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Dominance War delayed until 2011.



  • Snefer
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    Snefer polycounter lvl 17
    Vailias wrote: »
    Sure a DW victory is serious art cred, but its so huge now your entry gets lost even on your home forum.

    Thats not true :P The winnners never get lost :P Also, it gets you more than cred, its one of few competitions that actually matters in professional situations, lika, getting a damn visa >_<
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    Vailias wrote: »
    Yeah, if we're all so rabid for competition then lets set up something between us and 3d total.
    No prizes needed, just a game art forum war like the dominance war started as.

    Or, no 3dtotal. They suck.
  • Snefer
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    Snefer polycounter lvl 17
  • Disco Stu
    they suck - sathe.. he rocks!:D
  • ae.
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    ae. polycounter lvl 12
    EarthQuake wrote: »
    What is it exactly he is selling again?

    Sexual favors!
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    ae. wrote: »
    Sexual favors!

    Grand prize? zjob?

    2nd place? blowjob?

    3rd? handjob?
  • Frump
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    Frump polycounter lvl 12
    I'm totally fine with this, but it's highly disappointing. I've been excited all year for it, and even scheduling my projects around it so that I wouldn't be burned out just as it started. I had a great time last year and really enjoyed the community aspects. It's what really got me coming to Polycount regularly, which was a great thing. :)

    I am now super excited for this upcoming Polycount challenge. As long as there's something to fill the gap, I'm happy. I love the spirit of the competitions where everyone is working and contributing to one big event. :)
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 18
    Ok like I said. We have many ideas in line for contests and challenges / mini comps. PLEASE PLEASE be patient as more details will be coming very soon.

    That is all I can say for now. Ideas presented in this thread are very interesting and will be noted.

  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    cool to hear. Hopefully sometime in the next month or so :)
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    I think it should be pretty open ended in terms of what kinds of entries, such as

    Hand painted
    low poly
    tech art related things?

    Maybe have just a theme, listed specifications for each award, and allow multiple entries/entries in multiple categories.
  • Pseudo
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    Pseudo polycounter lvl 18
    ZacD wrote: »
    I think it should be pretty open ended in terms of what kinds of entries, such as

    Hand painted
    low poly
    tech art related things?

    Maybe have just a theme, listed specifications for each award, and allow multiple entries/entries in multiple categories.

    That's a terrible idea. It's impossible to hold a contest a pick a winner when you are comparing a car to a character, let alone an animation to a vfx.
  • HausFly
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    HausFly polycounter lvl 17
    I have a suggestion for the first place prize:

    Allow the contest winner to ban any member of their choosing.

    ZacD, you've had a nice run here.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Pseudo wrote: »
    That's a terrible idea. It's impossible to hold a contest a pick a winner when you are comparing a car to a character, let alone an animation to a vfx.

    no separate winners for each of those
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    Man, bummer. Especially as someone who entered in to UC 2009 does it especially suck.

    If we do anything here, it will be a challenge and not a contest (re: no prizes to win). I won't be ready to set things up for prizes until well after the new site has launched, so for now we'll run some creative challenges for you guys to enter and have fun with. Jesse has one coming up that looks like a ton of fun.
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    you could do something simple like, i dunno, custom forum name tag thing, or automatic addition to the banner system for winners- stuff like that which is free to do but people might get a kick out of
  • Wahlgren
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    Wahlgren polycounter lvl 17
    A custom title would be enough of a prize. Most people aren't that interested in the prices anyway... Unless you tell them they will be there, somebody wins and then don't get them. Then you care but that's a whole different thing.
  • kwakkie
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    kwakkie polycounter lvl 12
    Heh... it got too big too fast if you ask me... I really didnt see the point of adding all those non-english speaking forums, you could hardly find anything usefull on there regarding workflow or new techniques. I lost my faith in any of these contests. Every contest gets delayed 2-3 times and so does the judging. The unearthly AND comicon challenges of 2009 still arent judged... those contests were done over HALF A YEAR ago!!! Aside from getting sponsors, how hard can it be really?
  • b1ll
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    b1ll polycounter lvl 18
    Thank god, 1 year where i dont have to pretend to join or finish something.

    Ahhh free at last.

    And im pretty sure the Montreal lounge is partly paid by the government, Quebec like games.
  • Wahlgren
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    Wahlgren polycounter lvl 17
    kwakkie. comicon has been judged. My friend got second place and didn't even know about it xD
  • Zwebbie
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    Zwebbie polycounter lvl 18
    Kwakkie: Comicon 2009 has been judged, and for quite a while now. That said, I agree completely with what you posted.

    Edit: Damn you, Pig!
  • Anuxinamoon
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    Anuxinamoon polycounter lvl 14
    Did I hear someone say challenges?

    I'm up for a bit of pixel melee.
  • Trappe
    The argument "it´s gotten to big, it´s just about making money now" is BS.
    Like mod-developers going on to making trippel a games.

    I´m sorry, it´s gonna grow!

    Theres plenty of smaller challenges over @ GA, and you know you will all sign up for DW once it starts anyway.

    If you didn´t start it up, shut up and be glad for these few times were we actually get some public attention.
  • SyncViewS
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    SyncViewS polycounter lvl 13
    Do you remember THIS? Of course you do! ;)

    So what about Polycount PvP challenges? The offender throws down the gauntlet defining theme and rules, while the defender can accept or decline the match. If pixels don't clash without any reasonable justification, the thread of shame gets filled. General rules should be refined, but you got the idea :)
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    EarthQuake wrote: »
    Are you fucking retarded, you think DW actually MAKES money?

    Always SUCH a pleasure to speak with you EQ...it's surprising how naive you are though...if you honestly think DW gets not a penny from sponsorship/ads meant for DW contestants. And don't even think of deifying Fred...considering how many times comps have been delayed (every time) without so much as an apology, and some winners not getting their prizes either.

    *ignore list*

    Did I hear someone say challenges?

    I'm up for a bit of pixel melee.

    Hella yes! Also I agree with Zacd, it would be interesting to see more than just characters represented...I can understand it would get messy if it was a free for all, but who cares? If PC sets a theme and some people produce Pixel animations, and some people a vehicle, or a gun, or a character, or a 2D concept, who cares? It could work out, if we try it and it doesn't go back to a more conventional challenge layout.

    I'm just saying for the future. For the next PC challenge, I hope it's something along the lines of a TV theme...:D
  • Marine
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    Marine polycounter lvl 19
    Something like "produce something that would fit in to the world of..." then put a bunch of different things up for a vote, like gears, monkey island, zelda, etc
    If it's a property someone here works on, see if they can get the AD to choose their favourite, and a separate community choice award.
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    Always SUCH a pleasure to speak with you EQ...it's surprising how naive you are though...if you honestly think DW gets not a penny from sponsorship/ads meant for DW contestants. And don't even think of deifying Fred...considering how many times comps have been delayed (every time) without so much as an apology, and some winners not getting their prizes either.

    *ignore list*

    oh shit, fredh delays contests and gives stupid requirements/themes because he's an EVIL GENIUS? God, that explains everything. opened my eyes.

    edit -

    Actually, that's a good idea. How about an evil genius competition? The polycount forum splits up into teams of two to harsh josh and adam's groove.
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    Polycount Civil War - This shit ain't civil. ©

    losers all get balls as avatars.
  • EarthQuake
    Always SUCH a pleasure to speak with you EQ...it's surprising how naive you are though...if you honestly think DW gets not a penny from sponsorship/ads meant for DW contestants. And don't even think of deifying Fred...considering how many times comps have been delayed (every time) without so much as an apology, and some winners not getting their prizes either.

    First off, from someone who has been around here as long as you have, you would think that you might possibly have a little bit of insight into the process and the immense amount of time, effort and money goes into simply running the thing at all. Complaining about a free service, and not just a free service, but a service that by defination loses money, shows not only your incredible ignorance, but portrays you as spoiled little brat who is throwing a tantrum because Daddy only bought you one pony, not the 3 ponies that you asked for.

    I dont really know Fred personally, but i know enough to tell you that there is not a single person who has put more of his own time, effort, and money into providing everyone in our community with an awesome, free service than he has. If he's finally able to find a business model that actually EARNS A PROFIT, after YEARS of spending his own money to make sure you guys can participate in events like this, that is truly a wonderful thing and i wish him nothing but the best in his en-devours.

    If you think that there is some magical potion that combines renting server space for a website that gets millions of hits, spending massive amounts of time building a system that has to work for tens of thousands of international participants, all while relentlessly tracking down sponsors who are willing to pony up cash and free prizes to the winners.... If you think there is somehow a magic make-money plan in there that is so easy apparently you could do it in your spare time, i would love to hear about it. Until that happens and you start the annual Blenderhead Competition and provide the same service, prizes, and manage to make a profit doing so, all while pandering to every individual's specific needs and complaints, you can kindly shut the fuck up.

    It is so beyond absurd that you would even mention naivetivity in the same breath as you waste bashing someone who provides you a completely free service... Words really are not enough to describe how foolish that is.

    I get that there are some issues worth complaining about, the deadline dates have become much of a running gag around here, its impossible to ever get this massive of a contest together and have everyone agree on the rules, and other various small issues like this. But to complain that you're somehow being screwed out of the deal when steps are being put into action to try and get the entire thing working more smoothly, and have a dedicated full time staff to run these sorts of events... Well, you and anyone who would complain about such things just comes off as someone who is going to complain regardless as to what happens.

    PS: Someone quote this, so that the man with all the answers but no solutions and nothing to actually contribute can see it. =)
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    bah, after work I barely have enough energy to troll polycount! I couldn't imagine trying to run a competition as well.
  • Pseudo
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    Pseudo polycounter lvl 18
    EarthQuake wrote: »
    First off, from someone who has been around here as long as you have, you would think that you might possibly have a little bit of insight into the process and the immense amount of time, effort and money goes into simply running the thing at all. Complaining about a free service, and not just a free service, but a service that by defination loses money, shows not only your incredible ignorance, but portrays you as spoiled little brat who is throwing a tantrum because Daddy only bought you one pony, not the 3 ponies that you asked for.

    I dont really know Fred personally, but i know enough to tell you that there is not a single person who has put more of his own time, effort, and money into providing everyone in our community with an awesome, free service than he has. If he's finally able to find a business model that actually EARNS A PROFIT, after YEARS of spending his own money to make sure you guys can participate in events like this, that is truly a wonderful thing and i wish him nothing but the best in his en-devours.

    If you think that there is some magical potion that combines renting server space for a website that gets millions of hits, spending massive amounts of time building a system that has to work for tens of thousands of international participants, all while relentlessly tracking down sponsors who are willing to pony up cash and free prizes to the winners.... If you think there is somehow a magic make-money plan in there that is so easy apparently you could do it in your spare time, i would love to hear about it. Until that happens and you start the annual Blenderhead Competition and provide the same service, prizes, and manage to make a profit doing so, all while pandering to every individual's specific needs and complaints, you can kindly shut the fuck up.

    It is so beyond absurd that you would even mention naivetivity in the same breath as you waste bashing someone who provides you a completely free service... Words really are not enough to describe how foolish that is.

    I get that there are some issues worth complaining about, the deadline dates have become much of a running gag around here, its impossible to ever get this massive of a contest together and have everyone agree on the rules, and other various small issues like this. But to complain that you're somehow being screwed out of the deal when steps are being put into action to try and get the entire thing working more smoothly, and have a dedicated full time staff to run these sorts of events... Well, you and anyone who would complain about such things just comes off as someone who is going to complain regardless as to what happens.

    PS: Someone quote this, so that the man with all the answers but no solutions and nothing to actually contribute can see it. =)

    I thought you summed it up rather well EQ, but just in case Blenderhead and others haven't fully grasped the folly of their arguements, here is a quote from Fred,
    FredH wrote: »
    A friend showed me this thread. Against my better judgement, I guess I should comment and tell a little about what has been going on.

    First off, there is no staff for Dominance War, Game Artisans, or Unearthly Challenge. There is no secretary to answer peoples questions or to take down 20+ judges' comments, artists' shipping address, walk to the post office 30+ times because there are 50+ champions located in over 50+ countries, or paint 50+ medallions. There is no team for creating the DW or UC page designs, or programming. Furthermore, yes, there is slight funding for the event by sponsors, this covers about 20% of the actual cost of running each event. A single individual has been investing so much money that in the past 5 years, he could have bought a house and with the money used for the maintanance of the network of websites, he could be driving a top of the line mercedes. Sponsors are included in each event because the more game companies sponsoring an event, the more likely they are to hire an artist in that event. It's great exposure for artists. No money is made from showcasing artwork from contestants. Posters? Only a few are sold and they cost $10 to make and $10-17 to ship. They are only sold so that artists have something to remember a grand event with. They yield zero profit, take a ton of time to create, and would be taken out of the store except for a sentemental individual who hopes people will enjoy owning a piece of a grand and great event.

    In the rules of each dominance war and UC, there is a claus that states, the organizer is not liable for prizes and that DW, UC or Comicon can be terminated at any time. However, it has never been done and it's still my hope that all prizes can be paid for and dilivered with a bonus item in the near future.

    I am happy to see that Dominance War has made it this far, and that artists believe it is organized by a staff and that funding is secure and that the many people running it are all fat with money, but, this is hardly the case. It began as a passionate hobby, and continued as such by a single individual for 5 years. Aftermath, helped tremendously in DW4 by finding additional sponsors, and for this, I am greatful. Also, the mods on GA helped tremendously in keeping GA from sinking during my absences to run each major event. As someone stated in this thread, Dominance War expanded too quickly, and with UC adding to the equation, there was never any time to build a solid foundation with a dedicated staff.

    For this reason, all competitions have been suspended to 2011. In 2010, concentration will be put into acquiring an office (Game Artisans Montreal) and a staff of passionate people who would love to see a world event, prosper. As always, I am not creating GA Montreal for the money, I am creating it because I think it can be a big asset to the game content community at large.

    To this day, my accountant thinks I am idiot, but I still hope that one day, I can simply make an honest living with something I am passionate about, keep all online activities such as DW, UC, Comicon etc, free for everyone, and make GA Montreal affordable and helpful for all local artists in montreal.

    Anyways, sorry for the long rant.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    Where did Fred post that?
  • EarthQuake
  • Yozora
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    Yozora polycounter lvl 11
    adam wrote: »
    Where did Fred post that?

    in the "where the **** are my prizes" thread; http://boards.polycount.net/showthread.php?t=70329&page=2
  • bounchfx
    Fred is completely awesome.

    Thank you, Fred.
  • Del
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    Del polycounter lvl 9
    EarthQuake wrote:
    Are you fucking retarded, you think DW actually MAKES money?
    Always SUCH a pleasure to speak with you EQ...it's surprising how naive you are though...if you honestly think DW gets not a penny from sponsorship/ads meant for DW contestants. And don't even think of deifying Fred...considering how many times comps have been delayed (every time) without so much as an apology, and some winners not getting their prizes either.

    ~ Did anyone else read ^^this? Cannot tell if this is trolling or not...? Please help.
  • leslievdb
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    leslievdb polycounter lvl 15
    /me does another sculpt to become more badass for nextyear

    i mean competitions are fun but why wait for one to make some time for a project for yourself.
    I know when you have a fulltime job it isn't always that easy to do personal work after your hours and that some teamspirit makes it more fun but if thats the case why not just do a minicompo like suggested and give a cookie to the winner...

    prices are overrated anyway, the fun of creating something from your imagination is what should keep you going imo
  • samgriffiths
    Another year to improve xD
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Polycount Civil War - This shit ain't civil. ©

    losers all get balls as avatars.

    Naw I think it would be better if everyone who tried to do a armoured space-marine or big demon thing (etc) should get the balls avatar...would promote people to do something completely silly like the cock-tanks challenge :D
    Dreamer wrote: »
    ~ Did anyone else read ^^this? Cannot tell if this is trolling or not...? Please help.

    Haha whatta snitch.
    EarthQuake wrote: »
    PS: Someone quote this, so that the man with all the answers but no solutions and nothing to actually contribute can see it. =)

    I can't put a mod on my ignore list apparently...and unfortunately.
    EarthQuake wrote: »
    First off, from someone who has been around here as long as you have, you would think that you might possibly have a little bit of insight into the process and the immense amount of time, effort and money goes into simply running the thing at all. Complaining about a free service, and not just a free service, but a service that by defination loses money, shows not only your incredible ignorance, but portrays you as spoiled little brat who is throwing a tantrum because Daddy only bought you one pony, not the 3 ponies that you asked for.

    Of course I am aware of the complexity and cost of these things, that's what you use the money you get from the ads on your website to pay for... my quam is with things that could be helped... like getting a few people to help so that the comps run on time, get decent sponsorship, and people actually get the prizes they were promised. Really, it's down to a lack of organisational skills on his part. If you are going to do it, I would say at least do it properly :) I have to do my job properly, so do you, so does everybody. If my work was consistently late by three weeks and not followed through on I'd be one unemployed m'fucka. Plus, for the record, I don't really buy that big post FredH made...sorry, but I just don't buy the whole 'I could have bought a house and a top of the line mercedes but I instead spent it on a game art competition'. I mean lol...

    That's all I'm gonna say on the matter, I think my points are valid enough. This is more of a case of 'OMG BLUNDERHEAD SED SOMETHING LIGHT THE TORCHES' than me being incorrect. I don't see anybody quoting Vig or anyone else who critisized how the comp was run, so it really doesn't matter what I say. See you all in the next PC comp :) Byyye Byyye...
  • indian_boy
    i have mixed emotions about this announcement
    on the one hand, i was eager to see the loads of inspiration, and possibly compete as well.

    on the other, i'm dead-busy around DomWar time this year, and am dying to compete. So perhaps this postponement is giving me a chance to compete and complete again.
    Either way, i can use the extra year of practice.
  • JFletcher
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    JFletcher polycounter lvl 13
    Wow i had no idea it was that bad, only 20% of the funding is from sponsors? damn..

    I'm sorry to hear this, and I'm even more grateful than before for this awesome competition which has driven me and so many others.

    Perhaps there should be a very very small fee to enter the competition, perhaps something like $5 to enter. :)
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Great idea Fletchy, I'd be up for that...
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    JFletcher wrote: »
    Wow i had no idea it was that bad, only 20% of the funding is from sponsors? damn..

    I'm sorry to hear this, and I'm even more grateful than before for this awesome competition which has driven me and so many others.

    Perhaps there should be a very very small fee to enter the competition, perhaps something like $5 to enter. :)

    Would be a fantastic idea. It's increase the motivation to finish, support the contest, and cut down on all of the chaff who aren't really skilled enough to finish a professional looking asset. + b1ll.
  • Funky Bunnies
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    Funky Bunnies polycounter lvl 17
    that's a good idea, but it slightly discourages awesome people who might not finish their awesome pieces and a lot of students and aspiring 3d artists who are unsure if they'll finish from entering and then not really taking an active role in learning. I think Fred wanted to keep it free if possible. But I'd be down for 5 bucks if it'd help solidify a stronger organization for the coming year.

    Is there already a big fat donate button? (as if anyone ever chooses to donate with those things if not forced to :poly124:)
  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    someone just fucking ban blenderhead , he rarely contributes with anything and just adds clutter to threads.

    Also fredh , im really glad this hasnt brought you down , i am really curious to what you are trying to achieve with the studio , hope everything goes according to your plan :D
  • Mark Dygert
    I stick by my criticism of how things ran and I remain hopeful that things will improve. Out of Fred's control or not the delays have been really annoying and disheartening. I can go into great detail as to why that is if any one is interested but I spare everyone from an unsolicited wall of text.

    I haven't said anything that I wouldn't say to Fred's face if we ever met and he asked for my thoughts on the subject.
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