I get a lot of emails and PM's asking for hand painted texturing techniques, so i figure this might be more helpful than me constantly having to reply awkward "keep practising" replies as i cant really put it in words:

You might notice the weird 'Smudge habit' i have. Yeah, what i do isn't very traditional and
i wouldn't really call it hand painted but i enjoy it and it gets the job done for me.

May be weird smudge artefacts but that's part of the fun.
So yeah, If this helps anyone..yeah!

Another tip, if you dont like flattening the whole thing; make a new layer, go into image>apply image. This will make a copy of the image in that new layer.
kdm3d - i find that flattening everything on painterly pieces like this is only ever a good thing. if you need to change something, you paint on top of it, adding to the richness. mistakes will only enhance it! having all your pixels on the same layer will greatly effect how certain things work... smudge, for example. you want to be mixing all those subtle flavors, not just what you have on your layer.
bbob's suggestion is the perfect compromise, though.
Can you get away with using the smudge brush all the time?
Alot of times I will use eyedropper to color sample the intermediate colors you get at color borders. This is a rough example but the blend was done all with color sampling (hold down alt)
*edit* Jesse Beat me to it
I do agree with Vrav though, I noticed great artists use Corel painter especially at Blizzard and Carbine. It is an app I need to practice more with if I expect to push myself more into this art direction. The smooth wet brush feels more natural to me and less work when you are painting with hard edge brushes like I do, hehe.
Yeah that's kind of the point, people keep saying they like my hand painted work but in reality i'm quite a novice at the traditional methods of painting in photoshop, with weird ass brushes and what not..
Guess its something to work on.
I know it sounds weird, but it usually works out for the better (for me).
Thank you!
Go back to photoshop and stop spending 5 min on things. (also put more thought into colour choice.)
Nice tut.
Great piece btw It was my inspirational desktop for the longest time. And thank you for the tut on how you did the textures
I'ma keep working on it but I like the technique I've been using the smudge method but I'm working on hand picking colors. This was all painted on one or two layers.