Hi there.
Last week I started a hard work with this model and I want finally finish this boring idea of "jail-monster". I doesn't worked with sketches and it's just flow of thoughts, free design, which I have already changed a couple of times. Criticism and comments are more than welcome, I want to end this in the end:)
Couples of scrins:
Warm, friendly look of humanlike creature
little closer:
and main idea - the body of the monster is some kind of jail of sinners souls. Their faces show through on his back, revealing the terrible human torment, horror, pain and other blah-blah-blah.
Total awesome stuff...
I'm really digging the faces on the back though at this stage it's almost looking like it's made of rock I don't if that's what you're going for but either way it's sweet!
Молочага, так держать!
Hey even monsters gotta get some sex or something now and again, otherwise there wouldn't be any more monsters!
Great sculpt, I wanna see moar!
ES_139, it is veeeery slow start actually.
conte, yeah! Also, he likes to eat:)
illadam, as I told, I doesn't planned/sketched it, and style changed few times. Rock > scars > ??? > and so on.
Pavel Petrenko, Спасибо)
PLyczkowski, guilty as is! Yeah this awesome character really inspired me to do something like it. Also Imrod by Parkin.
ralusek, hmm I doesn't planned that... maybe you right, and few hundred years of blowjob are torture too? I think, it need to check.
Very little update.
Hint: His legs:)
Trying to optimize faces.
Next milestone - skirt. I really hate skirts now.
Ok, some shots:
Hmm... It seems left guy more charming than right one...
Yep, definetly more charming. But those folds on skirt... Still in doubts.
love the robe tho. amazing work. cant wait to see when its done.
Well...at least I got levelup in retopology.
Looking great!
Finally, I decided how his back should look, and I think, I'm done with sculpting.
Next stop - retopology/unwrap. And before I'll start retopology, I want to see a really harsh critique here, so I could remake everything from the start:)
Any C&C will be very appreciate.
Now just get to that texturing
Why on earth did you use so much geo for the heads on the back? Why do you want them to be so animation-friendly?
YOu should put that geo in his feet, knees, elbows, clothes
let them scream in agony. That would be rad.
Any plans on getting him into a game? Gears of war?
Also, any advices about diffuse texture drawing will be very appreciate.
export that data, overlay your AO, and start painting on top =]
And here is diffuse tryout. I know it's looks like crap, but I hope it will be better. Someday.
Sculpting is a MUCH easy than the diffuse painting. I hate it. Really.
It still deep in progress, but I'll finish it in this time. C&C please. Working process from the zbrush: