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Some Common Things.

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PeterK greentooth
I am going to GDC this march, and I'd like to take something with me. That thing is a list of common 3dsmax problems, which I will present to someone at Autodesk.

What are some common issues you have with max? What small quirks does the program have that causes you annoyances, or hurts your workflow?

I'll get us started with some small items:

1) When they first introduced the automatic unwrap options, you could apply it regardless of what selection mode you were in (vertex, edge, polygon), but for a few versions now, it's been polygon only. this is obnoxious because it makes me select polygon mode every single time I want to slap a quick unwrap on something and then tun it.

2) The relax tool in the uv editor starts on "Relax By Edge Angles", which is generally crap. "Relax by Face Angles" is much more useful and first in the list, yet for some reason , max defaults to the second one in the list. default it to "Relax by Face Angles".

3) Create -> lights should default to "STANDARD" not, photometric, it adds a useless step whenever someone wants to put some generic lights in the scene.


  • Kwramm
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    Kwramm interpolator
    1) When you're working in the UV editor and have some faces selected and turn off wireframe-on-shaded, the wire for the unselected polies disappears. so far so good. but the wire for the selected ones doesn't disappear. it just turns into a somewhat red dotted line (from being a solid red line before).

    Now the reason this annoys me is that it used to be different (I think max 9 or 8?). Turning off wireframe turned the wireframe display off. For everything. Just as you'd expect it. Nice when trying to properly align stuff when UVing without distracting red lines all around. (I like to grab whole faces and move them around)

    I know there's a workaround - just leave sub object level. But then if you hit F4 again you don't see what's selected in the UV editor and you have to manually choose vertex/edge or whatever in the Unwrap UVW modifier....

    Still not as convenient as just pressing the F4 button and have everything go away ...and hey, it worked okay just a few versions ago, why "improve" something that worked? Sometimes I really wonder what those guys are thinking when they come up with new "feature"....

    2) does max 2010 run on Win 7 with certain nvidia gforce cards yet? Some people had problems, including me. Maximized perspecive viewport display would lag like mad and give you like 4 fps - all other viewports were okay and perspective not maximized also worked okay.
    Supposedly they changed some code dealing with viewport display from 2009.

    3) Python?

    can't think of anything else right now. But I think it's great that you're asking here for people to post their max annoyances. Cheers :)
  • Firecracker197
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    Firecracker197 polycounter lvl 11
    I always though it was dumb that 3ds Max doesn't have a separate elements function, like Maya. That is, a button or tool you can use to separate all the elements in an object into their own unique objects that can be edited separately. I have a custom script that lets you do this, but it seems like something that could easily be put into max already.
  • AstroZombie
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    AstroZombie polycounter lvl 20
    I always though it was dumb that 3ds Max doesn't have a separate elements function, like Maya. That is, a button or tool you can use to separate all the elements in an object into their own unique objects that can be edited separately. I have a custom script that lets you do this, but it seems like something that could easily be put into max already.

    "Detach" ?
  • Firecracker197
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    Firecracker197 polycounter lvl 11
    yeah but all at once, so if you have 100 elements you dont have to detach 100 times. Sorry I guess I forgot to make that part clear.
  • Funky Bunnies
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    Funky Bunnies polycounter lvl 17
    true, but to detach all elements automatically, I don't know if there's a setting in Poly.
    it's in Mesh, so I always just convert to mesh and hit 'explode' but I'd think it was built into the Editable Poly modifier as well. But it's not something I do enough to remember to search for an alternative.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    - The environment color bug in 2009. Might be fixed in 2010. Basically, you put ambient color to mid grey, save the scene, open again - it looks grey in the little swatch, but the program thinks of it as default black.

    - there seems to be alot of problems when it comes to assigning custom shortcuts to quad menus. You always have to have right-click something. This should be flexible to let the user assign them to regular hotkeys (modelling quad menu : alt-m for instance)

    - need presets for viewport anti-aliasing. It works for wireframe, but for shaded objects one need to mess with Nvidia settings (at least for max 2009)

    - unit setups are confusing

    - some of the snapping just wont work. Copy Maya.

    - inserting controls points to a spline in perspective goes crazy far in the viewport

    - circular renderable spline creates some sort of weird diagonal edges at the cap of the tube.

    - RTT dialog needs to be rewritten to incorporate simple target/source/map type controls

    - Navigation scheme changes should be a built in feature (instead of having to purchase NEX)

    - EDU folders are a pain to deal with. There should be an option to easily switch everything back to the old system (where everything goes to program files/autodesk/3dsmax/UI etc etc)
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    yeah but all at once, so if you have 100 elements you dont have to detach 100 times. Sorry I guess I forgot to make that part clear.

    "Explode" <--This. It's in Edit Mesh and I am not sure if the same function is in Edit Poly.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    Also - just curious. Do have a planned meeting with someone from Autodesk while at GDC or do you plan on going up to someone at the Autodesk booth and asking if they have a moment or twenty?

    I ask because Autodesk's booth, usually, is the biggest and most elaborate and just going up to someone with a sheet of paper and questions may not be the best approach.
  • konstruct
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    konstruct polycounter lvl 18
    Ive always felt there was no need for the material browser to have a bunch of default material slots. why not just have that area be blank, and as you create new materials it starts to fill out?
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    From my usage of the app at work, my complaints usually come down to:
    - shitty selection tools (xsi got it right)
    - why is there still and edit poly vs edit mesh
    - need of an easier way for camera / object rotation origins
  • Firecracker197
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    Firecracker197 polycounter lvl 11
    Yeah, from what I can tell there is no explode function in poly, thus making the lack of this tool even more dumb.
  • PeterK
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    PeterK greentooth
    Adam - I don't plan on popping by the booth; I'm setting up a meeting through a friend at the company.

    Everyone - Can you please only list specific examples, and organize them as clearly as possible? Copy and paste ready numbered items would be a great benefit to me if you're all willing to contribute.

    I'm hoping to get something useful together for all of us.
  • crazyfingers
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    crazyfingers polycounter lvl 10
    I use 2008, so i hope this is still relevant... or actually not, hopefully this stuff is already fixed ;).

    -Overall the program is just bloated by functionality that isn't really necessary, or doesn't feel relevent to what you're doing at the time. There are plenty of buttons that if i think hard i could kinda see how it has a purpose, but overall just makes the program clunky. Take for instance soft selection, if i decide i want to soft select something a GIANT rollout pops open and totally throws off my workflow because now everything needs to be scrolled to to see, how about just a soft selection box and a rollout that contains the more detailed functionality of it that only opens up if i need it? The UI is too dynamic, opening and closing various rollouts shifts things too much and you're never quite sure where the button you want's going to be, and it's a nightmare trying to find it's function to hotkey it. It changes for each mode you're in: vertex, edge, face, poly, object (a necessary evil i suppose, but further adds to the confusion). To top it off if I have an edit mesh modifier on, or an edit poly modifier on, suddenly all the hotkeys shift. Come to think of it, Maya did a much better job of handeling this. You chose your mode and all the stuff you use once in a blue moon were displayed at the top in the usual rollouts, and the bread and butter buttons were in the usual easy to access places.

    -When pressing the scale or select key multiple times, it cycles through type. 99% of the time i want to select in a box, and scale with the main scale tool. Most don't cycle these enough to warrant an auto cycle.

    -Having to rename items on export, it'd be nice if it assumed you want to name it the name of the object in max. Often times i'm reexporting something and i need to hunt down the original to replace it, be nice to just name it once in max.

    -Having to center objects on (0,0,0) for certain export types, it would be nice to have a checkbox in the exporter to have it assume you want it centered on its pivot rather than world position.
  • [Deleted User]
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    [Deleted User] polycounter lvl 18
    1) When I enable hardware shading, even after turning it off again, my vertex ticks become too small to see and changing their size in the viewport settings doesn't fix it.

    2) Collapsing the stack with certain modifiers will change it from EPoly to EMesh.

    3) The Cut tool changes cursors when it's over an edge or a vertex, but about half the time it adds a new vertex right next to the existing one anyway.

    4) The Graphite tools only appear in the ribbon (unless you manually add each tool to your quads), and they disappear completely instead of just being grayed out when they're not applicable, and the bar takes up the same amount of screen space even if it's empty, and even when they're not contextually hidden half the options (like SetFlow and strip length) are always hidden under an additional flyout that requires a hover click to access and there's no way to keep them visible. Polyboost had everything visible in like a third of the screen space.
  • JordanW
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    JordanW polycounter lvl 19
    PeterK wrote: »
    3) Create -> lights should default to "STANDARD" not, photometric, it adds a useless step whenever someone wants to put some generic lights in the scene.

    Stuff like this is difficult because it may be a useless step for you but for many people, photometric is what they want/should use. I doubt you'll see this one change especially since max has been pushing the whole MentalRay+Photometric Lights+LinearWorkflow+MR Photographic Exposure and I don't blame them, it results in -much- better renders.
  • Jeremy Wright
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    Jeremy Wright polycounter lvl 17
    fly_soup wrote: »
    1) When I enable hardware shading, even after turning it off again, my vertex ticks become too small to see and changing their size in the viewport settings doesn't fix it.

    Seconded. I'm having to deal with this right now.
    fly_soup wrote: »
    3) The Cut tool changes cursors when it's over an edge or a vertex, but about half the time it adds a new vertex right next to the existing one anyway.

    Speaking of the cut tool. the main gripe I have is that if you orbit your view/camera in mid-cut it cancels the cut tool. I don't understand why, but it is really annoying.

    Graphite modeling tool. Tools are great, but the interface is made of concentrated fail. Interface is redundant in and of itself (these tools should be able to be accessed in a way that more people actually use, command menu, quad menus, custom keys/shortcuts), has redundant tools in the interface (many of these tools reside elsewhere), and is way to large.

    Why not simply integrate the damn tools into the editable poly command menu? Why create a whole seperate menu on the OTHER side of the screen for a small number of added tools that would logically fit in with the pre-existing e-poly tools. This one really makes no sense and smacks of flash over function.
  • sampson
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    sampson polycounter lvl 9
    Yeah, from what I can tell there is no explode function in poly, thus making the lack of this tool even more dumb.

    i has come bearing gifts (script by stefan-morrell)
        --detatch all elements to objects
        o = $
        while polyOp.getNumFaces $ > 1 do
        p = PolyOp.getElementsUsingFace $ 1
        polyOp.detachFaces $ p asNode:true name:"detachedObject01"
        delete o
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    The cut tool often times will not cut. No new edge appears. I have no idea why. Changing the view often times helps, but sometimes I just have to separate the stupid edges in some other time consuming way.

    All that stuff in tech talk about max's normal map bakes.
  • PolyHertz
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    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    Preview Selection is worthless sense its inclusion in max2008, I'd like to see it fixed/finished. Not only does it have to be set for every object individually, and every edit poly modifier individually, but it actually messes up selection in the viewport if 'show end result' is on. I'd like it to be universal to turn on/off, and fixed so it worked on isoline mesh surfaces. As it stands you never know what your going to select on smoothed meshes unless you have the cage visible.

    It works great in Maya, so why cant they get it right in Max too?
    pior wrote: »
    - Navigation scheme changes should be a built in feature (instead of having to purchase NEX)

    I think you mean Switcher, not NEX.
  • Yozora
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    Yozora polycounter lvl 11
    * All the legacy stuff no one ever uses should be deleted or at least give an option to disable things manually.

    * Edit poly modifier and editable poly should share the same hotkey sets.

    * Preview selection needs to be fixed, right now it pretends to select everything when you hold ctrl to deselect things. I say pretends because once you let go of ctrl, it doesnt really select everything.

    * XYZ Coordinate input boxes should be draggable onto the main toolbar :p Not a big deal but it'd be nice!
  • PolyHertz
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    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    Yozora: It would be almost impossible for them to remove all the legacy stuff, as their are certain parts of the code base that no one will touch because they don't know after all these years what it'll break if they do. This is one of the reasons people have said for so long that Max needs a rewrite, but don't expect that to happen anytime in the forseeable future.

    Also just fyi, you can press f12 to bring up a floating window with the coordinates boxes.
  • MRico
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    MRico polycounter lvl 10
    Yozora wrote: »
    * Edit poly modifier and editable poly should share the same hotkey sets.

    This was the only thing I was going to suggest...annoys me so bad.

    Besides it getting rid of my custom shortcuts for Editable Poly it changes viewport shorrcuts too...

    Press T for the Top viewport and it tesselates my model...press F from front viewport and....it flips the normal? Is that what it's doing?

    Why isn't it the same as Editable Poly? :poly127:
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    you can actually reset the hotkeys in default switchers. ^.^
  • Eric Chadwick
    PolyHertz wrote: »
    ... Max needs a rewrite, but don't expect that to happen anytime in the forseeable future.

    X B R
  • Ghostscape
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    Ghostscape polycounter lvl 13

    Seriously make it so my fucking UI doesn't crash especially if you're going to move more of the UI over to the fucking ribbon.
  • DarthNater
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    DarthNater polycounter lvl 10
    Ghostscape wrote: »

    Now that's not getting PeterK anywhere :P But I do have something to add in terms of UI:

    1. Those new white menus they added in 2010 for Graphite modeling tools and such, I really wish they wouldn't drop down on mouseover. They should change it so you have to click to open the menus (or at least give us the option to change that). I can't tell you how many times I have wanted something that was under that bar and then it decides to pop out and I have to wait for it to go away (happens a lot when I want to change the viewport settings!)
  • Mark Dygert
    Put on your poncho...

    Batch Render:

    1. Using batch render hurts my brain in so many ways.
    2. You need "active time segment" or "range" selected in the render set up (totally differnt dialog box) if you specify any range of frames in batch render. If its set to single it will render all the frames to a single frame overwriting it every time. It never did that before 2010. A range of frames listed in batch render was a range of frames output.
    3. It's absolutely retarded that you can't select a bunch of views in batch render and change settings for all of them, you have to do it manually for everything. Example I need to only render 1 out of 100 views, I need to uncheck 99 of them, totally retarded. This isn't 1992 any more get this crap updated and fixed.
    4. I won't get into the horribly inconsistent maxscript they serve up as a back water way to get around its horrible functionality... but its a nightmare.
    EDIT: I found this Batch Render Assistant script that deals with a little bit of the awkward issues that come up when using Batch Render. I would be pretty pumped if this was used as a base to build off of, or at the very least included.

    Asset Tracking

    1. Without vault running gives the status as "unknown status" which is autodesk code for ok I guess...
    2. This is a great little tool to update all the paths for your textures in one easy step. Or check and see if you have missing textures before sending the file off to the network render farm which will error out if you don't. Only the status is jacked up making it hard to tell which are actually missing... if you uninstall vault it actually shows the correct status, ok missing, found ect... Give an option to display it this way or through vault without having to uninstall or install vault would be perfect.

    The Ribbon/Graphite Modeling Tools/new polyboost UI

    1. Worst implementation of a new set of features that where rock f*cking solid previously.
    2. Its slow to launch, slow to update when modes are switched (edge poly vert ect)
    3. The horizontal version eats up too much screen space, monitors have way more horiz space then vertical space. The Vertical version of the ribbon has a bunch of wasted space which could easily be compacted to eliminate scrolling.
    4. It also needs an option to turn off the damn pop up tutorials, once you understand the tool its just annoying.
    5. In customize user interface all the graphite modeling tools are listed under "ribbon-modeling" and the UI switching parts are under "modeling:graphite tools" get some consistency. A lot of people went looking for the tools under G for graphite, nope not there, oh hey look modeling:graphite tools, oh nope not there, oh right its under ribbon that thing that no one calls it...


    1. Give maxscript the ability to load "List controllers" and "max objects" onto bipeds when loading animation clips into Motion Mixer. Right now you can only do that by manually loading them directly onto the biped. It does me no good to make a stretchy biped by assigning a scale sub animation controller if I can't load it into the motion mixer via maxscript.
    2. Fix the memory leaks when loading and unloading clips in and out of motion mixer. Having to restart after after importing clips, then restart after mixing down, then restart after copying the keys to the objects is insane but the only way to stop it from crashing. It often dies without even attempting to save.

    Help Doc and Memory Issues
    1. I've hit F1 and its crashed max giving a "out of memory error" and no chance to save. Same thing with the maxscript help. Look out if you want both open at the same time while you're trying to work on something. My system isn't a slouch but the scenes I work on are probably larger than most people in our industry work with. But thats not an excuse.
    2. Because of this I've written a simple script that saves, waits for it to finish saving then launches the help doc. That way when it crashes and I restart I can launch the help file first thing.
    3. It seems that if I don't restart max for a while it will surely slow down and die on operations like this. maybe its a memory leak in another app, I have to have open like PhotoShop or Outlook but there should be some simple checks to make sure things don't die like that, and if they do the file gets properly saved.

    1. Scrubbing the bar with too many frames active kills max when there is sound it needs to phrase. It could be one long sound clip and if you scrub too many frames too fast it crashes without saving.
    2. Why only 100 sounds? When I can load in 99 click to add more and load in another 99. Soundtrax put the cap at 100 because they thought that was a good number. Get rid of the cap and fix the scrubbing issue.
    Fix this crap, don't break anything else in the process and get crackin, 2011 is not that far off. Honestly all of this crap is 2010 service pack2 bug fixes people should get for free.
  • PeterK
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    PeterK greentooth
    Total class act Vig, thanks my man; That sort of post is most appreciated. Darth, thanks for the input as well.
  • Jeremy Wright
  • Xoliul
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    Xoliul polycounter lvl 16
    pior wrote: »
    - need presets for viewport anti-aliasing. It works for wireframe, but for shaded objects one need to mess with Nvidia settings (at least for max 2009)

    That's completely different in 2010 now. I think you should only really name issues that are present in 2010...

    I have some:

    -DirectX Shaders have an annoying bug where it "forgets" which lights are set for that material if you re-open the file.

    -Scene Effect loader is super bugged and barely works anymore after what seems like years of neglect. It also does not work at all with viewport Ambient Occlusion.

    -The well-known tangent basis problem when baking normal maps, they really should look into this after all these years.
  • DarthNater
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    DarthNater polycounter lvl 10
    Xoliul wrote: »

    -DirectX Shaders have an annoying bug where it "forgets" which lights are set for that material if you re-open the file.

    I second this one, I thought it was just the shader I was using, but I guess not...
  • [Deleted User]
    editable mesh

    nuke it

    e/ also you know when you're baking normals how it previews a complete map instead of the normal map? They should fix that like five years ago
  • Mark Dygert
    So what does it display when you render a height map, a diffuse map, AO and a normal map? Would it open a new window for each one when its saving all those files? Those windows eat up a bunch of ram and it runs faster if you turn it off, I can't imagine how slow it would be if it was updating them all at the same time as it renders.

    I think they should shut off the preview window when rendering with RTT, and just give a progress/cancel button, then maybe open the files when they're done?
  • DarthNater
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    DarthNater polycounter lvl 10
    Vig wrote: »
    I think they should shut off the preview window when rendering with RTT, and just give a progress/cancel button, then maybe open the files when they're done?

    I use that to look for missed rays, if I see red, I cancel it before it gets any further. It is dumb that it just shows the complete map, but like you said, I don't want a bunch of windows for every map I bake.
  • Eric Chadwick
    What would be awesome for RTT is a tabbed preview window, with each element/pass updated in its own tab. It's annoying to have to View File to see the output.

    Editable mesh still has its uses. It allows non-manifold meshes, which Poly cannot because it has a manifold ruleset, apparently so it can support "smart" topology like loops/rings/isolines/etc.
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    Linux port *ducks*
    But seriously.....

    OpenGL Modern Shader Support

    OPEN GL SHADER PREVIEWS and Shader export. Dont stick us with DX to see shaders. Open GL is fully capable of seeing shaders, and its used on more platforms. Open GL mode is also less buggy than the DX mode. If they would just add the shader support and up the texture rez... Could be soo much more powerful.

    Oh and as others have mentioned, Increase the number of polies that can be seen on screen without choking.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    I don't mean to rock your boat, but... Autodesk really doesn't seem to care about its products or customers.
  • Mark Dygert
    I'm far from a Autodesk fanboi but I just finished watching a recorded webinar, where they took questions and had users vote and prioritize features for xbr... they also blog a lot and dig through forums getting feedback. It might seem that they don't care but they kind of have an appearance that they are at least semi good at faking it... heh.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    I'll believe it once I see it.
  • roosterMAP
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    roosterMAP polycounter lvl 14
    Something's wrong wth selecting numerous poly's and edges in 3ds max 2010. When you do CTRL+click+drag to select, it only selects a few. anyone know how to make it like in 3ds max 2009 (and all the others)? This problem doesnt apply to vertices tho.
  • Xoliul
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    Xoliul polycounter lvl 16
    Vig wrote: »
    I'm far from a Autodesk fanboi but I just finished watching a recorded webinar, where they took questions and had users vote and prioritize features for xbr... they also blog a lot and dig through forums getting feedback. It might seem that they don't care but they kind of have an appearance that they are at least semi good at faking it... heh.

    I watched the same thing. They do seem to listen a bit, too bad it really doesn't translate into anything dramatic for the end user, for every bug they fixed in 2010, a new one must've appeared. I've seen so many crashes with 2010 among the students at school, I find it hard to believe they fixed over 400 issues.
  • Mark Dygert
  • PolyHertz
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    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    X B R

    Oh sh--! Thanks for the links Eric, this is my first time hearing about any of this.
  • Mark Dygert
    Xoliul wrote: »
    I watched the same thing. They do seem to listen a bit, too bad it really doesn't translate into anything dramatic for the end user, for every bug they fixed in 2010, a new one must've appeared. I've seen so many crashes with 2010 among the students at school, I find it hard to believe they fixed over 400 issues.
    I totally agree, its why in my monster post I put "Fix this crap, don't break anything else in the process and get crackin" heh. So sick of that. Most of the stuff I listed are new bugs they introduced in 2010. I've also submitted this stuff whenever it gives me the chance, with some of these its not at all.
  • Jeremy Wright
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    Jeremy Wright polycounter lvl 17
    I don't know if anyone else mentioned this or not:

    Render window semi-off-screen. When I render a large image, Max renders it in a window at full size, half off-screen at the bottom of the screen and spread horizontally over both of my two monitors, so basically, I can't see shit. I have to resize and move the window, which is a dicy thing to do while Max is chugging along with a render (this sometimes causes Max to crash).

    Couldn't it work more like FryRender or Maxwell, opening up the render window either at a smaller scale in an unobtrusive way, or in a full-screen mode centered in one screen? Maybe I'm missing some setting that I need to change.
  • Mark Dygert
    PeterK wrote: »
    2) The relax tool in the uv editor starts on "Relax By Edge Angles", which is generally crap. "Relax by Face Angles" is much more useful and first in the list, yet for some reason , max defaults to the second one in the list. default it to "Relax by Face Angles".
    Yea that was really annoying the hell out of me too, but you can get around it.

    If you change it to "Relax by Face Angles" and go Options > Save Current Settings as Default, it will be that way every time you open the editor window. Works with their render template settings too which I was constantly changing.
    pior wrote: »
    - inserting controls points to a spline in perspective goes crazy far in the viewport
    You want to use "refine" not insert. Yea the spline tools menu is a mess.
    aesir wrote: »
    The cut tool often times will not cut. No new edge appears. I have no idea why. Changing the view often times helps, but sometimes I just have to separate the stupid edges in some other time consuming way.
    I think that happens most often when you try to cut in vert mode. Sometimes switching to edge or face to cut works better. I think they changed the cut tools in newer versions like 2009 and 2010?
  • DarthNater
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    DarthNater polycounter lvl 10
    Vig wrote: »
    Yea that was really annoying the hell out of me too, but you can get around it.

    If you change it to "Relax by Face Angles" and go Options > Save Current Settings as Default, it will be that way every time you open the editor window.

    Works with their render template settings too which I was constantly changing.

    Doesn't it default back though after you restart max? I just learned to live with it haha.
  • Mark Dygert
    If you click "set default" in the relax dialog it saves it for that session. If you go Options > Save Current Settings as Default it remembers every time.
  • Ghostscape
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    Ghostscape polycounter lvl 13
    ZacD wrote: »
    I don't mean to rock your boat, but... Autodesk really doesn't seem to care about its products or customers.

    I've talked to some of their devs and didn't get that impression at all.

    They've got a lot of different users and they are attempting to maintain legacy support for their product which is where a lot of the issues come from.
  • DarthNater
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    DarthNater polycounter lvl 10
    Vig, thats like the 3rd time I have made myself look like an ass and you have increased my assyness! I official hate you now :P

    Thought of another one:

    - Make it easier to work with non-square maps (eg. 512x256). Even when you do get everything set up right, things seem to slow down? I find it easier to unwrap it in half the UV space, then stretch it out vertically. In my opinion, thats not a good fix!
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