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polycounter lvl 9
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A.Kincade polycounter lvl 9
Hey... Been starting working on a skateboard. At this point I've gotten to the trucks and had a tough time figuring out how to go about it. I have the base figured out but the axle part has been a pain. Any help or advice would be much appreciated. I've skated for years but am struggling on getting it all to look correct. Here is what I have thus far and some reference I've been using....





So far been running off the truck ref on the left. I recently found this one on the right and think it might be an easier shape to model out. Never seen a truck like this in real life so worrying about it looking odd or out of place...


  • MRico
    Offline / Send Message
    MRico polycounter lvl 10
    Hey man!

    So far it's looking pretty good. A couple of crits...

    The deck seems a bit too thick and the nose and tail don't seem high enough. Also it's looking kinda flat, decks are usually concave a bit.

    I would probably SubD the trucks. Come low-poly time, removing a couple of supporting edges would be easier and also the bevel on the trucks base isn't that much.

    A.Kincade wrote: »
    So far been running off the truck ref on the left. I recently found this one on the right and think it might be an easier shape to model out. Never seen a truck like this in real life so worrying about it looking odd or out of place...

    Yeah...the trucks on the right are definitely weird, I don't think I've seen any like that either.

    Personally I'd stick to the trucks on the left...because I like them better and it would stop a lot of people from asking "wtf is up with those trucks?."

    Making the ones on the left will also make some hair grow on your chest.

    Don't settle for something that might not look good in the end just cuz it's easier.

    The best way to get better is to always challenge yourself.
  • S_ource
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    S_ource polycounter lvl 9
    The right one looks like a longboard truck.
  • A.Kincade
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    A.Kincade polycounter lvl 9
    Autopsy: Thx man. I'll thin out the deck and give it some curvature. I'll also raise up the ends and fix the trucks base. I see what your saying with that stuff. Easy fixes.

    S_ource: That sounds about right. Well that works out nicely because once I finished this skateboard I was planning on doing a cruiser deck as well and was just going to re-use the trucks. But now I'll try and do both style trucks. Thx for the input good to know.
  • Giacomo X
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    Giacomo X polycounter lvl 6
    Free advice: take some photos (front and side views) and use them as underlays to model from. Trying to eyeball an object that you could photograph is, in my opinion, a huge waste of time.
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