you are a member of this community, we are going to do what we can to help you out.

    Now I don't mean to be presumptive, I've only seen you post recently so I don't know you that well, but I just want to take some time to lend a hand. You may already be doing all of this anyway.

    Some things I can recommend to you:

    Pay attention to critique, even the negative feedback; rather, apply what they have to say. You're already doing this but just to iterate because it is so important. Take into account that there is validity in what they are saying. People here aren't trying to please you, nor are they trying to troll you; they are critiquing your work because they want you to improve. This is perhaps the most honest and helpful community that I have ever been to, don't breeze over what people have to say about what you show them. It too me a LONG time to figure this out, so you may already be ahead of me.

    Draw more. Much much more. You've probably been told to practice I'm certain, and you'll hear it a lot because it really works. There are no shortcuts, no handy tricks, no secrets, no art-steroids. If you really want to improve, one drawing a day will never be enough. It's like walking up a down escalator: If you stand still, you fall behind; if you walk steady, you stay still; but if you make effort and increase your pace, you will make progress. I can promise you that it really works. Practice. You can never transcend it.

    Don't get discouraged. There are guys that post on this forum that are by far the world's finest game artists you will ever see, but they started exactly where you are now. One thing you need to know is that these guys have been practicing for YEARS. DECADES. They've worked through sweat, sorrow, and tears to go from humble beginnings to the rockstars they are now. And you can be just like them. When you see a work of art that is beautiful and far beyond your ability to recreate, don't get discouraged. Get inspired! Let great art be an inspiration for you!

    Don't allow yourself to stagnate. I can see that you are already doing this, but I just want to emphasize it because it is massively important. There's a little demon we all have called a comfort zone. All of us perhaps have things we feel that we are decently capable of doing. But for you that should not be enough. Go beyond your comfort zone, and recognize the things that you are weak at. Go out of your way to turn those weaknesses into strengths. If you struggle with hands, draw them like crazy until you feel better about them. As you do this, you will find that you will have greater capability in everything that you draw, and you will have greater variety in your art. Don't get stuck drawing the same things again and again.

    That's all I really have to say for now. You've got good potential, just keep at it and you'll be fine! How old are you, by the way?

    Funny thing about how our internet names are related. I used to read those old Redwall books by Brian Jaques, and my favorite one was Marlfox. One of the characters in that book was called Mokkan, and when I registered to my first forum I accidentally spelled the name wrong. So now I'm Makkon, and it suits me just fine I suppose.

    Anyway, hope to see more, keep at it!
  • uneditablepoly
    Some great, extensive comments on here. Just a note on presentation: I know these aren't final pieces or anything of that nature but watch the white space when posting images for people to look at. All of the white space you have around a lot of your sketches isn't necessary and it takes some focus off of your drawings. Keep your images well-trimmed. ;)
  • marlfox8
    makkon: hey dude thx. yea my internet name came from the redwall books. those things are awesome
    uneditablepoly: how would i do that fill the white with color?
  • marlfox8
    aahhhhhhhhhhhh! my darn scanner is broken probably gonna have a lot to post once i get it fixed
  • marlfox8
    How old are you, by the way
    why do you ask?
  • marlfox8
    screw the motorcycle concept. just bought some charcoal hopefully i can work with it.
  • System
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    System admin
    Draw more, Post less!
  • marlfox8
    update hope you enjoy
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    Marlfox8: You certainly need more practice here. Start with the base sketch or try to sketch off of some pictures to make some progress in your sketching.
  • marlfox8
    on which ones? now that i look at it my anatomy is off. will try to fix it in future sketches. ill also find some pics to sketch from
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    Remember, if you are creating a base sketch for something that you want to make, you do not make it in dark.

    Secondly Yes the anatomy is off and I see a very little progress from your posted sketches.

    I usually watch the speed drawings or digital sketches to get inspired and see how they did it. I was able to make sketch something of my own, but others in this community would say that you should sketch the image off the ref image.

    Keep practicing until you get it.
    Good luck :)

    EDIT: Do check out how vatsel did it.
  • vatsel
    hmm just keep going and building the figure
  • vofff
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    vofff polycounter lvl 10
    Jackwhat wrote: »
    Draw more, Post less!
  • conte
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    conte polycounter lvl 18
    on your place, i'd go and make 1000 drawings before post anything.
    we can't help you right now, you need at least basis.
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    conte wrote: »
    on your place, i'd go and make 1000 drawings before post anything.
    we can't help you right now, you need at least basis.

    Wow Talk about "turning someone down instead of helping him"

    Way to kick someone on the face bro. :)

    Pity how people turn out to be total Professional Douche bags when they are pro at something and refuse to help others who are persuading the same achievement as them.
  • marlfox8
    small update. suckz:(
  • vatsel
    try to get sharper lines and scribble less, see where you can recognize shapes and just keep drawing
  • marlfox8
    would blending stumps help take out the scribbling?
  • rube
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    rube polycounter lvl 17
    don't bother with blending stumps yet (or ever maybe). I think vastel meant less scribbly on your contours though. try to really nail the contours before even bothering with shading.
  • marlfox8
    what do you mean less scribbly? i dont understand
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    Here marlfox, I made it like 10-12 minutes so I dont know if you can understand it, but:

  • marlfox8
    oh ok got it will work on it by making more chess pieces thx
  • ngs616
    Good work on your most recent stuff! You seem to be improving!

    I really like the second one in post 69. The randomish one.

    Keep it up! :D
  • Stinger88
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    Stinger88 polycounter
    Hey marlfox.

    The chess pieces look like a great improvement. Try and work on your symmetry though. Use construction lines and elipses to get the curves right.

    Heres a tutorial i found that looks quite informative.

    Keep at it!
  • marlfox8
  • vatsel
    nitewalkr advice is on point - listen to that
    (he doesnt mention reflected light there though)
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    As matter of fact I did...But it is too early for Marlfox to follow so I didnt get in to detail. Besides I have yet to master the light reflection on the object. :(
  • vatsel
    reflected light is very important, I wouldnt leave it out.

    anyways, this is all irrelevant if you wont draw more marlfox
  • marlfox8
    update. sc2 fanart, dragon, eagle, and an old cyborg concept

  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    vatsel wrote: »
    reflected light is very important, I wouldnt leave it out.

    anyways, this is all irrelevant if you wont draw more marlfox

    Well, in what sense are you talking about?

    Light reflects the object creating shadow on the base?


    Light reflecting the object bounsing off creating a shine on the object reflecting the image of the object on the base with the shadow? and/Or reflecting the the environment on the object.

    I am very bad at asking and explaining things bro pardon me if you dont understand it :(

    There are 3-4 topics on reflection I've seen so far.

    Also if you ever get a chance do please comment in my thread and give few pointers. Note: I am still working on it. <.<
  • Devin Busha
    Really nice works Marlfox! It's clear you're putting a lot of effort into things and are definitely improving. I really like your cyborg concept and SC2 colossus. You struck a nice note with those and I think you could really use that to advance in your studies. My point being, if you're drawing things you're interested in, it won't seem so much like work. :)
  • vatsel
    Nitewalkr wrote: »
    Well, in what sense are you talking about?

    Light reflects the object creating shadow on the base?


    Light reflecting the object bounsing off creating a shine on the object reflecting the image of the object on the base with the shadow? and/Or reflecting the the environment on the object.

    I am very bad at asking and explaining things bro pardon me if you dont understand it :(

    There are 3-4 topics on reflection I've seen so far.

    Also if you ever get a chance do please comment in my thread and give few pointers. Note: I am still working on it. <.<

    first, light doesn't create a shadow, sorry to be difficult, but it's an important difference.

    I'd go with the 2nd one then, since the 1st one is non-existent :P

    reflecting light is VERY important for describing form.

    About a year and 13 days ago, a cool dude that went by the name of haste pointed

    out the difference by painting over my piece


    his p.o . describes form much better
    Ive been hooked on painting light since then.

    marlfox keep at it and resize your images, theres never a need to see almost any image at more than 800px wide.

    Hope somebody is getting something out of this blob of text
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    You just presented what I did in the third piece I made in the image I presented here. :S I do know this point....Like I said I just dont know how to explain it.

    If that drawing with "light ref" isnt on the point than I guess your will work for marlfox8. :)

    infact. yours should be the example he should follow. And I wasnt being sarcastic. I was being kinda legit here...just so you know and wont take any offense.....

    Your work is really great!!
  • marlfox8
    dev-thanks dude. yea drawing what i like really gets my creative juices flowing.
    vatsel-thanks for the paint but i dont understand reflected light. wouldnt that only occur on shiny objects such as metals or mirrors or water?
  • Purplepaint
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    Purplepaint polycounter lvl 8
    I really like the eagle and dragon images and of course the colossus keep up the good work ;):)
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    marlfox8 wrote: »
    dev-thanks dude. yea drawing what i like really gets my creative juices flowing.
    vatsel-thanks for the paint but i dont understand reflected light. wouldnt that only occur on shiny objects such as metals or mirrors or water?

    No, If you would like to see the real-time effect of light reflection and rays, Consider this Use case:

    Take a tannis ball and place a torch light pointing to it. you will see the light reflection and the shadow behind it.

    While you observe that scene, try sketching that. This will help you understand what we are trying to discuss here. :D
  • marlfox8
    vatsel, how do i resize my image. sorry i forgot how:(
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    Marl...where are you drawings brah..You gotta keep practicing until you get it right....
  • marlfox8
    Waddya mean? I was just asking a question. O well I guess I'm being lazy since I can just goole it
  • ngs616
    He means you're not drawing enough :(
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