Does the bell always sit above the cannisters on his sash? Or does it move and is just coincidentally sitting in about the same spot in each screenshot?
Also, in that second screenshot, it's like solid black. It looks like it's missing a texture file. I wonder if the black cowbell is too dark for the dark parts of maps and maybe should be a different metal (I know black is a popular color, but I'd buy it if it were brass or copper or aluminum or whatever else they might be made of)
It does stay in the same spot, I don't know about it being too dark. I like the black because it goes better with the pyro's colors. You think it's just too black in the dark? Anyone else have an opinion on it?
Been working on this one, geometry is done I think... I need to create the texture, nevermind that yellow color, and I need to think of a better name, I just wanted to include the word "buster" :P
Oh wow ... I'm just gonna facepalm for a few minutes now..
I did open up the model viewer before, but then closed it again because I figured it only had to create a few files by starting for the first time. But leaving it open while compiling did the trick...
Thanks a lot Pogo
It's weird that it used to work fine without opening the model viewer before though.
if that doesn't help, try refreshing game files from SDK
Been working on this one, geometry is done I think... I need to create the texture, nevermind that yellow color, and I need to think of a better name, I just wanted to include the word "buster" :P
any suggestions?
lol, trying to convince spetch to do a style of the ze goggles to fit over the eyes, this would be an awesome compliment to that and my ghost buster models I submitted.
Been working on this one, geometry is done I think... I need to create the texture, nevermind that yellow color, and I need to think of a better name, I just wanted to include the word "buster" :P
@oobersli - I was thinking the same thing, but both would be 'head' items, so it would probably need to be combined into a single hat, but since I didn't know who made the goggles I decided to leave it as just the hair atm. Which ghostbusters models you submitted??
@Captain of The Chalk Ship - yep, that yellow is just a temporary thing, I haven't created a decent looking texture yet, but I noticed the hair must blend colors with the sideburns so I'm still deciding if it should be brown or yellow
maybe they could make one of them a misc item? or just make it all one. either way, it should happen. I submitted the ghost trap and proton pack. Might still try and finish the neutrona wand and slime gun.
the whole bonesaw concept doesn't particularly work well. well, it does, but i tihnk i'm going to have to look at some other sources.
Like jacob's ladder. typical 'mad scientist' stuff.
REAL MEN wear respirators on TOP of their gas mask.
I'm not trying to copy Ronins here, I just wanted to make a respirator for the pyro, figured it'd be cool.
I was rather busy today and started to work on the textures really late. Missing stitches on top of the hat and probably more weathering but i need to see the HLMV render first. Comments?
Pictures courtesy of Passerby as envmaps don't want to show up in TF2 for me.
Anyone know whats up with that? I've tried a bunch of console commands, fiddling with my settings, deleting config.cfg with steam cloud off to make a new one, nothings working.
Graphics card is an ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5850
Enviromenatl maps seem to be working fine for other Orange Box games like Portal, whats going on?
Hey guys... Just thought I'd drop by and show what I'm working on. The Barbershop Boater is an all-class hat with a matching bow tie. I'm currently working on the normal map, the Blu team texture, the custom paint channel, and the possibility of adding a style or two. Let me know what you think!
So I'm confused about what files I need to submit to Valve. I haven't used any .ql, .obj, or .mt formats. Nor did I use a .tga or .psd for the material. I also was not able to find anything about them.
So I'm confused about what files I need to submit to Valve. I haven't used any .ql, .obj, or .mt formats. Nor did I use a .tga or .psd for the material. I also was not able to find anything about them.
Well... what program(s) are you using, and what file formats do you have?
I'm using 3ds Max, I got the .MAX file, the 3 .SMD's, the .QC, the .MDL and all that for the model. And a .PNG, VTF, and VMT for the material.
just send all the files you got for the project, and make sure you got the files for the compile and a compiled working version of it all.
for any other files it shouldn't matter what image format or if it's .max files or mb's or obj's, it's a studio so you know there going to have the right software to open anything from max maya or xsi.
I'm using 3ds Max, I got the .MAX file, the 3 .SMD's, the .QC, the .MDL and all that for the model. And a .PNG, VTF, and VMT for the material.
Then I think you've already got all that you need for the 'optional compiled files'...
.obj is a common filetype for importing models between different modeling programs. I'd imagine 3dsMax has the option to export your file as an .obj somewhere, but I can't confirm since I use Maya. If I'm not mistaken, you should also be able to convert your textures to .psd or .tga using VTFEdit.
If anyone more knowledgeable can confirm this, please do.
After submitting the Souwester last night, i started work on the Heavy Police Man Helmet. Basic color scheme here and will be texturing as soon as i have time.
Oh so its a police helm, when I first saw it I thought it was a jet fighter pilot helmet. Ahh shows what I know.
I've decided to go over the entire model, because personally I thought the other version wasn't coming as well as I hoped.
I pieced this version together from the Black box, a Volcano gun, and a French old timey flare gun:
Texturewise, it will be hopefully be something simular to the black boxe's and revolver's.
I've done a scale check over the back of the original and it lines up well.
any suggestions?
if that doesn't help, try refreshing game files from SDK
lol, trying to convince spetch to do a style of the ze goggles to fit over the eyes, this would be an awesome compliment to that and my ghost buster models I submitted.
i already have projects in mind but i dont know what pograms i shold use.
hope you help me. cyaz
Whilst I'm not too fond of the overall design, I would go with E, myself.
@oobersli - I was thinking the same thing, but both would be 'head' items, so it would probably need to be combined into a single hat, but since I didn't know who made the goggles I decided to leave it as just the hair atm. Which ghostbusters models you submitted??
@re.wind - thx
@Captain of The Chalk Ship - yep, that yellow is just a temporary thing, I haven't created a decent looking texture yet, but I noticed the hair must blend colors with the sideburns so I'm still deciding if it should be brown or yellow
the whole bonesaw concept doesn't particularly work well. well, it does, but i tihnk i'm going to have to look at some other sources.
Like jacob's ladder. typical 'mad scientist' stuff.
Latest incarnation of the Spook's Spectacles. Passerby has been helping me out a lot with getting the texture and shaders working.
Also tweaked the dimensions and rigging a bit, they're now bigger and don't clip when the Spy sneers.
I really want these on my spy hehe.
Souwester for the engie, BONUS shot with my gasmask model! The force is strong in this one. Working title is "The Deadlier Catch"
Great name! I can imagine the black style of this hat and the black gask mask style combo to be pretty common (Darth Engie).
REAL MEN wear respirators on TOP of their gas mask.
I'm not trying to copy Ronins here, I just wanted to make a respirator for the pyro, figured it'd be cool.
I was rather busy today and started to work on the textures really late. Missing stitches on top of the hat and probably more weathering but i need to see the HLMV render first. Comments?
Based on this guy.
Needs more Dwarf Battle Bread.
The three styles for the Spook's Spectacles. Names are all working titles, if you have suggestions for better ones, shoot em' at me.
Texturing is finished on the souwester. Making in game shots later.
Any suggestions for a new hat for me to model?
that's VERY NICE!
has it occurred to anybody:
with all these gas masks. There's no gas weapons in TF2.
Maybe that's why there are no gasmasks yet in the game. I do treat the flamethrower as a fume/fuel projectile weapon.
Pictures courtesy of Passerby as envmaps don't want to show up in TF2 for me.
Anyone know whats up with that? I've tried a bunch of console commands, fiddling with my settings, deleting config.cfg with steam cloud off to make a new one, nothings working.
Graphics card is an ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5850
Enviromenatl maps seem to be working fine for other Orange Box games like Portal, whats going on?
Looks good!
How about this for Heavy? (also, sent u a PM :P)
After a few hours of work. 1116 tris. unoptimized. What you guys think?
Sorry, Ducksink beat you to it. Although his was scout only. I would also stay away from Normal maps, very few hats use them.
@Jzeeba: Its a nice hat, but it doesn't fit the heavy.
Bah, it's hard to keep track of who has made what these days. Well, I'll finish and submit it anyway, and may the best boater win.
Well... what program(s) are you using, and what file formats do you have?
You can export the .obj from Max. And most graphics programs let you export .tga for the material.
just send all the files you got for the project, and make sure you got the files for the compile and a compiled working version of it all.
for any other files it shouldn't matter what image format or if it's .max files or mb's or obj's, it's a studio so you know there going to have the right software to open anything from max maya or xsi.
Then I think you've already got all that you need for the 'optional compiled files'...
.obj is a common filetype for importing models between different modeling programs. I'd imagine 3dsMax has the option to export your file as an .obj somewhere, but I can't confirm since I use Maya. If I'm not mistaken, you should also be able to convert your textures to .psd or .tga using VTFEdit.
If anyone more knowledgeable can confirm this, please do.
(whoa... double ninja'd)
Massive clipping with the neck guard. I'm trying to fix that right now.
Clipping fixed:
Thanks for the help, I think I got everything I need now. Unless I manage to hit another road block with this dang thing.
Also, I can see why everyone is confused about if their stuff was actually submitted. xD
haven't posted in awhile thanks to lots of school work and the witcher 2 :P anyways here is my fighter helmet with ao and base colors layed down/
After submitting the Souwester last night, i started work on the Heavy Police Man Helmet. Basic color scheme here and will be texturing as soon as i have time.
I've decided to go over the entire model, because personally I thought the other version wasn't coming as well as I hoped.
I pieced this version together from the Black box, a Volcano gun, and a French old timey flare gun:
Texturewise, it will be hopefully be something simular to the black boxe's and revolver's.
I've done a scale check over the back of the original and it lines up well.
After 1 hour....
Umbrella-Based Revolver Thing (witty name pending)
Has a clip size of only one, but if you jump while falling the umbrella will deploy, slowing your descent and ensuring you take no fall damage.