Recently been dabbling at mixing tracks and having fun with music, here are a couple rough early mixes i recorded on the fly. trainwrecked it a bit here and there hahah but has a really fun time just rockin out doing it in my living room.
new bond song adele certainly has the vocal chops for a classic sounding theme, channeling some shirley bassey almost. some of the lyrics seem forced but the overal sound of it is great.
So a friend asked my why I don't like dubstep. I had to think about it for a minute...Because it's not just the way it sounds. Indeed, in that area the music actually resonates with me a bit. Reminds me of Aphex twin without the edge...but i still can't bring myself to like it. I think i've decided on this: you will never, never, ever come across a dubstep song that is actually moving or awe inspiring. nothing to give me goosebumps or make me take a moment to examine myself and the world around me...
The Algorithm have a new song out its like a metal Djent electronica mix very awesome worth listening to and the videos cool aswell (and it features the drummer from monuments)
If you guys like some chiller house beats, here is a mix I did the other night for some fun comments and crits always appreciaited!
[ame=""]Chill House mix 01 - YouTube[/ame]
Always makes me think of the Portal 2 teaser trailer!
Also, not a huge dupstep fan, but this is pretty badass:
heres what im jammin:
oh god yes, prog metal at its finest. this is their magnum opus, please do them a favor and preorder it now..
a progressive house/trance mix
a bit more laid back deep house mix
and an electro mix i did last night, ignore the fuckup at 14 mins in hahah.
so much good music in the last few months. cant wait for my preorder to get here
Also- be sure to check out my buddy Man Mantisss!:
yes. oh yes. it's on spotify - added the crap out of that to my ever growing list.
oh - and this:
not sure how to embed.
something like this:
if you've got 14 minutes give it a good solid listen. and your welcome.
embed, why you no work ;'(
Had this on in the gym, did quite well :P
Haven't listened to heavy metal in years now, and started to get really bored of it. But fawking hell these guys are good!
and Tycho
I think I'm the only person who doesn't listen to metal, ha.
Mayer Hawthorne
So is this technically dubstep or dnb? Whatever it is it does it for me.
Drumstep, and yes, it exists. Just like Brostep, Filthstep, Housestep...