Great work man. I love the cloth! Just curious, how much script did you need to write to get this working? And can we get a shot of your anim tree for the vehicle?
that turned out very awesome. you should do a gorka-morka mod!
Gorkamorka is my main inspiration, loved the game. I'm doing gork and mork team colour variants. So @whats_true no red paint job I'm afraid, but I'll see how I crack on with the gork and mork themes and might add some 40k paint variants for some more colour.
Cheers for all the comments, I'll share some of the techy bits if anyone is interested. As far as cloth goes, on standard UT vehicle code it's disabled, so I looked at the earlier classes and created a subobject for my uc script. Just throw this into the defaultproperties of the main uc file for your vehicle, edit the wind as you require etc.
Begin Object Name=SVehicleMesh
End Object
For actually setting up the cloth from scratch this was an excellent tutorial with some nice in depth discussion. Some word of warning, if you decide to play with GPU acceleration on the cloth physics it doesn't always react properly with existing UT content.
Its looks sick ingame dude. Really brings the whole thing to life. You gona do vehical damage?
great work!
awesome work so far!
Gorkamorka is my main inspiration, loved the game. I'm doing gork and mork team colour variants. So @whats_true no red paint job I'm afraid, but I'll see how I crack on with the gork and mork themes and might add some 40k paint variants for some more colour.
Cheers for all the comments, I'll share some of the techy bits if anyone is interested. As far as cloth goes, on standard UT vehicle code it's disabled, so I looked at the earlier classes and created a subobject for my uc script. Just throw this into the defaultproperties of the main uc file for your vehicle, edit the wind as you require etc.
For actually setting up the cloth from scratch this was an excellent tutorial with some nice in depth discussion. Some word of warning, if you decide to play with GPU acceleration on the cloth physics it doesn't always react properly with existing UT content. - Session 2
I'll show some of my anim tree in a few days, I plan to get some additional anim sequences in, it's mainly skeletal controls at the moment.