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Random game art for various projects

polycounter lvl 12
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G-Saviour18 polycounter lvl 12
Hi everyone, I'm new here and this is my first post, I'm in my 3rd year of a game art course in my college here in the UK, I recently decided to become a character artist. I'm currently working on two projects, for anyone who would like to see more of my work check it out here:


In the meantime I'd appreciate some criticism on my current character model I'm working on, particularly on his head, the face map is only hand painted so far via photoshop, I will blend in some photos soon, all c & c welcome, let me know what you all think :D

p.s while I'm struggling to get some images actually posted in here could someone let me know how to insert an image here? I've clicked on the Insert Image button and pasted in a url, no image is posted, I'm off to a great start XD



  • G-Saviour18
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    G-Saviour18 polycounter lvl 12
    Hi again, still not sure how to insert an image into the actual thread but heres a link to another forum with the same images that I was hoping to get feedback on:


    I'd appreciate any advice you can give, mainly on the latest posts, such a the engineer character. Thanks :)
  • Emil Mujanovic
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    Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
    With posting images on Polycount, you'll have to have the image hosted somewhere. Either on your own personal web hosting, imageshack, photobucket, dropbox, flickr, etc.

    Once you have the image uploaded to a host, grab the link and use the forum image tags.
    For example:
    insert the URL here (just make sure there are no spaces between the tags and the image URL).

    and you should be set.
  • praxedes
    welcome to polycount. It won't be as complimentary as deviant art has been! However, in my experience it WILL be much more useful :)

    some crits-

    your mountain man is the strongest thing you've got so far. I would suggest finishing it properly as the hair is not completed and the face has the telltale signs of rake tools without and finish. I recommend the gnomon sculpting cloth tutorials by (i think) Richard Smith which are excellent and would benefit you a lot. Also, look into facial planes and head anatomy to improve the forms on the face.

    Your engineer wouold be better off untextured or just with Ao and normals because the textures are horrid and distracting. There are a number of good texturing tutorials available, from all over the place, and if you are using ZB then you can also polypaint and bake textures out- eat3D has this tutorial for free :) Texturing often breaks a model so invest some more time in learning esp. skin!

    Hope this helps. Good luck with it all. It took 3 different projects before I got positive crits on anything I'd done :)
  • G-Saviour18
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    G-Saviour18 polycounter lvl 12
    Thanks for the reply Emil, I seem to be doing everything right so I'm not sure why it's still not working, I even just set up a flickr account and loaded up an image like you said.

    I then created this following link to it, I copy and pasted the link from my flickr page in between the [img]tags and left no spaces:[/img][img][/img]http://www.flickr.com/photos/47709853@N06/4369585069/

    All I get then when I go to preview my post is the little 'can't display red X icon' where the image should be, or the above example where all I've got is the actual link to the page, is there something else I'm missing? To the bottom left of the thread image under Posting Rules I have [IMG]code is on, if that helps at all, other than that I can't see what I'm doing wrong. Any help you can offer is much appreciated as I'd really like to start posting here :D[/img]
  • ES_139

    here you go mate
    just put (insert link here)
    dont put the url tags in.
  • G-Saviour18
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    G-Saviour18 polycounter lvl 12
    Thanks for the welcome and the crits, youch! I always enjoy a good cry XD I'm eager to start posting here properly soon, once I work out why images don't seem to want to post on my thread :poly127: I don't get that much criticism on Deviant art or elsewhere, this seems to be where its at!

    Thanks for the crits on my engineer character too, I didn't realise the texture sucks that bad! I do have to have it textured soon though, as its for a mod, if you think its that off though I think I better work more on the texture before sending it off to the team :polytwitch: I used ZBrushes Polypaint to get the base colours in for the engineer and after some vague use of Photoshop I used Xnormal to bake out the normal and occlusion maps, I got that from Eat3D already ;).

    Care to say exactly what is so horrid and distracting about the engineers textures? I'd appreciate some specific criticism on that as I'm feeling a little reluctant on where to start fixing it. You didn't crit the mountain mans texture so I'll assume I did ok there...I hope so anyway...

    I will definitely look into some cloth sculpting tutorials as I know I would benefit greatly from that.

    Thanks again for your honesty, very much appreciated :)
  • G-Saviour18
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    G-Saviour18 polycounter lvl 12
    Hey thanks man!

    I have been doing that tho, I'm not sure why it doesn't seem to work for me: lemme try again


    ARGHHH! Why doesn't it work?! This is exactly what I just did, I've included spaces between the link and the IMG tags for this example cos otherwise I'd just get the above "X".


    Any suggestions? Thank you :)
  • ES_139
    Hey thanks man!

    I have been doing that tho, I'm not sure why it doesn't seem to work for me: lemme try again


    ARGHHH! Why doesn't it work?! This is exactly what I just did, I've included spaces between the link and the IMG tags for this example cos otherwise I'd just get the above "X".

    Any suggestions? Thank you :)

    lol this time was a little different, this time your orig tags were correct but you wernt linking to the right page, these cannot sit in an img tag because it will be read as a hyperlink so always check you have removed the [url [/url] tags and your golden. On photobucket if you visit your homepage of your acount and click on the image you want to show in a post it will actually give you a handy list of the tags for you check it out on the left hand side.
  • G-Saviour18
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    G-Saviour18 polycounter lvl 12
    Thanks a lot for bearing with me, I worked it out finally :D yay! Thanks again :thumbup:
  • jacob07777
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    jacob07777 polycounter lvl 15
    Hey man it's Jacob from deviant art. Glad to see you in the forums. Once you get that image posting down I'm sure you're gonna get some great crits here from the members. Polycount sure knows how to bust your balls when you need something fixed. But don't worry they'll cuddle afterwards as long as it looks like you keep working to make that art better. Have fun here man and welcome to the boards :)
  • praxedes
    I can't comment on the mountain man as the image is too small to really judge- it looks okay at a distance, but...

    Your engineer's textures are doing my head mainly because of the face texturing, which looks cartoony and amatuerish. You've got a sample of a head texture from (I assume) photo manipulation on your site which suggests you can make a good texture base, but then the engineer has a handpainted texture that looks like it took you less than an hour- the "dotty stubble" is notably crazy! The clothing texture is not really offensive, it just lacks credibility- he's an engineer but he's dressed in an immaculate blue and white costume that makes him look like a space pilot. The cloth needs the AO baking into it maybe, to pop the forms, and a lot more consideration into representing materials in terms of spec and surface information- then weather and break down that sucker! On that note, a good spec map and better rendering would help. They won't save a bad texture or model but they will show what you've got at it's best. U3, UDk or Marmoset are all easy options (Marm is ridiculously easy to work with once you get around it's little quirks).

    As an aside, the engineer's head is elongated in the brain pan and he has a receding lower jaw. This makes him goofy looking!

    I look forward to seeing the moutain guy higher res, and any updates on the main guy. I won't comment on your other pieces on Deviant as they don't seem to be "submitted" to the forum in the same way you've mentioned these two. Good luck!

  • G-Saviour18
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    G-Saviour18 polycounter lvl 12
    Thanks again for the reply, you're right about the engineers suit, it does look a little more space pilot than engineer, it was the concept I was given though, I have been working on it since to make it more plauseable.

    The face map was about an hours work or less XD, hence the WIP stage, I've worked more on it since, the dotted stubble thing I got from a tutorial from Leigh Van Der Byl, my version of it came out as good at the tutorial I followed did so I figured if it was good enough for him then it would be good enough for me, I have filled out the stubble a little more since. I think it looks better now, I'll post an update on here later today of both the facemap and the model.

    I've moved a few verts around on my characters head mesh since too, his head certainly was goofy looking! I hope I've fixed that, I'm sure people will let me know once I post an update :D

    Never thought of using UDK to render, I've been trying my best with 3DS Max and its basic rendering program. I'll try UDK for my next render, thanks for the tip :) I'll have to look into Marmoset soon, I've only recently heard of it but a lot of people seem to be using it all of a sudden so I better go check that out.

    I have baked an AO map into the clothes already, this is where I'm a little sketchy however, I got the AO map from using my high and low poly models and running it through XNormal, if the AO map is'nt obvious to you maybe it's how I've applied it to the model inside Max, not too sure myself, I need to learn a little more about using shaders and stuff like that I think.

    Anyway thanks for your help again, much appreciated :) and feel free to crit on anything you see of mine, especially my more recent stuff, I can always take note and try to get better. I should have another update on the engineer soon, I'd be glad to know what you think, thanks ;)
  • praxedes
    with your Ao map, generally they don't get applied as a separate map channel in your material; what tends to happen is you use it in photoshop or whatever you're painting your texture in, and lay it on top of your colour layers, usually in multiply, colour burn, darken or whatever layer mode gives the result you're after- the idea is that it subtly modifies your diffuse colours to enhance the effects of the normal map. So, when you save your diffuse as a tga or whatever, the Ao is included in it as part of the colour effect. Hope that helps!

  • G-Saviour18
  • G-Saviour18
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    G-Saviour18 polycounter lvl 12
    Thanks Jacob, this site is awesome, I've never seen such an active game community before, I'm glad you showed me this site :D
  • G-Saviour18
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    G-Saviour18 polycounter lvl 12
    praxedes wrote: »
    with your Ao map, generally they don't get applied as a separate map channel in your material

    Thanks a lot Praxedes, I was applying my AO map through the Specular channel inside of Max, I'll sort it out for my next post, thanks for the tip, heres an update as the model looks right now, I havn't worked on the surface materials yet or got some nice skin for the character going, but I will once I've handed in my essay for college in 2 weeks, gotta spend time on that till then :( Worked a little on the colour map since my last proper update, thanks again for the help :D

  • G-Saviour18
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    G-Saviour18 polycounter lvl 12
    Heres my last update before finishing off this guy, if anyone see's anything else that I sghould work on or you think needs fixing let me now! All c & c welcome, I'm gonna go work on the boots a little and try and work some nice shader surface materials into it as well...let me know what you all think! :D

  • G-Saviour18
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    G-Saviour18 polycounter lvl 12
    Put together a base mesh thats going to be used for a few different characters for my own cinema game mod, anyone interested in helping out with this just ask and I will get back to you with more details.

    I still have a few things to correct on this base mesh but it's mostly there now, in the meantime I'm also still working on my engineer character for the Flaming Brain Studios game Praetorian Defiance. A finished version of that will be posted soon.

    Let me know if theres any obvious problems that I might not be aware of, all c & c welcome, thanks,

  • AlecMoody
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    AlecMoody ngon master
    Your modeling is a lot better than your texture painting. I would keep practicing texture painting and remove all the textures from your models for now.
  • G-Saviour18
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    G-Saviour18 polycounter lvl 12
    AlecMoody wrote: »
    Your modeling is a lot better than your texture painting. I would keep practicing texture painting and remove all the textures from your models for now.

    Thanks for the comment, yeah I need to work on the engineers texture, its intended for a mod though so I can't quite remove all textures, I'll just have to better it, I still need to learn about shaders and texturing most, I better get on that, thanks again.
  • G-Saviour18
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    G-Saviour18 polycounter lvl 12
    Hi everyone,

    Here's the latest on the start of one of my characters that will feature in my cinema game mod, this is just the base mesh, it's mostly there now, I'll just be adding and refining stuff from now. Here it is:


    Secondly I've finished my second ever character which I will attach below, the textures still need some work but other than that I think its ok, here it is:


    All c & c appreciated :D
  • G-Saviour18
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    G-Saviour18 polycounter lvl 12
    Just a quick WIP of the first character to be created for my own personal mod, I'm still working on the textures and rig of it, I just have to finish rigging the arms and then thats done, the texture still needs a good bit of work, all c & c welcome

  • G-Saviour18
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    G-Saviour18 polycounter lvl 12
    Hi everyone, just some props I'm either working on or that are mostly there by now, I'm looking for help with the cinema themed idea below which anyone who would like to is welcome to contribute whatever they can, anyway heres two of them for now :) I'd appreciate feedback on textures, all objects have a 512x512 texture res, the green light camera prop only has a diffuse at the moment, I'll be adding some leaking rust to the front of it soon, let me know what you think!


  • G-Saviour18
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    G-Saviour18 polycounter lvl 12
    Hi everyone, heres a quick paintover I did of my current character to get an idea of how he will look, he's supposed to be a hip hop guy, any suggestions are more than welcome as I'd really like to see what you all think of it before I go any further with the actual model



  • G-Saviour18
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    G-Saviour18 polycounter lvl 12
    Hi everyone, I'm just going to go ahead and post some of the stuff I've made over the last few weeks, most of this stuff is either work in progress or as finished as I can get them for the moment! I'm looking for help at the moment with a UDK project I am working on, some of the below screens will show some of the art I've done for it, it's the cinema themed images you're looking for there, if you would like to help just ask and I'll get back to you with more details. All c & c on my work is welcome and much appreciated, thanks!





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