I just demo my workflow and give some pointers that apply to all programs.
As far as features I demo, I show you ctrl+ click extrusion, projection snapping, shrinkwrap modifier, relax, vertex group "locking, knife tool, edge loop redirecting, grease pencil retopology, GPL Bsurface retopology, and various looptools functions such as bridge and spacing.
Hopefully you'll find this useful, and I'd like some feedback on the format of the video. If you guys want a pure "features" version of the video, I don't mind doing it. I just thought it would be nice to demo some of the workflow and talk about it.
Neat tutorial! I love Blender. I save myself the trouble of deleting and recreating geo by working temporarily with tris (Ctrl-T) and converting them back to quads (Alt-J) when the flow is right, using the the knife to subdivide edges when I need to. I use the grease pencil to visualize the flow, since too many tri edges get a bit distracting.
Nice to see those features on the way too! I'm pretty happy with the barebones set of retopo tools as it is, but it never hurts to have options.
Maybe as a follow up, you can demo AO baking, comparing Approximate and Raytraced, and producing bakes with varying amounts of occlusion spread.
By the way, know of any other Blender resources aside from yourself and Katsbits focused on game art? Seems like most of the tutorial writing community is focused on the film making aspect.
the site came up again und you can download the script
i installed it and it works fine
here´s the link
Here is my retopology video.
I just demo my workflow and give some pointers that apply to all programs.
As far as features I demo, I show you ctrl+ click extrusion, projection snapping, shrinkwrap modifier, relax, vertex group "locking, knife tool, edge loop redirecting, grease pencil retopology, GPL Bsurface retopology, and various looptools functions such as bridge and spacing.
Hopefully you'll find this useful, and I'd like some feedback on the format of the video. If you guys want a pure "features" version of the video, I don't mind doing it. I just thought it would be nice to demo some of the workflow and talk about it.
that is a document outlining some of the retopo features to be added this summer throughout GSOC
Nice to see those features on the way too! I'm pretty happy with the barebones set of retopo tools as it is, but it never hurts to have options.
Maybe as a follow up, you can demo AO baking, comparing Approximate and Raytraced, and producing bakes with varying amounts of occlusion spread.
By the way, know of any other Blender resources aside from yourself and Katsbits focused on game art? Seems like most of the tutorial writing community is focused on the film making aspect.
I don't do much retopology lately, but it's great to know what's available in Blender in case I need it in the future.
I like the features + workflow format of this video as it puts everything in context.