Just started doing this the other day. I'm right handed, left hand is useless to draw with .. till now. Never really tried to draw lefty, time for a challenge.
Oh snap, double trouble.
If I can get lefty working, I'll draw twice as fast! So far the flow is pretty good, but lefty's a bit of a drunk driver. Gonna sober him up with some Betty Edwards exercises over the next week, hopefully get three more practices in by Sunday night if I'm lucky
This was a two hour short pose session, 3 min-5min poses
You've got some nice movement in those poses, i love the way you've pushed the feminine curves. only crit would be your feet need better positioning.
Where the hell did you get white charcoal? Do you mean Chalk or are they compressing Ash for drawing (sounds kinda nice actually)
Looks fantastic, man. Most figure studies rely on just shadows and implied light to describe form. I really like that you've got brighter lights in there as well. These poses feel much more alive and there's a great warmth to them.
the white charcoal is General's White Compressed Charcoal, extra smooth Crayon fusain blanc (whatever that means)
Honestly it's not that good. The white charcoal smears differently than the black, it's tougher to get the color onto the paper, you have to press twice as hard to get the same value, and the tip of the charcoal winds up feeling plasticy when you pull it across the paper. The effect is jarring, as the black charcoal in the other hand is much more chalky and smears pleasantly. I'm going to try a few other brands of material, see if that helps.
Once I get a good flow going I'll make a video. Gotta keep both hands moving though, so far I have trouble moving more than one hand at a time .... so far
Keep at it, would love to see more of this!!