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Rock Landmarks tutorials

polycounter lvl 14
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NAIMA polycounter lvl 14
I know that probably there is no specific tutorial on this but I would like some suggestions on how to approach the making in 3d of a structure rock like this , its not a simple rock boulder , but not even a mountain , I dunno how to call those formations if not like Landmarks rocks .....


any idea?


  • Mark Dygert
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    I think they're called headlands? Or is that just a pile of earth sticking out into the sea? I think they form from the shoreline eroding away, leaving little islands. It starts as a sea cave I think. Then it opens up to a hole which looks like a bridge, then the bridge crumbles leaving the pillar.

    The great ocean road in Australia has a great set of these kinds of rocks called The 12 Apostles

    As for making them, the approach is probably the same to any other cliff face. My approach would be to roughly model a base mesh, take it into ZBrush or Mudbox and go to town on it while looking at mountains of ref.
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    NAIMA polycounter lvl 14
    Yes thats the best approach but the problem I am thinking is most like that :
    How to texture it ? I mean I need to Uvmap it and make the texture at what resolution and how many textures , if I have to import in a game and it has to be a quite big compared to game charadcters , what size of resolution should I use or should I instead ue severall?

    and on the side of modeling is there any tutorial also dvd trainings or the like for example making landscape models for a game or the like ?
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