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polycounter lvl 19
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aniceto polycounter lvl 19
I guess it's official now.

I like how they don't mention 2K Australia at all.


  • LoTekK
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    LoTekK polycounter lvl 17
    I'd been hoping Irrational would be handling this one. :\ Also, first person perspective? WTF? Tell me they're not turning this into a straight shooter. -_-
    aniceto wrote:
    I like how they don't mention 2K Australia at all.
    2K Marin is 2K Australia, is it not?
  • aniceto
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    aniceto polycounter lvl 19
    There's 2K Boston, 2K Australia and 2K Marin.
  • ae.
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    ae. polycounter lvl 12
  • PeterK
  • SyaPed
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    SyaPed polycounter lvl 18
    Coool. I hope it's not too nextgen'ed and sexified though. Keep some of the original's flavour please! Yeah!
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
  • Slum
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    Slum polycounter lvl 18
  • moof
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    moof polycounter lvl 7
    So, f*ckin glad.
    I need my revenge against those terrifying mind control aliens. mother fers.
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    wtf, this is brand necrophilia.
  • HonkyPunch
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    HonkyPunch polycounter lvl 18
    "By setting the game in a first-person perspective, players will be able to feel the tension and fear that comes with combating a faceless enemy that is violently probing and plotting its way into our world. "
  • killingpeople
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    killingpeople polycounter lvl 18
  • crazyfingers
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    crazyfingers polycounter lvl 10
  • Frump
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    Frump polycounter lvl 12
    I've never even played an X-COM game and this makes me sad as a strategy gaming fan.:(

    I suppose if it's a success they will have revived the brand and maybe consider making another strategy X-COM?

    Bioshock in the X-COM universe?
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    Frump wrote: »
    I've never even played an X-COM game and this makes me sad as a strategy gaming fan.:(

    I suppose if it's a success they will have revived the brand and maybe consider making another strategy X-COM?

    Bioshock in the X-COM universe?

    Not so sure about that, if its a success they'll make another shooter sequel, if its not a success we wont be seeing an xcom game again for quite some time.
    Its systemshock -> bioshock all over again.

    its a fail/fail situation.

    unless you really like shooters and believe enemy unknown is an antiqued game with no gameplay values at all.
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    last xcom shooter experience was very bad, pretty much every xcom game that hasn't been like the first 3 was a fail :/
  • East
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    East polycounter lvl 14
    HonkyPunch wrote: »
    "By setting the game in a first-person perspective, players will be able to feel the tension and fear that comes with combating a faceless enemy that is violently probing and plotting its way into our world. "
    Yeah, that stood out to me as well. Looks like someone brought up the fact that us X-COM fans would probably go apeshit over the first person thing (with reason, if you look back at the previous FPS game), someone probably came up with the ace idea of explaining to us why this would be a good thing to try again.

    No offense, 2K guys, but right now the X-COM fan inside me is just feeling the tension of fear that comes with an old franchise full of good memories being re-awakened. I know I should be excited about this, but I just can't.. :(
  • Disco Stu
    Loved the first so much.
    Was scared as hell as a kid.
    Guess ill pass this one to keep the memories good.
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    East wrote: »
    Yeah, that stood out to me as well. Looks like someone brought up the fact that us X-COM fans would probably go apeshit over the first person thing (with reason, if you look back at the previous FPS game), someone probably came up with the ace idea of explaining to us why this would be a good thing to try again.(

    It's not the first person perspective that is the scary thing, I could live with that, but its the fact that it seems to be a story based ego-shooter, meaning, centered around one character.

    I could think of a million ways to do a good squadbased firstperson tactical shooter with basebuilding elements, research, inventorymanagement and dragging the neverending casualties of squadmembers back to the flier, it would actually be kind of cool,
    but ridding the game of all the things that made xcom really good is just plain weird, it's not like we have an abundance of these kind of games, thirdperson or firstperson.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    Bioshock in the X-COM universe?
    Been there, done that.
    I'm a bit sceptical about all this. I mean an Operation Flashpoint with flying saucers could be kinda neat, but with 2k inevitably pulling in a huge budget one would imagine it's going to wind up a fairly homogenised in an attempt to maximise sales, particularly if Bioshock is anything go by. For all its pretentions to heady ideas, that game does play it very safe and rather overly streamlined when it comes to gameplay.
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    Ugh, never was a fan of x-com even though I recall owning them all at once stage many moons ago...

    Why can't they just make System Shock 3 already, only not dumb it down like they did Bio and make it a true RPG classic instead... Argh...
  • vik
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    vik polycounter lvl 13
  • rolfness
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    rolfness polycounter lvl 18
    ae. wrote: »
    Whats Xcom?

    you cannot be serious...

    I sentence you to an eternity of self flagellation with a fork
  • East
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    East polycounter lvl 14
    eld wrote: »
    It's not the first person perspective that is the scary thing, I could live with that, but its the fact that it seems to be a story based ego-shooter, meaning, centered around one character.
    Yeah, looking at the website I wonder if you're going to be some kind of hybrid Gordon Freeman/Mulder/HRG (horn-rimmed glasses), providing that's actually the guy you play.

    Also, how come no one has commented on the image above that's actually from the official website? I'm still hoping it's some kind of joke, because if their idea of appealing to our retro tastes is releasing screenshots that look like something from the days of Bryce 3D and X-COM Apocalypse, then.. I dunno, I guess I'm just sad then.. :(
  • carlo_c
    Oh man, not much to go on but I'm hoping it retains some tactical elements of the original. If it had the whole geoscape and base elements but then fps style encounters with some sort of tactical overview command style gameplay I might be interested.
  • East
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    East polycounter lvl 14
    If this project goes sour, I'm going rogue, assemble a team and make a faithful sequel. I'll call it.. M-COX. It will be awesome.

  • eld
  • shotgun
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    shotgun polycounter lvl 20
    If im not mistaken, I've read somewhere Kevin Levine (designer of systemshock, thief, bioshock) has left the original Bioshock team to start his own project again... and x-com was rumoured to be it. So he might be the man behind this... ...in which case, I'm not worried.

    He does have a focus on hero-type games, tho, so I hope he doesn't change it into a 1-man-army kinda thing. That's just not x-com.
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    bioshock was quite famous for stripping away most of the gameplay from its predecessor though.
  • HonkyPunch
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    HonkyPunch polycounter lvl 18
    I don't know. I think skepticism over this is warranted based on what happened to Fallout. Given, Fallout 3 was enjoyable enough but it was nowhere near the quality of the original 2, IMO. Just like Bioshock. As a "spiritual sucessor" to System Shock, I think it failed. At no point during the game did I feel the same way as I did while playing System Shock (1 or 2), even if it was a decent game on it's own. I get the feeling that, at the very least, this will follow suite, being a decent game, but nowhere near the quality or style of the originals, instead focusing on "action" instead of strategy. If they throw in some tactical mechanics of some sort that aren't simply pressing "A" to send your 3 man squad to stand behind a wall, it would improve it. But I dunno.
  • Ninjas
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    Ninjas polycounter lvl 18
    "immersive new perspective and experience firsthand the fear and tension of this gripping narrative ride."


    barf barf barf
  • LoTekK
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    LoTekK polycounter lvl 17
    shotgun wrote: »
    Kevin Levine
    Ken. :p

    And no, this isn't him. He's at Irrational, formerly 2K Boston. X-Com is being developed by 2K Marin (and 2K Australia, from what I understand).
  • Ark
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    Ark polycounter lvl 11
    Seriously, whats with bringing out totally different games to the originals and using their reputation as a selling point.

    Gotta love how they keep ruining these great ole PC games by changing there origins to work on consoles.

    Suppose Syndicate by Starbreeze will be a shooter aswell?
  • Pedro Amorim
    You have to embrace the changes..
    IF you want old Xcom.. Go play old XCom!
  • BHJ
    This is a rare occasion whereby a studio has ruined a game merely by announcing it. Strategy X-COM or no X-COM :(

    They are raising this brand from the dead merely to cash in. What a shame.
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    bitmap wrote: »
    You have to embrace the changes..
    IF you want old Xcom.. Go play old XCom!

    That kind of thinking is why the series turned sour the first time around :P
  • HonkyPunch
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    HonkyPunch polycounter lvl 18
    last time I embraced the changes Fallout 3 drove a poorly rendered knife into my heart with V.A.T.S.
    What good is there in embracing change if it's not good change?
  • Ninjas
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    Ninjas polycounter lvl 18
    bitmap wrote: »
    You have to embrace the changes..
    IF you want old Xcom.. Go play old XCom!

    Is it really so much to ask to keep the game in the same genre?

    the problem is that I have been playing the original X-Com for the last 15 fucking years. I love the game and all, but shit, a decent sequel would be nice.

    The real topper is that there is a glut of shitty, boring, 5 hour long "story" fps games-- a retarded blend of mindless hand exercises combined with sub-B movie action scenes and plot.
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    well to be fair, there are sequels coming out every other year, and maybe some of the ufo games might be even good, i don't know
  • gauss
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    gauss polycounter lvl 18
    Yeah it feels just a little too mercenary to bank solely on the brand equity of one of the very best PC games of all time for a cross-platform FPS. Brand equity is about all we can expect it to have in common because it certainly doesn't share original team members or anything close to the original title's genre. Or setting, apparently.

    Sometimes when you're asking questions about the validity of a vision or a reboot or sequel, the most valid choice is "should not exist". It's true of SW prequels and special editions, it's true of Indy 4. I think it's true of every X-COM sequel, real or spiritual, of which this gets to be added to the heap.

    I don't want to play an FPS game with just a few reminders tugging at me at the edges of what the game it's copping from. Like standing in a control center with a holographic globe as a sly nod to the Geoscape? I think I'll pass, thanks.
  • Richard Kain
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    Richard Kain polycounter lvl 18
    At first, I was thinking that this was another obvious attempt to bring a PC strategy game to consoles. PC strategy games have never really worked well on consoles. So it makes business sense to take the strategy X-Com franchise and make it a FPS instead. A new strategy title wouldn't go over very well (on consoles), but FPS titles usually sell decent.

    But then I remember hearing that the original X-Com was a Turn-Based strategy game. Real-Time Strategy games don't work on consoles, but Turn-Based Strategy games can be adapted to console controls just fine. There is no excuse! This is just a lazy marketing decision that will ultimately dilute what little sway this franchise commands in the hearts of its fans.
  • vik
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    vik polycounter lvl 13
    eld wrote: »
    That kind of thinking is why the series turned sour the first time around :P

    On a side note, I don`t consider X-com a series tbh, there is only ONE as far as I`m concerned :shifty:
  • Calabi
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    Calabi polycounter lvl 12
    I like the UFO Aftermath games which were sort of a rip off, of Xcom. I played XCOM but could never get into it, it was too bastard hard, and annoyed me with all the little details you had to play about with.

    But even so I have to admit what I played of Xcom, the missions the atmosphere of them, the dark and the searching and the destruction, was good.

    I dont know this does not appear to be a good thing. I was hoping someone was going to make a new Xcom but more accesible. I dont mean easy, I mean an Xcom that isnt too obsessed with the miniature details.
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    Calabi wrote: »
    I like the UFO Aftermath games which were sort of a rip off, of Xcom. I played XCOM but could never get into it, it was too bastard hard, and annoyed me with all the little details you had to play about with.

    But even so I have to admit what I played of Xcom, the missions the atmosphere of them, the dark and the searching and the destruction, was good.

    I dont know this does not appear to be a good thing. I was hoping someone was going to make a new Xcom but more accesible. I dont mean easy, I mean an Xcom that isnt too obsessed with the miniature details.

    I can see this sort of how civilization has evolved to civ4, extremely easy to play, but still quite complex.

    but I can also see this as if they would have civ5 be a first person shooter ;)
  • shotgun
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    shotgun polycounter lvl 20
    Yup, it's not Levine, it's 2k's money-milking branch. O well, back to hoping for Jagged Alliance 3... (and thief 4!)
  • moof
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    moof polycounter lvl 7
    Why can't they just make System Shock 3 already, only not dumb it down like they did Bio and make it a true RPG classic instead... Argh...
    EA owns the license as I recall :[
    I don't know. I think skepticism over this is warranted based on what happened to Fallout. Given, Fallout 3 was enjoyable enough but it was nowhere near the quality of the original 2, IMO.
    You know what, I played fall 1 and 2 after playing fallout 3, and I thought fallout 3 is the better game ultimately.

    Fan nostalgia doesn't necessarily translate into the game actually being as good as they remember. Maybe they were better relative to when they came out, but they're just ok now.

    TBH, I played Deus Ex 8-9 years after it came out, and it was still one of the best games I had ever played. That's an achievement.
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    moof wrote: »
    EA owns the license as I recall :[

    You know what, I played fall 1 and 2 after playing fallout 3, and I thought fallout 3 is the better game ultimately.

    Fan nostalgia doesn't necessarily translate into the game actually being as good as they remember. Maybe they were better relative to when they came out, but they're just ok now.

    TBH, I played Deus Ex 8-9 years after it came out, and it was still one of the best games I had ever played. That's an achievement.

    Except fallout 3 didn't skip genres that much, it's still a solo-roleplaying game set in the same post apocalyptic world, all games in the series had exploration, and all had roughly the same skillsystem and such.

    I mean, I don't mind seeing what people do with games when they make new versions, fallout 3 might not be fallout 1&2, but it still was a worthy game in the series.

    Can't they just call it FBI: enemy unknown, considering xcom doesn't form until several years later?
  • Calabi
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    Calabi polycounter lvl 12
    eld wrote: »
    I can see this sort of how civilization has evolved to civ4, extremely easy to play, but still quite complex.

    but I can also see this as if they would have civ5 be a first person shooter ;)

    There's the thing, who played the game, and said I want less scope, I want to be one person, in a linear narrative.

    First Person Shooter doesnt seem to be what XCOM is about at all.
  • Ark
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    Ark polycounter lvl 11
    shotgun wrote: »
    Yup, it's not Levine, it's 2k's money-milking branch. O well, back to hoping for Jagged Alliance 3... (and thief 4!)

    Lets hope Edios Montreal don't screw Thief 4 up, probably my favourite series...ever!
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    Someone probably mentioned this already btw:

  • HonkyPunch
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    HonkyPunch polycounter lvl 18
    moof wrote: »
    EA owns the license as I recall :[

    You know what, I played fall 1 and 2 after playing fallout 3, and I thought fallout 3 is the better game ultimately.

    Fan nostalgia doesn't necessarily translate into the game actually being as good as they remember. Maybe they were better relative to when they came out, but they're just ok now.

    TBH, I played Deus Ex 8-9 years after it came out, and it was still one of the best games I had ever played. That's an achievement.

    Well, see that's just my opinion. It's great if you enjoyed it, I mean, I enjoyed it also, but the game, in my opinion, was broken. The gamebryo engine is extremely dated looking, and the gameplay itself was just so boring. Blowing up someones head with V.A.T.S the 20th time just isn't as fun. I can't bear to even look at let alone play the game again. With the first 2 fallouts, the replayability is there. Doing a run as a dumb as a brick character, then being a suave charmer character the next, or being a woman and selling your body for bottlecaps. Something about 3 just didn't have the same flare for me. It wasn't the move to first person that did it, that could have been alright but I feel as though more than that was lost. The story was awful, the quests, the dungeons. It really did feel like an Elder Scrolls game (And, my opinion about Oblivion is about the same. Good at first, eventually extremely boring, no replayability. )
    I won't hold my breath for this game, but, i can hope that Deus Ex 3 and Thief 4 are good. I have no doubts X-Com will be enjoyable, but it certainly won't be the same.
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