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Pimping and Previews/ Finished work.

polycounter lvl 18
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nfrrtycmplx polycounter lvl 18
Would be really cool if we had a forum for finished work.

It's exhausting going through all the half-finished hand models and "what do you think of my first draft of my first concept that is clearly not a drawing I actually did."

Pimping and Previews = cool and I love it, but sometimes i just want to see inspiring stuff that inspires me.



  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    AFAIK, that's what it's supposed to be for already. Those that don't have too much to pimp yet, are usually told to wait until they have a little something more substantial before posting again. After all our work is never finished just abandoned. :D

    I think the cream always rises to the top around here. Although with the new site designs, maybe we could have a user select gallery of those images we all find awesome and inspiration folder worthy..
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    I guess you want more 2001, less 2010 :P
  • nfrrtycmplx
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    nfrrtycmplx polycounter lvl 18
    hehe, i dunno if i'd say that...

    A gallery would be cool but I remember when it seemed like every post in pimping and previews was solid ... now it feels more like a dumping ground.

    I miss the q2pmp model review thing too. That was fun. So maybe i do want more 2001
  • Mark Dygert
    Yep I can agree with that, its hard to separate out. With a finished gallery you need some kind of screening process otherwise you get "finished" bad art in with the good and nothing really changes.

    Or you set up a CGTalk like set up, where you have two galleries one for finished art and one for good finished art...

    I would hate more sub forum to check. How about using tags or a naming convention in the title of the thread so they're easier to spot?
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    More people put quality art in WYAWO than in actual threads these days, and a lot of projects die out. There is amazing stuff there and is very friendly for people to post in... but it kind of ruins the magic of seeing a thread of someone's progress instead of post #45, post #172, post #233 in a single thread. Then again, since it is such a great outlet it encapsulates a lot of sickness into one spot!

    makes me sad and confused. i want my mommy.

    I dont think we need a "finished" forum, we just need more people to "finish" stuff, and or be more confident to make threads :) Maybe some kind of unspoken rapport of people editing first posts with progress images?

    Part of me also things a thread structure similar to (sorry bearkub) a blog, where comments are attached to the root section showing progress are good flows, but not very good for our classic style of communication :). Not very linear either though.

    //edit: forgot to finish that though! durp-a-durrr
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    just look for the longer threads, if you're after a quick fix.. >1-2 pages, probably something cool inside..
  • Autocon
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    Autocon polycounter lvl 15
    rooster wrote: »
    just look for the longer threads, if you're after a quick fix.. >1-2 pages, probably something cool inside..

    or a thread full of someone being a jackass and lots of back and forth bashing.

    but i guess that would be something considered cool or atleast least entertaining inside
  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    more sections = more mess.
  • Slum
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    Slum polycounter lvl 18
    Official Polycount Thread Quality Detection Method®

    Step 1: Does the thread have more than two or three pages? If yes, go to Step 2.
    Step 2: Is the thread locked? If no, go to Step 3.

    Step 3: Win!
  • DarthNater
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    DarthNater polycounter lvl 10
    moose wrote: »
    Part of me also things a thread structure similar to (sorry bearkub) a blog, where comments are attached to the root section showing progress are good flows, but not very good for our classic style of communication :). Not very linear either though.

    That may actually be a good idea. Have the thread creator create "master" posts, then comments under each post. Would keep all the work together, and all the comments still intact.
  • Clockwork
    What sucks is the threads people make, who seem more interested in showing off their work, than actually doing work. Their first post is about some half-assed model they've only been working on for 30 minutes.

    Do you want to model, or just show off?

    Me, I keep working.

    When I show something here, it'll blow your fucking mind.. No it won't, but at least it'll be something I have put a lot of work into.
  • Marine
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    Marine polycounter lvl 19
    no, bad idea
    first there'll be boards for wips and finished work, then there'll be boards for 2d and 3d, then there'll be boards for high poly and low poly, then there'll be boards for hard surface and sculpts, then we'll be gameartisans
  • DarthNater
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    DarthNater polycounter lvl 10
    Marine wrote: »
    then we'll be gameartisans

    Don't swear like that, this is a fucking family friendly forum...
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    seriously, plz don't ever seperate the forums more than they already are. There's already too many imho.

    You want to see a gallery of finished work, go click on people's portfolios. Otherwise, this is a forum, not a gallery.
  • Ferg
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    Ferg polycounter lvl 18
    is it REALLY that hard for you to find cool finished 3d on the internet? So hard you need us to change the forum for you?
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    although I would like to add, there are certain people who all their WIPs and finished works in the What Are You Working On thread, who should really be making their own threads. *cough http://www.greveson.co.uk/dump/goblin_wip06.jpg cough*
  • Jeremy Wright
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    Jeremy Wright polycounter lvl 17
    What aesir and Ferg said. The forum is fine as it is.
  • fearian
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    fearian greentooth
    I'd like to think with a little reminding and prodding, we could all get each other to post WIPs in WAYWO and finished projects as their own thread. Just a little 'Oh btw this should be posted in WAYWO' every now and again. maybe a sticky?

    Of course there will always be exceptions, with some people you know even if they haven't started yet its gonna be a hell of a thread.
  • Peris
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    Peris polycounter lvl 17
    theres no such thing as finished stuff!!
  • carlo_c
    I think just putting meaningful thread titles with WIP in it or not would be a great help.
  • Japhir
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    Japhir polycounter lvl 17
    I make a thread to show what i'm working on, and to get some critique on it so i can improve it and -with the help of polycounters- finish it :).

    I like it the way it is. (but I do always add WIP in my thread titles, maybe make that a rule or something).
  • Master_v12
    Im with some of you here, I think something as simple as labeling your new thread as [PREV] or [PIMP] would be beneficial. Similar to what people do with [PORTFOLIO]. Where in a PREVIEW thread someone could be updating, asking for help, learning, as they are building a piece. A PIMP thread would be more of the "Hey im done or very close to done with this piece I could use some crits before I call it done"... do it! It is PIMPING and PREVIEWS after all
  • bbob
    Whats the problem with the way it is?

    If you want inspiration there is always the WAYWO, besides, you could always start compiling an inspirational folder so you wont have to browse forums when you are in a drought.
  • achillesian
    leave it alone, having a finally finished section just alienates people that suck (like me)
  • Zwebbie
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    Zwebbie polycounter lvl 18
    I think there are at least two flaws in asking for a finished work gallery to find great art:
    a) b1ll never finishes anything
    b) BoBo never finishes anything
  • nfrrtycmplx
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    nfrrtycmplx polycounter lvl 18
    Ferg wrote: »
    is it REALLY that hard for you to find cool finished 3d on the internet? So hard you need us to change the forum for you?

    Lol -nice dude

    The general consensus seems to be that this is a bad idea. Which is fine.

    I wouldn't go as far as to suggest that I don't have an "inspiration" folder on my machine :). I'm talking about new badassnesses that pop up every now and again.

    Problem for me is that new threads of nothing pop up all over the place and the stuff that contains all the good artwork or stuff that actually warrants looking at and critiquing gets bumped to page 2 a lot of times... Which is also fine i guess.

    Perhaps when creating a new thread you can select a radio button that will prefix your thread with the appropriate [SOMETHING] for people to easily remember to flag their thread.

    I'm talking about user experience here, more than anything. And while it is fine the way it is (for some/a lot of people) I think it could be better.

    A radio button flag could also open the door to "filters" one of those radio buttons could read "Bull$*&t" and i could filter out all the bull$*&t.

    I'm not just looking for a place to see finished work. I'm looking for a solution to knowing what i'm in for when clicking on someones thread ... granted the new "preview" system could solve a lot of that for us... but that's yet to be seen.

    But I agree with a lot of the feedback to this question. Thanks for your thoughts.
  • PeterK
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    PeterK greentooth
    Please stop fuxing with my paul e Kountz.
  • Frump
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    Frump polycounter lvl 12
    What are you finished working on 2010?:) heh.

    If you want lots of good finished art, check out cghub.
  • Malus
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    Malus polycounter lvl 18
    Master_v12 wrote: »
    Im with some of you here, I think something as simple as labeling your new thread as [PREV] or [PIMP] would be beneficial. Similar to what people do with [PORTFOLIO]. Where in a PREVIEW thread someone could be updating, asking for help, learning, as they are building a piece. A PIMP thread would be more of the "Hey im done or very close to done with this piece I could use some crits before I call it done"... do it! It is PIMPING and PREVIEWS after all

    ^^ this or nothing. Its not difficult now anyway.

    Simple..clean..easy.. Just how I like my women. What? No...who said that..? :poly115:
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    Frump wrote: »
    What are you finished working on 2010?:) heh.

    If you want lots of good finished art, check out cghub.

    !! close!

    Perhaps one of the dedicated fellow polycounter would just make this thread in pimp and previews and request to make it sticky?

    Mr. Jeremy is correct. The pimp and previews are suppose to present finished work of art. But since many people just want to show what they have done so far and call it finished work, or open a thread and state that they are about to work on certain stuff (assuming that they think opening a thread in PnP would represent only them and their work in progress) they would just post it and request for crits.

    (as you can see I have pretty much restated what you guys have talked about already because I am bored and wished to participate in this thread)
    Thanks for reading.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    what about having a little number field that the original poster can fill for each new post of a running thread, indicating a % estimate of the current state of the project/model/task he or she is working on.

    That percentage would appear as a little "completion indicator bar" at the beginning of the thread name (kindof stylish that way!! can be black and green themed easily) and would give a very clear idea of where the thread is going, without the need of [useless tag ] tags in the thread name.

    Obviously/hopefully people posting a wip nurbs hand model after a few weeks of learning Max would give themselves something like a 5/10% pregression status.

    Someone just getting started on a model would give himself a low but gradually increasing percentage ; blocking out would be 10%, head done and body wip would be 30%, reaching UV completion would be around 50%, and so on.

    This would even work very well for self improvement. We could see artists progression very clearly in threads like "trying to get better at environment concept art". It would likely generate great feedback too.

    Also, having completion percentage as a thread property would allow PC viewers to easily filter stuff out if needed,
  • LoTekK
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    LoTekK polycounter lvl 17
    Zwebbie wrote: »
    I think there are at least two flaws in asking for a finished work gallery to find great art:
    a) b1ll never finishes anything
    b) BoBo never finishes anything

  • WesleyTack
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    WesleyTack polycounter lvl 7
    One of the reasons I like polycounts forum structure over others is because it's simple and to the point. Pimping and previews says it all, if you want to pimp something be it finished or not, go for it, you don't need an additional forum for it.
  • HAL
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    HAL polycounter lvl 13
    WesleyTack wrote: »
    One of the reasons I like polycounts forum structure over others is because it's simple and to the point. Pimping and previews says it all, if you want to pimp something be it finished or not, go for it, you don't need an additional forum for it.


    Thats why I love our polycount so much. no need to search thousands of buttons just to find the forums below a layer of galleries.
  • Artifice
    +1 for mandatory flagging. Would also be cool if they were searchable/sortable by flags (this may already be in the new PC, I dunno). I actually like the idea across the board, as was discussed for in the Turning MEGATHREAD's in to sub-forums thread. Keeps things clean but useable. Having to enter a tag may make some people reconsider whether they're ready to post or not, and we might see some [PIMP]s turn into [WIP]s after getting some feedback.
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    also didn't polycount awhile back use a tag cloud? I could of sworn it did, where you could tag your post 'environment' 'character' 'penis' and you could easily find all posts using the tag clouds.
  • TheWinterLord
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    TheWinterLord polycounter lvl 17
    What about keeping it like it is but have the thread creator be able to modify some icons (seen next to the thread topic) that say if its wip, finished or fall into any other category that can be useful.
  • Mark Dygert
    Nitewalkr wrote: »
    The pimp and previews are suppose to present finished work of art. But since many people just want to show what they have done so far and call it finished work.
    Techncially no, its not just for pimping off finished works of art, its also for previewing what you're working on.

    One of the most valuable reasons why people use polycount is that as they're working they can get advice and course corrections as they go so they have something better to pimp off.

    It's most beneficial if they post at the end of each stage.
    Post the sculpt/model before unwrapping.
    Post the unwrap before baking and materials.
    Post the final model.

    If they wait until the end they'll probably be told that they f-ed up an earlier stage and they need to go back and a fix it, which they'll hang their head in shame and never bother posting art again until its perfect, read: never again.

    A good P&P thread has the OP come out looking like this guy or this guys. Notice the big smiles through bruised faces, that's a good thread, someone learned something and had something worth looking at by the time it was all done.

    The whole P&P name thing came up when we discussed changing the name of "2D/3D Discussion" to "Technical Talk" because people had trouble figuring out where to post technical questions. P&P was left alone because WIP/Finished art was boring and holy hell you couldn't change two things at once back then without everyone soiling themselves.

    Maybe its time for a newer more vanilla name that makes sense to the masses?
  • Jeremy Wright
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    Jeremy Wright polycounter lvl 17
    Vig wrote: »
    One of the most valuable reasons why people use polycount is that as they're working they can get advice and course corrections as they go so they have something better to pimp off.

    Also, for me, I learn alot more looking at an accomplished modeler's w.i.p. and wireframes than I do their beauty renders. I, personally, don't spend much time looking at finished renders. I want to see how people are modeling, texturing, their workflow, etc. I feel like I've learned alot thanks to the Polycount community. I can't really say that about any other 3d forum except maybe Zbrushcentral.
  • killingpeople
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    killingpeople polycounter lvl 18
    pior wrote: »
    I guess you want more 2001, less 2010 :P

    I do! I do! I miss the old polycount, more and more.

    I'd like to see the WAYWO thread killed and people create single threads for each project they're working on rather than having updates that are spread out and are duplicated.

    Clowns will post the same picture in their sketchbook, a dedicated thread in P&P and in the WAYWO threads. It's stupid. I hate everything new.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    I'd be against making a completed work forum. You'll wind up with an entire forums of one post contining art followed by nothing but spam. It's ok to have a few posts in a thread displaying genuinely impressive art that merely applaud the artist. An entire forum is a waste of space and something that could potentially upset the dynamic of the community.

    Polycount stands out amongst most of the other forums because signal to noise ratio, that being the genuinely useful post to "That looks good. keep going" is pretty good. If we have an entire forum that by it's nature is very low on actual content, theres a real danger that it'll spill out into the rest of the forum and we'll wind up like the rest of the forums out there where one needs to dig through pages and pages of worthless crap to find any genuine information. It'll also attract the type of poster who makes such inane posts like annoying, buzzing insects.

    It's been quite a while since I got any sleep. This may not be the most coherent of rants.
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    I do! I do! I miss the old polycount, more and more.

    I'd like to see the WAYWO thread killed and people create single threads for each project they're working on rather than having updates that are spread out and are duplicated.

    Clowns will post the same picture in their sketchbook, a dedicated thread in P&P and in the WAYWO threads. It's stupid. I hate everything new.

  • Jeremy Wright
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    Jeremy Wright polycounter lvl 17
    Jackablade wrote: »

    ...entire forums of one post contining art followed by nothing but spam.

    An entire forum is a waste of space and something that could potentially upset the dynamic of the community.

    If we have an entire forum that by it's nature is very low on actual content, theres a real danger that it'll spill out into the rest of the forum and we'll wind up like the rest of the forums out there where one needs to dig through pages and pages of worthless crap to find any genuine information. It'll also attract the type of poster who makes such inane posts like annoying, buzzing insects.

    Dude, you summed up why Polycount is the superior forum, perfectly.
  • Artifice
    This may be beyond the scope of the new site, but what about a completed works gallery? No comments, no discussion, maybe just 1-2 lines of info from the artist (name, software, render engine, polys, etc) and a link to their P&P thread. If someone wants to find out how it was made or make a comment, they go there. I still think tags are a better solution if they're mandatory, but if there's going to be a separate section for completed works, making it simple and uncluttered gets my vote.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    Don't get me wrong, I'm all for ridiculous shenanigans, it's the utterly inane "me too" typed posts that irritate me. People who go through and literally type "Looks good. Keep going" on every thread they enter. And one or two worthless posters are bareable, but they tend to multiply like rabbits and before long you've got threads full of inane shite, your old guard gets frustrated and moves on and the community dissolves.

    And all because you wanted a finished work forum.
  • Mark Dygert
    I'd like to see the WAYWO thread killed and people create single threads for each project they're working on rather than having updates that are spread out and are duplicated.

    Clowns will post the same picture in their sketchbook, a dedicated thread in P&P and in the WAYWO threads. It's stupid. I hate everything new.
    I agree about WAYWO and don't visit it all that often as I think its a bit ADHD and light on what polycount does best.

    I'd like an updated polycount with some new features and some expanded content but I don't think it needs to fracture any more than it is. I think a tag system would help people who want to sort out and give everything its own category a tool to do that while leaving the site intact.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    I have been wanting to do this for some time, but the thread was created by you guys and its our most popular thread, so thats why I (re: we) haven't acted on this idea.

    But I'll put it out here and see what you guys think (please quote this post so we can easily see who's commenting specifically on this idea).

    Close the WAYWO thread, indefinitely.

    And if you actually care about this, you'll read my oncoming wall of text ;)

    I love love LOVE that there's this avenue for people to quickly post something just for the sake of posting it, without the obligation of a thread all for their own. However, it does - in a way - defeat the purpose of posting on a messageboard.

    You should be coming to Polycount to post your work to get feedback, comments, help, or praise. The WAYWO thread has this, but it has this at 1/10th of what you'd get in your own thread.

    I would love to see threads made for everything you guys are doing. I actually don't go through the WAYWO thread too often because I don't like the habits it forces on me as a member.

    I was going to save this for when the new site is going live, but I will mention it here: One of the features of the site I am trying to get developed is an image preview of each thread. So, instead of Thumbnails like other forums do, all you would have to do is mouse over the thread title and in a second or so, the first image posted in the thread is displayed on your screen. Right now if you do this the first sentence or so is parsed and displayed (Go on, try it...) and I want it to be the first image. So this way you guys can quickly and easily see whats posted, rather than having to open each thread.

    I think that that feature, with the WAYWO thread removed, could be the solution you guys are after.

    I just don't want to up and remove one of our most popular threads without first dissecting what it is that it gives to you guys, and coming up with an alternative solution that meets that needs and what we're after with P&P.


    So there it is - If that feature can't be done, I don't have a solution. And I am not sure I agree with what WAYWO does for Polycount, but this is our forum so I'd like it to be the right choice.

  • Mark Dygert
    Another downside to WAYWO, is that people skip the threads and hit just WAYWO.

    I would like to see WAYWO revert back to just fluff, there have been some pretty deep conversations and detailed crits going on as of late and it's a mess to follow and discourages people from posting something new that is "off topic" as they probably don't want to rude.

    I'd like to see it run something more like the "post one nice photo thread". Keep it to one image, keep the comments minimal.

    Unfortunately that means some heavy moderation and moving posts into their own threads when people get chatty... It seems like too much work if you ask me.
  • bbob
    I vote either kill WAYWO, or make it image only, if possible.
  • Nizza_waaarg
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    Nizza_waaarg polycounter lvl 15
    i don't like change :poly122:

    is the problem there's too many wip threads popping up for you? Coz i like posting wips in pnp, getting aws feedback, improving and then finishing the project (well as much as i can). And there's been alot of really cool wip threads from cool artists that are just as inspiring as seeing their finished stuff (and yes there's been a number of... not as cool/inspiring threads too, but we all meant to be learning here right?).

    you could try just going through the waywo thread, going to cghub or artist's folio's as has been said if all you want is cool finished stuff, not that hard to find cool inspiring stuff.

    And yeah, keep mah polycounts clean :poly142:
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