Here at work, we are using SVN for both our game repository and our art repository. Our project lead said that SVN does not handle binaries as well, so we are looking for an alternative for an art repository. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!
Thanks, I'll look into both! If anyone has any other suggestions, or any comments as to why one is better than the other, I'll keep checking back. Thanks again!
Diffing images in perforce is impossible which sucks. The only thing you get is a binary "is different or not". At least with Alienbrain, you get a preview of both versions and can see what changed easily. AFAIK the only way to do that in P4 is to sync both revisionss and open.
I haven't used that myself, though - we use SVN.
Just switch your art and code over to one repo and use perforce.
Less artist friendly than AB, much less crash prone. Handles large projects well.
Perforce is probably the one to go for!