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3DSMax 2011



  • bounchfx
    ack, didn't 2010 just start two months ago!?
  • Kwramm
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    Kwramm interpolator
    I wonder what they broke this time :/
  • Koden
    Another one? Really? Let the compatibility issues begin
  • CJE
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    CJE polycounter lvl 13
    How did the ribbon make it into 2011, ugh. Get rid of that fucking thing!
  • Mark Dygert
    Re: Render surface, could be cool, probably laggy like the rest of their paint tools, rendering it useless...

    Re: Object painting, I've used better since Max 8, if you're going to copy something that's been done half a dozen times already do it right.

    Re: Caddies, give it a rest already. There is so much broken crap that needs fixing.
  • bounchfx
    CJE wrote: »
    How did the ribbon make it into 2011, ugh. Get rid of that fucking thing!

    from what i can tell that's the shit that's staying.. kiss your modifier panel on the right bye bye :(

    I hope not..
  • [Deleted User]
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    [Deleted User] polycounter lvl 18
    Eew. The ribbon looks just as broken as in 2010. Is there anyone who likes that thing?

    Caddies? So is a caddy just like the option box without the box and it lingers? That's, um... Yeah, no. I don't know what to make of that.
  • Jeremy Wright
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    Jeremy Wright polycounter lvl 17
  • Mark Dygert
    yea +1 to the ribbon hate. Hopefully they fixed some of its functionality so its not entirely useless.
  • NyneDown
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    NyneDown polycounter lvl 11
    DayUM! I just got 2010. And yea, I'm not a fan of the ribbon either. The only thing I can think of that would be more annoying is neon flashing menu's....maybe throw in some pop-up ads while you're at it.
  • kite212
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    kite212 polycounter lvl 16
    i have my ribbon docked to the side, i use it all the time, i also was in one of the xbr webcast, and they have a lot in the works, from the feed back most people wanted them to focus on performance increases in the next roll out of xbr, so 2011 should also give nice performance boosts for high poly scenes and scenes with lots of objects. they also have some really cool plans for the viewport and more
  • Jeremy-S
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    Jeremy-S polycounter lvl 11
    I'm probably gonna stick with Max 9. It doesn't crash on me, and I'm not a fan of any of the updates after it. Max 2010 was so buggy, and laggy, it was almost un-usable. The Xoliul shader with shadows works with it, so that's almost the only reason for me to use it now. Although, now that I think of it, I found out why my stuff was looking bad in marmoset, I could probably just stick to that.
  • j_bradford
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    j_bradford polycounter lvl 17
    I want to see the ribbon's performance improved before I commit to having it on screen. Right now I've just binded it's features (many of which are awesome) to shortcut keys. Thanks for the info kite212, that's good to hear!
  • mdeforge
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    mdeforge polycounter lvl 14
    Most of this was is a big "big whoop"
  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    MEGA RIBBON HATE here as well
    mainly because of performance, clusterfuck and icon only interface (to many to learn and remember).
    I removed that shit here, because its only in the way and I bind the important stuff anyway to shortcuts.

    So until they can't fix performance and clean up the horrible mess in the interface/ performance because of the big big soup of 3rd party inclusions.
  • |Buddy|
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    |Buddy| polycounter lvl 11
    Polyboost was cluttered as fuck but still better than Ribbon.

    Autodesk should adress some general issues 3dsmax has instead of adding these silly features that make the whole thing even slower.
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    One of Max's benefits was its huge plug-in community. A question. Is Autodesk shooting themselves in the foot with their recent ideological change of making all their software revised every year versus a release every 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 years with patches for the current version in between.

    Why? Because it requires the plug-ins to have to be recompiled for each release and if Im not mistaken, the person has to have that release to recompile to. Correct?
  • undoz
    Autodesk is planning to move all the tools in 3ds max to the Ribbon interface and the floaters to "caddies".
    Brought to you by the same guys who invented the viewport cube, steering wheel, file button etc.

    The rest are rebranded scripts.
  • Kwramm
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    Kwramm interpolator
    |Buddy| wrote: »
    Polyboost was cluttered as fuck but still better than Ribbon.

    Autodesk should adress some general issues 3dsmax has instead of adding these silly features that make the whole thing even slower.

    It's just like in politics. They just do something crazy and tell you "Hey Look! We did something!" because it's a heck lot easier than tackling the real problems ;)

    And the yearly update thing...what other reason is there than raking in even more money? Max 2009 works fine here and I didn't even get 2010 to run properly yet...or is there a pattern that even release numbers don't work?
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    Koden wrote: »
    Another one? Really? Let the compatibility issues begin
  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    It sounds like its the first time people see a realese of a software package less than 1 year after the other with no significal improvements and further issues.

    No one is forcing you to update to the latest version , and if they do and it causes slow down in the workflow due to it , then it should be reported to the proper person at the studio.
  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    It sounds like its the first time people see a realese of a software package less than 1 year after the other with no significal improvements and further issues.

    No one is forcing you to update to the latest version , and if they do and it causes slow down in the workflow due to it , then it should be reported to the proper person at the studio.

    p.s - love the new buggy polycount !
  • frubes
    This is all part of autodesks "Excalibur" expansion of max. As aforementioned it pretty much revolves around the ribbon UI but also improving performance and stability.

    Here are some notes on excalibur:


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  • frubes
    This is all part of autodesks "Excalibur" expansion of max. As aforementioned it pretty much revolves around the ribbon UI but also improving performance and stability.

    Here are some notes on excalibur:


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  • bbob
    Am I the only one who actually likes the ribbon and uses is frequently?

    In on the viewcube hatewagon, but the ribbon I like.
  • bbob

    Polycount is going mental

  • Kwramm
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    Kwramm interpolator
    yaaaarrghhh i got the polycount hiccups!
  • Kwramm
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    Kwramm interpolator
    Johny wrote: »
    No one is forcing you to update to the latest version , and if they do and it causes slow down in the workflow due to it , then it should be reported to the proper person at the studio.

    well it tends to be a problem when they forget to service older version of max. "Hey thanks for for finally fixing that bug, where can we download the service pa....wait I gotta buy a brand new version?!?" :/
  • dejawolf
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    dejawolf polycounter lvl 18
    stopped giving a shit since max 8. is there any legal way to upgrade to 9, or do i have to pirate the damn thing.
  • DarthNater
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    DarthNater polycounter lvl 10
    bbob wrote: »
    Am I the only one who actually likes the ribbon and uses is frequently?

    In on the viewcube hatewagon, but the ribbon I like.

    I hate the ribbon but like the viewcube... Not that stupid ass steering wheel though!

    Anyway, I think I'll stay with 2010 until a service pack or 2 hits this, then it will work close to how it's supposed too :P
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    NAIMA polycounter lvl 14
    I am still at 2009 how they go faster to make new versions than me to learn the new features?
  • elte
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    elte polycounter lvl 18
    Man... I mean..

    Horizontal layout wise, the ribbon has eaten up like 20% of the portion, and then we got toolbar, menubar, timeline, properties, and that add up, leaving less than 50% of viewport portion. I believe most people are working in wide screen monitor now, so why are they squeezing again instead of making it vertical (or is there an option to make ribbon vertical?).

    And to make things more happening, we still have viewcube and steering wheel.
  • elte
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    elte polycounter lvl 18
    Man... I mean..

    Horizontal layout wise, the ribbon has eaten up like 20% of the portion, and then we got toolbar, menubar, timeline, properties, and that add up, leaving less than 50% of viewport portion. I believe most people are working in wide screen monitor now, so why are they squeezing again instead of making it vertical (or is there an option to make ribbon vertical?).

    And to make things more happening, we still have viewcube and steering wheel.
  • mdeforge
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    mdeforge polycounter lvl 14
    Most of this was is a big "big whoop"
  • Frump
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    Frump polycounter lvl 12
    God I hate the ribbon. But at least they are still trying to shove stuff at us that we don't want. The Maya guys have just given up completely. Their update between 2009 and 2010 was integrating some old useless composting app that Autodesk had lying around on a shelf somewhere not generating money.
  • undoz
    There is a rumor that Maya's UI is beeing redesigned in QT, that would be a reason for the lack of updates.
  • OBlastradiusO
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    OBlastradiusO polycounter lvl 11
    Not impressed. Sticking with Modo for Hi Poly work.
  • glib
    undoz wrote: »
    There is a rumor that Maya's UI is beeing redesigned in QT, that would be a reason for the lack of updates.

    I heard that rumor too... that they couldn't get it bug-free in time for release so they stripped it, hence the anemic feature list in 2010.
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    undoz wrote: »
    There is a rumor that Maya's UI is beeing redesigned in QT, that would be a reason for the lack of updates.

    Yeah, I heard this too, if it's true that'd be awesome. It's already pretty flexible with MEL, but QT would make it a lot more powerful, kinda like the .NET stuff in Max but more ubiquitous.

    As for max 2011... meh. There has been absolutely nothing I wanted added since Max 2008 that I couldn't get through custom scripts which have been around for years.
    And as mentioned it seems like they've just really cluttered up the interface and made the whole thing slower instead of streamlining and cleaning everything up.

    Whoever's behind these decisions at Autodesk is doing a terrible job...
  • System
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    System admin
    Of the new versions post max 9 there's only one thing I would have found very useful: graphite modelling tools - swift loop. I still can't understand why they didn't just add that into the connect function as an option/tickbox.
    As for this latest one, the painting tools look tempting but only because Adobe haven't perfected the 3d side yet, maybe CS5 will win here?
    Lastly, I know it's a trend to push out newer versions earlier and earlier and I suppose it does help in the longrun so possible flaws can get uncovered ahead of time but it's worrying knowing that your version can become obsolete much more quickly.
  • Mark Dygert
    I say take a year off, put out a service pack that fixes a bunch of issues instead, if they need a list of things to start I have a bunch I'd like to see looked at.

    Then after we have a stable functioning release that's not broken, put together some time into meaningful, well thought out updates. Stop with the tiny baby steps that break more than they help, its clearly just aimed at milking the subscription clients for money and hoping they don't drop it, its hurting the software and its hurting their business.

    As for the ribbon I don't mind it if 3 things happened:
    1) Clean up the vertical version there is way too much wasted space between the buttons which causes scrolling it can all easily fit on screen. Clearly they only use and test it in Horiz compacted mode so why bother including the other methods if they're going to be broken?

    2) Cut out the lag. It takes as little as 1 second and as many as 15 when I launch it for the first time. I pause and think could I manually select every other edge or is dot ring really going to save me that much time after I wait for GMT to launch?

    3) Give us an option to turn off the giant pop up tutorials, seriously I know how the tools work stop treating me like I'm learning.
  • Needles
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    Needles polycounter lvl 20
    Meh i still have flashbacks of max7
  • vcool
    Vig wrote: »
    I say take a year off, put out a service pack that fixes a bunch of issues instead, if they need a list of things to start I have a bunch I'd like to see looked at.

    Then after we have a stable functioning release that's not broken, put together some time into meaningful, well thought out updates. Stop with the tiny baby steps that break more than they help, its clearly just aimed at milking the subscription clients for money and hoping they don't drop it, its hurting the software and its hurting their business.

    People still buy it though. Some change to other packages, but studios would still buy the new release, and there are plenty of new buyers breaking into the industry.

    It would be interesting to see their sales (not happening) on a chart. I don't really think it hurts their sales much, but it hurts conscious users and goes against common sense.
  • PolyHertz
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    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    Vig wrote: »
    I say take a year off, put out a service pack that fixes a bunch of issues instead, if they need a list of things to start I have a bunch I'd like to see looked at.

    Yes, infact, didn't we have a thread about that very subject just a week or two ago? Suppose if they listen (doubtful) we wont see anything till max2012: Doomsday edition :p
    Vig wrote:
    put together some time into meaningful, well thought out updates.

    We all know that's never going to happen, sadly. Its not like it matters to them seeing as their closest competition for standard 3d apps is Modo and Blender. If they had some incentives for their different teams (Max/Maya/XSI) to compete with one another then we'd probably see some neat stuff.
    Vig wrote:
    Give us an option to turn off the giant pop up tutorials, seriously I know how the tools work stop treating me like I'm learning.

    Agreed, I cant use the ribbon for this reason, so incredably annoying.
  • dejawolf
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    dejawolf polycounter lvl 18
    All the pop-up tutorials are there to help new people ease into the 3ds max experience, e.g increase sales. the problem with that is the interface is so cluttered, haphazard, and scattered,
    with multiple references to the same tools everywhere, and deprecated tools mixed in, that
    new users simply doesn't know where to start, or what to use.
    i've taught Max to a few people and trimming down the interface is the first thing i do before i try teaching them how it works.
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    PolyHertz wrote: »
    We all know that's never going to happen, sadly. Its not like it matters to them seeing as their closest competition for standard 3d apps is Modo and Blender. .

    And Houdini. I'm sorry, but I don't think thats getting enough credit these days. Especially the value and price compared to Autodesks's monopoly of buggy and expensive releases.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Hopefully autodesk doesn't fuck up Softimage's UI.
  • Michael Knubben
    To be honest, I do like the concept of the caddies, and being able to hide the sidebar. I'd love it if they'd work on the horrid performance of Max in general, and the Polyboost ribbon in particular, ofcourse.
    Who wants to put money on them fucking up with the caddies, though? Maybe just something small, like inconsistencies, for instance: Not having rmb reset the values, as it does everywhere else in Max. That really has always been their strong point, throwing shit at max, without any thought to consistency and streamlining.
    I hope they integrate Polyboost into the toolbox, rather than having tools on the right AND on the horizontal ribbon (I'm on the hate-bandwagon too, although mostly due to its slow reaction and the fact it's horizontal... wtf?)

    edit: "Yes, we could have built a new codebase from the ground-up, but we'd prefer to bring you all along with us on this journey instead of forcing you to "abandon ship" because we started from scratch with an application that was new and shiny but didn't quite solve any real problems for you"

  • electric_geisha
    ZacD wrote: »
    Hopefully autodesk doesn't fuck up Softimage's UI.

    Agree... Softimage is hands down faster than both its bigger siblings. We run Maya,Max here and Softimage and to be honest I try to avoid using Max 2010 and Maya 2010 at all costs.

    Softimage never seems to get in the limelight Autodesk needs to remarket that app, it is equally a great modelling app and has always been given this strange tainting as being only good at animations and particles. If you are looking to run from the ribbon I would really suggest having a look at Softimage it rocks!
  • michi.be
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    michi.be polycounter lvl 17
    How can I dock my ribons to the left side?
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