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What goes on a QA resume?

[Deleted User]
polycounter lvl 18
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[Deleted User] polycounter lvl 18
This might be kind of a dumb question, but I was wondering what, besides actual previous experience, would be good to have on a resume when applying for a job as an entry-level QA tester?

Not to be bloggy, but my living situation is very likely going to be getting less stable in the very near future, so leaving PA for less than an art job just became a fairly viable option for me. QA is one of those jobs I know I could do, and unlike retail/service jobs, I think I'd actually be good at it (or at the very least, actually give a shit about the work itself). But just like retail/service jobs, I'm really not sure how I can adequately prove to employers that I'm up to the task.

I can use MS Office, I have good organizational skills, I play games, and I think I'm pretty good with written communication. But the only software I've formally tested was Xbox Live, and I was just a third- or fourth-wave Beta tester. I have a half-finished portfolio (2 or 3 'just-okay' characters) too, but I'm not sure if that's at all relevant. And I want them to know I'm applying because I'm going to do the job they assign me, not just as an "in" to try to segue into doing art somehow. (Not that doing art isn't my goal still, but I don't really consider this part of that.)

Is there anything I could do to make myself stand out as a qualified applicant without having any actual previous experience?


  • dubcanada
    One of the more important parts of the QA people is to just not only be a stronge worker in normal office style applications (word, powerpoint, pdf, etc, etc) but to also be stronge in gaming software (photoshop, 3ds max, etc). You need to show them that not only are you an excellent communicator, but you also know what you are talking about.
  • Flava-Fly
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    Flava-Fly polycounter lvl 9
    There is quite a few good tips already in a recent thread 'Game QA. What do they use?' and I totally understand the position you are in as I was there myself some time ago.

    Your key is to present yourself as a able communicator and working team member. MOD experience is a big plus because it involves talking to people, usually international, through email/forums/IM just like you will in your job. You need explain sometimes complex reproductions using the tools you have available like images and text. Any other jobs or experience where you did this would be good.

    Big up the Xbox testing as its a recognised name and used application, every 'wave' as you call it of testers provides fresh eyes on a project and is as important at the initial testing! If a noob cant use the UI then its next to useless when its released. I wouldn't go to big on the portfolio, some places will presume you are becoming a tester solely to get in the door then change to art. Ambition is good and while there is nothing wrong with this its best not to go for it too hard at the interview. Hope this helps
  • gsokol
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    gsokol polycounter lvl 14
    One of the more important parts of the QA people is to just not only be a stronge worker in normal office style applications (word, powerpoint, pdf, etc, etc) but to also be stronge in gaming software (photoshop, 3ds max, etc). You need to show them that not only are you an excellent communicator, but you also know what you are talking about.


    They don't care about that. You are a Tester, not a Developer.

    Unless you have previous experience..there isn't much you can put on a QA specific resume. Beta texting XBox live is indeed something worth bringing up, that should absolutely be on there.

    The strongest things you can have in your resume next to that is proof that you are a good worker with past jobs (even if they aren't industry specific). QA is something most people pick up on the job, and its pretty simple stuff. Just proving you are a good worker/communicator would be enough.

    My resume when I got a QA job had no relevent industry experience. But they gave me an application that I had to fill out, that asked a lot of video game related questions (what are your favorite games, what did you like about them/not like about them, bla bla bla). Not sure if all places do that, but that is how they would find out if you are a gamer or not.
  • Pseudo
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    Pseudo polycounter lvl 18
    gsokol wrote: »
    The strongest things you can have in your resume next to that is proof that you are a good worker with past jobs (even if they aren't industry specific). QA is something most people pick up on the job, and its pretty simple stuff. Just proving you are a good worker/communicator would be enough.

    If you are applying for a QA position at a publisher you will get an interview during the busy season with any resume that has some work experience. QA departments are often so in need of warm bodies that I've had HR send me candidates to interview whos only past experience was "Pool cleaner".

    I haven't been involved in QA in years, so it may be different now with the reliance on India for outsourcing QA.
  • DarthNater
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    DarthNater polycounter lvl 10
    fly_soup where abouts are you in PA? I didn't think there was another polycounter within 300 miles of me :P

    Anyway, communication would be #1 in a job like that. Entry level, they probably just look for someone who loves games. The lead QA's are more than likely the ones that need any sort of training/experience.
  • [Deleted User]
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    [Deleted User] polycounter lvl 18
    Haha, okay cool. That's good to know. I wasn't sure if listing all my schleppy jobs from the past would be to my benefit or not, but it appears it would be, so that's good. I guess I'll just start applying and see how it goes. Thanks guys!

    DarthNater - Yeah, there aren't a lot of Pennsylvanians here. I'm in Allentown.
  • DarthNater
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    DarthNater polycounter lvl 10
    Ah, I'm down in Lewistown. About 30 minutes south of State College.

    We should have a PA polycount meetup.... ME AND YOU! W00000T!
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