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Textured scene to show off graphics engine

I'm working on a small demo for a school application to show off my (graphics) programming skills. My graphics engine supports all the recent features including a full HDR pipeline, but I still need a nice scene to properly demonstrate all this. If you are interested in contributing a small (preferably urban) textured scene from your portfolio, I'd love to feature it in my demo. All I can offer, though, is my gratitude for giving me a chance to show of my work.

Some screen shots from the engine, featuring Doom3 material:


More screen shots and some videos can be found here: http://wunderwerk.blogspot.com/

If you are interested, let me know. I can accept any model format that can be imported in Blender, textures should include normal maps (height information for parallax and relief mapping would be even better, of course).

Thank you!

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