This is a tape recorder prop for a Game project I'm working on this year. I'm attempting to achieve an old weathered look for the Recorder to suite it's surrounding environment. The player will use the Tape recorder as a source of information by listening to old recordings, which will also help to fill in the back story.
But considering how many polygons you spent on all the tiny details that should have been normal mapped (like the bevels on the feet and the extra detail on the buttons) you should really have made those spool cylinders more than 16 sides... they are super-jaggy right now, when you're spending 2000 triangles on a tiny prop like this, with a cylindrical focal point, that is pretty inexcusable IMHO.
Still the texture looks decent.
Obviously it all depends on how and where in the game this will be seen, and how close the player will get. If it's only ever going to be on a table in front of the player in an FPS or third-person game then I wouldn't bother modelling the buttons out.
If it's meant to be something that fills the screen, then fair enough, but in either case it definitely needs more roundness in those spools!