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Team Fortress 2 - Workshop Thread



  • Konras
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    Konras polycounter lvl 12
    All the weapons/hats here are so fantastic so i decided to give it a try and make one myself.
    After little reference here ( http://boisegoodnews.files.wordpress.com/2009/09/the-wizard-of-oz.jpg ) and some proportions tweak I made this:
    I was having some problems in making materials visible (damn ping checker), but now I figured it out so probably i would be in need to fix some textures/material/shapes :D
    Hope to see soon some new updates on your projects, they gave lots of inspiration :)
  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    That's a pretty cool hat! It makes sense for the engineer. Your phong settings look nice also. The material doesn't really fit into TF2 in my eyes though. You should try getting more of a hand-painted look to it. Also the little handle part looks like it has some awkward smoothing errors but it could just be the way it's lit.

    I've really been wanting to make something to contribute but I think I'll wait until I get a tablet so I can try hand-painting it. Also I need a better idea for a hat. Haven't come up with many good ones yet.
  • Veko
    I'm currently also trying to make a contribution, but instead of a plain old hat I wanted to do something different :D
    Texture is very placeholder atm.


    not really sure yet on how I'm gonna test the rigging ingame though..
  • Flaringo
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    Flaringo polycounter lvl 11
    i'm pretty sure they only take hats and weapons. :-\
  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    I'm positive they only take hats and weapons. They aren't going to implement an item when they don't even have a pants item slot implemented into the game. You could still send it in on the hope that they'd use it when/if they do implement an armor system but it seems like a waste of time to me.
  • Frump
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    Frump polycounter lvl 12
    @DKK lol thanks.:)

    I hate to keep spamming the thread, but here's the finals. I didn't have a chance to try to the more woody texture because I've been busy, I'll probably try it tomorrow.

  • Japhir
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    Japhir polycounter lvl 17
    very nice! i think the chip in the blade seems a bit unrealistic though... i mean, what blade ever chips like that? if you want to add some damage i'd add some damage to the tip/maybe bend the entire blade a little at the base of the blade or something... but i already liked it a lot undamaged.
  • ZacD
    Online / Send Message
    ZacD ngon master
    Yeah that chip looks more like the knife is about to break.
  • Jaco
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    Jaco polycounter lvl 17
    Sweet knife Frump, agreed with Japhir though, and I'd add that the small yellow screws look like stickers.
  • Veko
    Zipfinator wrote: »
    I'm positive they only take hats and weapons. They aren't going to implement an item when they don't even have a pants item slot implemented into the game. You could still send it in on the hope that they'd use it when/if they do implement an armor system but it seems like a waste of time to me.

    And what implementation would that be :) ?

    There is already a MISC slot for some classes, this is supposed to be a MISC item (like the camera beard or the medic mask, or even the gunboats)
  • Noors
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    Noors greentooth
    yo a little help here ?
    I'm trying to view my model with the sdk modelviewer. Path is correctly set to my Steam\steamapps\...\team fortress 2\tf folder. Now when i launch the modelviewer, i can access to a lot of models ([ROOT]\models\player etc) but i can't locate those files on my hard drive nor i can't locate my own mdl files. Where the fook are those files ? Oh and if someone has a way to go to see stuff in game without replacing official items, it would totally make me feel like i'm on drugs. cheers
  • Swizzle
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    Swizzle polycounter lvl 16
    Noors wrote: »
    yo a little help here ?
    I'm trying to view my model with the sdk modelviewer. Path is correctly set to my Steamsteamapps...team fortress 2tf folder. Now when i launch the modelviewer, i can access to a lot of models ([ROOT]modelsplayer etc) but i can't locate those files on my hard drive nor i can't locate my own mdl files. Where the fook are those files ? Oh and if someone has a way to go to see stuff in game without replacing official items, it would totally make me feel like i'm on drugs. cheers

    Most of the models you see in the Model Viewer are in C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps in the GCF files. You can use GCFScape to look in those without the Model Viewer.

    Your own MDL files, if they're actually working in-game, should be somewhere in C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\YOUR USERNAME\team fortress 2\tf\models
  • Frump
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    Frump polycounter lvl 12
    Japhir, ZacD: Thanks guys. I am well aware that the damage to the blade is totally unrealistic. I just thought it would look cool and add more character to the knife, which I think it does. Later I guess I will take shots of both versions and decide for myself which I like better. Getting rid of the chip is just merging a vertex or two.

    Good thing you reminded me! The bolts are just stickers, I did them in the texture just to get their positions correct. I should add some geo or some bump into the normals to make them pop out more.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    Perhaps the spy parried a blow from the Sniper's kukri. That'd probably leave an indent kinda like that.
  • Konras
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    Konras polycounter lvl 12
    Thanks for advice. I took some of their texture, use some of it, over painted, mixed and so on :D and... i think now overall look is much better.

    and emmm... maybe a mix of previous and new one?
  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    I like the new one a lot better than the mix of the new and old. It matches the TF2 style a lot better in my opinion. It makes the phong a lot more smooth and less obvious which is a good thing.
  • Progg
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    Progg polycounter lvl 11
    Konras wrote: »
    Thanks for advice. I took some of their texture, use some of it, over painted, mixed and so on :D and... i think now overall look is much better.

    This one
  • Noors
    Offline / Send Message
    Noors greentooth
    Finally managed to compile and load it in modelviewer. Texture is a bit rubbish. Was planning to make a normal map with axes on the front but i'm affraid it will be a bit dirty on a 512 map.

    Konras, it's awesome :)
  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    It doesn't need a normal map really. It looks fine without one. Anyway Valve doesn't use normal/spec on hats. Progg sent them a normal/spec map with his Elvis hair and they only used the diffuse.
  • Veko
    ok done some more reflecting on what you guys said about the hats only thing, and ok it might be a waste of time indeed so I'm putting the kilt on hold :).

    Started work on this today between diner and supper.

  • Progg
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    Progg polycounter lvl 11
    Veko wrote: »
    ok done some more reflecting on what you guys said about the hats only thing, and ok it might be a waste of time indeed so I'm putting the kilt on hold :).

    Started work on this today between diner and supper.


    I like this alot.. the only thing I am going to say is that mustache would be a bitch to add to the game given all of the very animated facial deformations that occur
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    If he had a very thick moustache which attached at a single point you might get away with it. something more like a curly waxed moustache.
  • Veko
    Wanted to go for the Brad Pit inglorious bastard look, so the moustache is a must :D
    Gonna import tomorrow, and i'll see how it looks ingame with the moustache
  • Yamo
    Seemed like an obvious addition for the heavy

    Not sure what I'm going to do about a chinstrap with all of the jaw movement, but I think I'm pretty close to texturing

  • Veko

    Ok i've tested the model ingame, and I think I can get away with the moustache
    The soldier mouth animations are mostly the bottom lip, the moustache stays in the right place :D


    Has anyone done any experimenting with using flex controllers in hats ?

    I've been reading up on how I might constraint the moustache to the flexcontrollers in the soldier model,
    but I don't really understanding what needs to be done in the qc file :X

    /edit 2

    gonna call it quits, the moustache is fixed that the mouth deformations will never go through it.

  • Rhinokey
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    Rhinokey polycounter lvl 18
    started roughing this in today, will prob be blown over cause its too much like the snipers hat. maybe the color and the snake skin band will make it seem more unique. and i'm hoping like vekos moustache, that this one works well with anims

    I call it "aint got time to bleed"
  • achmedthesnake
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    achmedthesnake polycounter lvl 17
    had sum free time over the weekend -
    see how this goes - not sure how tf2 rigs would handle the bolts...or the clipping (i would want the edges flush w/ the mesh...
  • achmedthesnake
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    achmedthesnake polycounter lvl 17
    + the concepting:
  • Yamo
    Ach that is friggin awesome

    I really hope it blends well with his actual forehead ingame because the idea itself is amazing
  • Gerre
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    Gerre polycounter lvl 10
    some old stuff:
    Sergeant's Drill Hat
    also teamcolored

    and non hat related:
    Spy replacement based on the Gentlemen meme
    Sniper variation on the Gentlemen meme
    Scout is ready for compiling :)

    Is it allowed to post downloadlinks from fpsbanana?
  • Konras
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    Konras polycounter lvl 12
    Gerre this really fits soldier style :D and look great tooo (as far as civilian could look good in military uniform haha :D )
    achmedthesnake wow that really blow my mind off. I have some worries still :/ Hats cannot (can they?) have normals so there will be some difference in rim lightning on hat-side and normal-side of head. Maybe mask it with this scar-cut right where it blends?
    Veko Haha another hat that will promote soldier to higher military status :D Look also realy good. Still maybe it would be good to lover it more to give it some fancy look :)
    Noors i like this idea, but you could improve painting. Don't know if all parts should be gold? but now there is to much yellow... hmm maybe ad somewhere some kind of funny stitcher? :D

    Hehe I managed to find some free time at the end of the weekend and made new phones for engie :D (here is the inspiration: http://www.fhunowak.pl/foto/ir/ir_mlotki_poziome.jpg)
    textures are just plain color for now :D need to work on theme after work ;)
    I don't know if it fits the style of engineer... maybe they are to much similar to music headphones...
    btw. Maybe they should be integrated with his default hat.... but i thought about it to late ;/ (and that would be quite similar to mining light hat)
  • Noors
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    Noors greentooth
    The shader doesn't really act like i thought (put the dead ringer material on it) but w00t, i did it ^^
    Yep i agree konras, i might try with 2 colors or smthing, though orignals i've seen were all in gold.

  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    You should try using the phong settings from one of the other hats. If you can't find them I can get them for you.

    Anyway it looks like your hat has a spec map on it. If it does then I don't think Valve will use it because they didn't use Progg's normal/spec and I don't think any of the other hats have a normal or spec map.
  • Noors
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    Noors greentooth
    hey guys, thanks for critics. Actually there's a bit of AO though the shader totally "eats" it. prolly not enough contrast though.
    There's no spec map but it uses the little gradient textures from dead ringer material lightwarp and phongwarp. But i'm not very happy with it. Gonna try some more tweaks. And thank you Zipfinator, but i already have the hats vmt.

    oh and btw, some hats diffuse texture have an alpha in it and i'm pretty sure they use it as spec map, so it's probably ok to use it aswell.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    What if you gave it more of a greenish brassy colour.
  • Konras
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    Konras polycounter lvl 12
    What i must say is that accidently I found that pith helmet (new sniper hat) has pith_helmet_normal.vtf and there is a reference to it in .vmt. Soo probably Valve decided that this hat realy benefits form normal map, and elvis hair could go without one (kind'a wierd in my opinion).

    Noors I checked this vmt setting from dead ringer. Dont know why, but in my opinion it produces very flat shading, and realy lacks of shadow information. You could try (just for check) to use batter_helmet_red.vmt for example and compare the results in a viewer. Maybe it will help? (later maybe you could mix both of theme?)
  • Veko
    I found that the phong settings for a hat really differ, I tried a lot of present settings (from other hats) on my Veteran Bastard and they all weren't really what I was looking for.

    Just mess around a bit in the vmt to get the phong style you want.
  • Noors
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    Noors greentooth
    yeah also it looks slightly different in model viewer and in game D:
  • Veko
    What I did was: just start the game, enable the console and run a map.
    And everytime I adjusted the vmt, type in console mat_reloadallmaterials

    + I really caught the contribution bug, working on a medic hat while typing this :p
  • Noors
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    Noors greentooth
    oh cheers for the command Veko.
    So i retook the texture (found a nice reference) then applied the batter_helmet_red.vmt material (it has a flame detail map on it :p) as Konras said. I think i'm happy with it but I'm a bit tired so waiting for kritz !
    (hud refused to hide for some reason)
  • Veko
    looks very sexy now Noors, colorchange was definitely a good change.
    to hide the hud ingame type "cl_drawhud 0"

    I got inspired yesterday by some sixties thing I saw, and I wanted to do a hippie hat for the medic.
    Not sure on it though (looked better in my head), me feels it needs some work

  • achmedthesnake
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    achmedthesnake polycounter lvl 17
    can anyone definitely confirm (maybe there are some valve lurkers here) - there are no normals used on the hats in the game?

    wanted to sort that out before i decide to go ahead w/mine
  • aniceto
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    aniceto polycounter lvl 19
    I hope that works Achmed cause that would be sweet
  • Progg
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    Progg polycounter lvl 11
    From what I've read and was told there are NO normals or spec maps on hats. I'll try to find out.
  • OpethRockr55
    can anyone definitely confirm (maybe there are some valve lurkers here) - there are no normals used on the hats in the game?

    wanted to sort that out before i decide to go ahead w/mine

    The only hat with a normal map is the Sniper's pith helmet. Everything else is straight up smoothed normals - EDIT: smoothing groups, whatever :P. Though, you do need a normal map defined to make the phong work correctly, so they have a flat normal applied.
  • Frump
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    Frump polycounter lvl 12
    Been busy, but here's an update from a few days ago. Basically final. The only tweaks I think I should make are making the edges of the wood less dark and getting rid of or keeping the hilt engraving. Do you guys like it? I tried it out because someone suggested I try to balance the detail better between the blade and handle.

    My real question is how to submit it. I want it to use the ambassador materials, and I want to have certain parts animated... But I don't think I should do that because I would probably just end up screwing it up worse than if I just submit an obj and leave it to Valve, but how can I get my intention across? When they go to animate it, how will they know exactly where to place the pivots for rotation?

    How did you guys who got your models included submit them? I am leaning towards just obj/tga but I don't know whether I should leave it on the axis or scale it to view model size/position.

    Anyway, any input on how I should submit it is welcome, because I am eager to get it submitted and move on to the next thing.

  • OpethRockr55
    Frump wrote: »
    Been busy, but here's an update from a few days ago. Basically final. The only tweaks I think I should make are making the edges of the wood less dark and getting rid of or keeping the hilt engraving. Do you guys like it? I tried it out because someone suggested I try to balance the detail better between the blade and handle.

    My real question is how to submit it. I want it to use the ambassador materials, and I want to have certain parts animated... But I don't think I should do that because I would probably just end up screwing it up worse than if I just submit an obj and leave it to Valve, but how can I get my intention across? When they go to animate it, how will they know exactly where to place the pivots for rotation?

    How did you guys who got your models included submit them? I am leaning towards just obj/tga but I don't know whether I should leave it on the axis or scale it to view model size/position.

    Anyway, any input on how I should submit it is welcome, because I am eager to get it submitted and move on to the next thing.

    You can submit .SMDs and .VMTs - or the fully compiled .MDL - along with the required sources. Since .SMDs can carry bone information, you could throw that in to point them in the right direction of what you're looking for. Same thing with the VMT.

    Just be sure to send the .OBJ and the .TGA, too. Sources are required, no matter what.
  • Progg
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    Progg polycounter lvl 11
    You can submit .SMDs and .VMTs - or the fully compiled .MDL - along with the required sources. Since .SMDs can carry bone information, you could throw that in to point them in the right direction of what you're looking for. Same thing with the VMT.

    Just be sure to send the .OBJ and the .TGA, too. Sources are required, no matter what.

    All I submitted was an obj and tga's
  • OpethRockr55
    Progg wrote: »
    All I submitted was an obj and tga's

    I said you can. Then again, your hat didn't need any custom bones or criss-crossing of custom textures with Valve's, either. Or maybe it did, I don't know.

    If you just explain what you want in the comment box, they'll probably get the gist of it, too.
  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    I'm not sure if Valve would accept custom animations but I don't think they animate the community weapons (Or at least they haven't yet). The Dakolahs uses the Sandvich animations and the melee weapons just copy other melee weapons animations along with copying their taunts. They really need to make a new melee taunt because it's awkward watching a Demoman drink from a Pain Train.
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