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[Portfolio] – Alex James, Environment Artist

polycounter lvl 17
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Serp polycounter lvl 17
Hi here's my portfolio. I'll be applying for environment jobs in London. Please critique the work and site. Thanks.




  • nrek
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    nrek polycounter lvl 14
    Hey Serp, you have some pretty sweet stuff in your portfolio man. And the site itself is just as good, very sleek and to the point. My favorite piece would have to be the purple gun, very nice work with that. The only thing I feel like its missing are tri counts for the models and maybe a wireframe for that fire hydrant. And personally I think the face texture is out of place. I would like to see more images of the other work you have shown rather than just a single image of an unused texture.
  • Xoliul
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    Xoliul polycounter lvl 16
    I'd like to see some more info on the pieces. Tricounts, why or what you created, etc...
  • Clockwork
    What's with all the fire hydrants I see lately, is there a new tutorial or something? Funny.
  • MRico
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    MRico polycounter lvl 10
    I was hoping to see some wireframes of your highpoly work for my reference folder, lol.

    Overall it's a a good site, wish that pistol was done though.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    At least texture that pistol, I'd like to see a low poly though.
  • bounchfx

    are you spacemonkey's arch nemesis? or perhaps a relative? :P
    looks good dude.
  • Marine
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    Marine polycounter lvl 19
    A bit more consistency in your presentation would be nice, you show textures for some of your stuff but not all
    One of the images for the hydrant is broken
    I'd ditch the character texture at the end, it's not as good as your other work and I don't get why you're not showing it on a model.
  • JasonLavoie
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    JasonLavoie polycounter lvl 18
    Nailed Aaron's concept man... very nice.

    The site (as said before) is really nice and straight forward, and really helps put focus on your work... which is always a good thing :P

    I agree with marine about the character texture.. just does not belong man.

    Good luck!
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    Your CV looks great but it is just too brief. Try putting more detail in to make it more professional like.

    Nice portfolio by the way. If you can provide us the SS of your model wireframe that would be great!
  • Serp
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    Serp polycounter lvl 17
    Fixed the missing wireframe image for hydrant.

    That hi poly handgun took me three months working 9-5 at home. I made it as realistic as possible.

    Yes I think I'll put some info at the top of each page telling about it.

    I put the face texture in because I don't have much work to show and the model is based on a tutorial. I thought the face was badass, but if you guys think it's better out than I might leave it out.

    @AutopsySoldier: If you want some wires of my hi poly stuff, tell me which models and whether you want it with turbosmooth on or not. lol I see you've made a hydrant aswell. All the cool guys make hydrants.

    @bounchfx: lol I thought somone might say that. I just tried to get something simple and catchy as a domain name.

    @JasonLavoie: Thanks Jason the site design was based on yours ;)

    @Nitewalkr: Which ss of a wireframe did you think I should put in?
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    The Gun in the OP and the Door wireframe. The rest including the environment is pretty straight forward.

    Nice work.

    EDIT: CV and the requested stunts are not what I wanted to see, since my prospective on game development starts and ends at the fantasy (for now) It is something you should look in to.
  • MRico
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    MRico polycounter lvl 10
    I wanted to see the wireframe for the pistol. A turbosmooth with isoline display one would be perfect!

    Hey man, can you tell me the final tri-count for the fire hydrant?
  • Shogun3d
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    Shogun3d polycounter lvl 12
    If you're pursuing environment art, I would suggest some more shots and breakdowns of your hallway piece which is pretty strong. I would toss the concept and place somewhere else as a thumbnail or something, I almost thought that was your actual piece and my expectations were raised, and then looking at your actual piece was a slight let down.

    Toss the weapons elsewhere, or below your other props. Don't place them in an order you personally like.

    Some great work though, good luck!
  • RossC
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    RossC polycounter lvl 9
    kaburan wrote: »
    If you're pursuing environment art, I would suggest some more shots and breakdowns of your hallway piece which is pretty strong. I would toss the concept and place somewhere else as a thumbnail or something, I almost thought that was your actual piece and my expectations were raised, and then looking at your actual piece was a slight let down.

    Toss the weapons elsewhere, or below your other props. Don't place them in an order you personally like.

    Some great work though, good luck!

    Agreed, if you're stating yourself as an environmental artist you should really put more environment shots, the first one really is solid.
  • JasonLavoie
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    JasonLavoie polycounter lvl 18
    Serp wrote: »

    @JasonLavoie: Thanks Jason the site design was based on yours ;)

    Hahaha, well I think you've done a better job with it... nice and straight forward.

    I defiantly agree with Kaburan (listen to this dood, quite talented).
  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    The Environment piece you have is def your strongest, although you need to break it down more, and explain how it was made, why, and basically what we are looking at.
    Is it a in game shot? If so, you should make that extremely clear. If its not an in-game shot, it really should be. It makes a big difference if it is in-game so its a must really for an environment artist.
    I would also like to see much higher resolution images of these shots, wireframes, polycounts, and texture sheets.

    I think some of the other things on your site look really well done, but could be setup better with materials and lighting. I have a feeling your textures are solid, but perhaps you didn't render them out as good as you can. Have you ever tried Marmoset by 8 Monkey labs? If not, its an idiot proof game engine and its really easy to get awesome renders in no time.

    I also think its sort of weird you just have the texture sheet up at the bottom. It makes me wonder if your model doesn't look good, so you are just showing the texture sheet. It Could send off the wrong signal is all I'm saying, plus its more character art than anything, but its up to you if you want to include it.

    So my advice, make some changes that I mentioned, start a new environment, and I think you are good to go. Your one environment is solid, but I think your portfolio could use a little more. Nice job and good luck!
  • onionhead_o
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    onionhead_o polycounter lvl 16
    is the textured door just normal map becuz it looks like it has a lot of depth. if it is can i see the normal map plz?
  • Serp
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    Serp polycounter lvl 17
    @AutopsySoldier: The tri count for the fire hydrant is 1438. And here is some big screenshots of the gun http://img691.imageshack.us/gal.php?g=gun3l.jpg
    I used Polyboost a lot. Which really helped in smoothing out the topology on the handgrip area.

    @onionhead_o: Here's the door with the normal map. I made this years a go and used a greyscale map and converted it into a normal map with xnormal in photoshop. http://img683.imageshack.us/img683/9336/doorcv.jpg

    I've made the concept art screenshot smaller.
    -Added more info to all the pieces.
    -Added a screenshot of the environment lit without textures.

    I'd include the environment textures but they're kinda crappy and simple.
  • MRico
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    MRico polycounter lvl 10
    Thanks a lot dude!...Man...I think I might gone a bit too high with my hydrant, it's sitting at 2068.

    I have a crit...I don't know if this one actually matters...looking at your site and CV...I have no idea where you're located, lol.

    Personally, I don't care....but for an employer...?
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