Wait a sec... Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks team up to make a WW2 drama? Shocking. I wonder how the network pitch meeting went.
Looks cool though
Tom Hanks: "Hi, I'm Tom Hanks"
Steven Spielberg: "And I'm Steven Spielberg"
Together: "And we want to make a WWII Drama."
HBO: "Here's a pile of money, have at it."
Tom Hanks: "Hi, I'm Tom Hanks"
Steven Spielberg: "And I'm Steven Spielberg"
Together: "And we want to make a WWII Drama."
HBO: "Here's a pile of money, have at it."
Was a good episode, but I didnt like it as much as I liked the pilot of BoB. This one seemed like it tried to develop some backstory at the beginning, then half way through it they decided "screw it" and jumped into action. After watching the first episode of Band of Brothers, I could name several characters. After watching this episode, the only name I can remember is Eugiene, the kid with the heart murmur. Nobody else really got any significant story behind them, and that makes them less memorable than the characters in Band of Brothers. Maybe they're planning on doing more with flashbacks or something in following episodes.
And it fuckin PWNZ
Action in the first episode. Can't wait for next weeks.
Looks cool though
Should be good, was a massive fan of Band of Brothers.
Tom Hanks: "Hi, I'm Tom Hanks"
Steven Spielberg: "And I'm Steven Spielberg"
Together: "And we want to make a WWII Drama."
HBO: "Here's a pile of money, have at it."