So after finishing the SAM its time to make a weapon for the folio. Here is my first pass at the model I took a route told to me by Pedro and started with the lower223 base. Here she goes im just modeling im not watching polycounts yet really but eventually I will make a low and bake down.

Detail wise, it looks okay, but it's got a lot of proportioning errors.
First off it's way too thin. That upper loop is a circular shape that at it's widest extends past the width of the lower.
What you have as a indent on the magazine well, is supposed to be an outward bump.
More to come tonight im on a roll and got the tunes to keep me rolling.
Edit: Added Progress Images
good job. skylight render sucks. use omni wth high spec next time.
Edited handle/pistol grip and trigger housing.
Still has some smoothing issues and once I put the model in a somewhat fps view I started to see some scale issues. Fov= Pain in the ass, so I will be scaling things more to make it look better in 3d rather then what realworld standards require.
Upper looks very tight, I like it a lot. Nothing to nitpick as far as I can see.
Just playing with the shapes atm with the butt, going with the not so standard style one.
One thing, the P-Mag, round the corners off a bit and taper the front. On the back there is also a small ridge that runs up the length of the mag. I could take some pictures of mine if you would like more reference.
More progress on the shoulder Butt.
Well, it pretty much does.
Your RIS foregrip is looking a little small.
There are 2D and 3D CAD models of the AR lower receiver on the web (the design is public domain now), I'd see if I could track one of those down for reference.
The other thing I'm seeing like Rang3r1 mentioned is that the rail system on the barrel is way too small in proportion to the rest of the gun. If you want or need better photo reference, go check out, which is probably one of the largest AR15 and AR platform websites in the world (and one of the biggest firearms websites in the world, for that matter). The membership there owns ARs in ever conceivable configuration, including custom built stuff, and they love posting pictures.
depending on the length you might not need/use a frontsight but a simple gasblock.
also, incase it IS the omega rail, you dont need the font cap, since such rails are freefloaters.
IF youre considering doing a frontsight, be aware that the area infront of the front cap is too short
and yea, the rail teeth dont match up dimension wise with the ris teeth on the upper receiver.
this might help you.
Well, the real one shoots .223, so I think the barrel width is about right :P
.22 is the rightmost, 25 mm high
.223 is the one next to it, 5.56 NATO, 57.4 mm high
considerable difference.
The .223 is just a scaled up .222 bullet, same class as a .22 LR. Yes, quite a difference in cartridge length, but same class of caliber. Here is a pic of the official .22 LR dimensions:
here is the .223 (which is not totally identical to the military 5.56) it is in millimeters, but 5.7 mm = .224 in.
The visible outer diameter of the barrel is still way too small.
EDIT: on a closer look, the axis of the barrel in the model is also significantly offset upwards above the axis of the chamber and bolt. See the cylinder path running from the tube the buttstock slides on, through the ring on the rear of the receiver, along the body of the upper receiver? The bolt carrier and bolt travel back and forth along that tube, and the barrel is centered on the axis of that cylindrical path.
What he has there is skinnier than the old M16A1 pencil barrel, and it's got the contours of a M4 / M4A1 .gov profile barrel with the notches for an M203. Big Army is also converting their entire M4 inventory to the M4A1's heavier barrel for durability during extended rapid fire, so unless he's depicting a privately owned or PMC / security contractor weapon, he'll want to reflect that for accuracy.
I don't have specs for the outer diameter of a M4A1 .gov profile barrel in front of me right now (the safe is upstairs and the ARs are in the back behind the RPK and the WWII stuff), but I'm pretty sure he could increase it by 50% over what he has and it would look much closer.
Yes, the barrel is too thin, here is a ref:!FJhxJV3qu6TZ7r8UWkXIfonf!7vMwJxlJntGr7UaiLtJx8l-Ps4xa!e5!fp
Working on the things you guys mentioned above and pushing forward with more objects to it. Here is an update im working on an ecotech sight right now still early on its progress but comments and crits always welcome.
Edit: Took out high so it didnt confuse people as a bake.
I wish i knew more about games to help you out with some crits:(
I think that's my brain trying to tell me to go to bed.
Can't wait to see it textured
I'm definitely looking forward to seeing how your bakes turn out and sussing your final textures as well. Keep it going.