Hiya peeps, I recently did a video tutorials on how to paint out ugly seams using 3dsMax's render to texture and Photoshop "patch tool" Enjoy! And if you have any questions or requests I'll be happy to assist.
interesting approach with the pushing and projection mapping, but you actually don't really need it, all you need to do is work with 2 mapping ids. You pelt it, set it to map ID2, setup your render to texture to bake map ID2, once the seam is fixed you can just load it and bake it back to map ID1, done
All of this should be a thing of the past soon enough
There is also mudbox as mentioned and ofc bodypaint. zbrush... which are the most popular approaches so far.
Mari seems to be a very specialized tool that most of the times nobody will really need.
(30K textures? paint on GB of objects simultaneously???? technically it is very impressive but realistically kind of uninteresting) I can see its use in huge 3D matte environments. But not really in game production unless in few occasions and it sounds awesome painting on a huge 3D canvas but..
One use that i can think of it is to actually tweak and add small details on an entire level unwrapped with flatiron on a megatexture but this is an exception
but even that can be handled differently and in most cases textures and models are meant to be reused so i am not sure how generating various different large textures just for minor differences would be helpful. the animated object feature is indeed interesting but we will be fine by using the pose layers that mudbox offers for texture stretch tests.
Where about is this? And we use Zbrush in our pipeline, and it works descent enough... And I'll also look into Mudbox more.
Beware it is only good enough for seams and base colour layout in 2010.
very limited.
zbrush is ok but Mudbox is clearly a much better option for texturing. Especially since there is no need for conversion at all and you can work on your texture in parallel with photoshop. There is no need to export any UVs or do any voodoo to get your textures. They are simply there in a folder waiting for you to pick them up like any 3d application and you can import any image as a layer with a simple right click straight on your model.
If you have not seen the improved viewport canvas yet check it out on youtube!
Hopefully unwrapping, seams and all that relevant crap is soon to come to an end
it is in the
I think I need to spend more time in the community again, I'm losing touch!
Haha uh no - Bajan (Barbadian) why?
haha...i heard an accent in there... sounded very island-ish...and apearantly i was close, you speak bajan patois, we(jamaicans) also speak patois.
lol.. no worries just a random question as i dont see many other islanders on the forums:) nice to meet you....awk-wierd!!!:poly131::poly115: