Hello Can you tell me any tips to make a alpha grass texture to apply on planes to make grass patches for crysis ? I can't get how to work on real images in order to make a simple bush of alpha texture grass to apply ....
I usually take one blade of grass and render to texture some of them onto a plane. After that I make an eight-sided pattern out of several planes (around 1200 tris and several meters large) plus one or two lod stages (just deleting some of the planes to thin it out). After setting up all parameters in my engine
I get ususally this kind of grass:
(Leadwerks Engine 2.31)
If you're asking for a make art button, then no. There's no easy, cake way of making the alpha. You can desat the texture, boost levels and then use that as a rough guideline, but that's about it. You'll still need to get your hands dirty.
1. Take photo of grass cut out or paint in alpha the hard way.
2. Model and texture a few blades of grass, use bend and twist type modifiers to create more variants, then instance them a lot, finally render it out to texture.
I get ususally this kind of grass:
(Leadwerks Engine 2.31)
3dmax shot:
2. Model and texture a few blades of grass, use bend and twist type modifiers to create more variants, then instance them a lot, finally render it out to texture.
but this seems to much work for the thread creator here...