I am a current student at the Art institute of Atlanta, and I have had a Texturing class, But I am not able to create anything as amazing as what I have seen on here. And I was wondering if anybody could recommend and tutorials on texturing, for someone who is looking to become a Enviroment Artist/Prop Artist Besides the ones on Eat 3d?
very talented guy.
also, use ambient occlusion maps!
Also, texturing is one of those things that takes a long time to get really good at! Start with something easy.
Ben Mathis has some real good tutorials here
Here is a little guide he did that has always stuck with me, and might be one of the most important things you can learn.
Again for the record, this pic was done by Ben Mathis, not me. He just did a great way of showing something so useful in a bite size morsel.
http://www.amc.ro/index.php its under share
Gotta repeat most of the textures and have a consistent pixel density.
There are 2 videos showing my texture workflow and one that shows the making of "Normandy 1944" i'll be uploading the "Hiten_loves_textures" folder soon. (This will all make sense once you start watching the first video.
Hand painting is alot of fun and I would recommend trying it. Just try making a table or a rock or a tree. Even pick a style you like be it more subtle or stylised like warcraft.
Might as well add the links here, too:
http://www.gfxartist.com/features/tutorials General drawing and painting tutorials
http://www.leighvanderbyl.com/tutorials.html Some great PDF tutorials, amazing info.
http://forums.cgsociety.org/showthre...?f=46&t=373024 Hard surface detailing.
http://racer445.com/pages/tutorials/...h-painting.php Goes with the above tutorial.
http://www.horribledeath.com/tut-hardlight.htm Hard lighting tutorial, dissecting a slimy sphincter...
http://www.furiae.com/index.php?view=gallery Face, eye, hair, lip techniques.
http://www.carloscabrera.com.ar/tutorial.html Video tutorials, watch and learn...
http://boards.polycount.net/showthread.php?t=65614 Lots of links and youtube vids, also some good ol PC drama... ahh PC...
http://www.colorschemedesigner.com/ a pretty kick ass color scheme designer.
cmon ^^
one tip look at your model, does it look cool ??
now think whats ganna make it better. also look for reference photos.
watch that and observe
but it is usually the same