OK! So thanks to the help of a good friend Raul as many of you may know of on here now! He is helping me get back into 3d modeling. I haven't touched 3D for a little over 3... close to 4 years now. So the first object of creation is a Pineapple Grenade! I just now created this account so I did not create progress pictures for this piece... but will for sure in the future!

Keep up the good work!
SouthpawSid - Thanks dude! Good to be back!
yeah Im actually going to model three high res objects first, then come back to them and do the LP and textures. I believing focusing on learning one thing at a time to really understand it. So modeling high res objects will really get my feet grounded in the modeling aspect of things once again. Then when I get into the low poly and texture part of things that I haven't really done before... I can focus on learning that work flow a lot better all at once.
Raul - here ya go bud, cleaned up the insides a lot more.
Model is looking clean dude! I cant wait to see more!
Here is a new update! let me know what yall think! Thanks
I was getting close to updating my sketchbook thread on here too. You even did the grenade too. Well your grenade blows mine out of the water... I didn't go into that much detail. And you phone rocks! Keep up the good work man.
Btw man I am not sure if you remember me but we met at the UGM. I was the guy eating the last of the Mc Donald's Chicken sandwiches. :P
Jeremiah - haha, thanks man. Yeah I think I remember you. I would remember you for sure if I saw you. keep up the good work your self man!
I am taking some time to learn MODO now(normally use Maya). Its a learning curve, but it's actually an amazing piece of software! if ya know how to use it, it will make life easier in a lot of ways! Been watching tons of training videos online.
RoosterMAP - Thanks! yeah antiques are a lot of fun, I figure that if you can model antiques that normally have some pretty interesting geometry to model. Then you can pretty much modeling anything else that is thrown at you in the industry.
I'll be starting this model either tomorrow or this weekend. I have some things to work on for someone else right now that will help me raise an extra income on the side.
This pistol is pretty unique and bad ass... it has its own little built on bayonet on it(that flips out)! two barrels one on top of the other with a nice little gap in between that gives it more character I believe.
Let me know if yall notice anything else that needs some more attention! Thanks!
I still have lots of little things to model now... still have a few more floral design floaters to model along the sides as well going to re do the design thats on the handle of the gun.
The wood comming into the metal, doesnt looks quite rigth. it looks like ur geo is messed up. Other parts are like the corner screw. You got the screw, but no hole that is going into. U can achieve that effect with a floater. Then, there are other parts that all u gotta do is take a break, and look at it with a fresh eye. Im sure ur gonna spot them.
Good job man!
Here's a pic of the screws i was talking about
jeremiah_bigley - thank you! as for the curve goes.... thats a hard one for me to determine, I have other reference that doesn't really show a curve at all. So I don't know if its the picture the way they took of it... but I'll try giving it a little one and see how it looks. Thanks though!
katerina yonce - Thanks! yeah I still have several screws to make and put in their place as well a few more floral designs. I guess that I should have placed that one in at least as it does stick out.
Raul - Thanks bud, I'll look into how to tighten those lines/delete/cleaning them as well.
d2King10 - yeah, thats what I thought about doing, I'll see how it comes out in a normal map.. and if it doesn't seem to do what i thought it would do, I'll just do it in photoshop. Thanks for you input!
My only crit is that u didn't fix the geomtry passing through the objects. Other than that is a nice bake! U know how to use marmoset yet?
You can show me what your talking about tomorrow exactly...
I don't understand why you're using 9 sides and 4 segments, at least match those up with the amount of bumps to avoid weirdly smoothed bumps. In fact, using 8 instead of 9 sides would look better and reduce polies.
You don't necessarily have to model in all the bumps, but I'd encourage you do to so. It'll take about 250 or so extra polies, but they're all pretty large parts of information, and all contribute to the silhouette from one angle or another. And if you cut down a bit on stuff inside the grenade, you'll hardly have an increase in the total model.
You also have some priority issues with the texture, with the firing pin having a roughly 3-4 times more dense texture. If something is seen less often, this generally means it gets less detailed textures instead of more detailed textures.
Also, if you're continuing this into a finished model, don't forget to add some noise to the normal map