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gonzo intro redux: realtime3d

Getting this party started at last, part two of my intro thread here.

This is a somewhat random jumble of my work over the past several years. I've included a couple traditional media pieces in the album. Both the pen & ink and charcoal used photo reference; my illustration instructor Jim DeWildt used to say if you can draw a tractor, you can draw anything.. ! Well.. I'm still working on that, lo these many years later.

To avoid wasting electrons in case these pics are too large for posting, the entire album is here until I can get the ims resized.

OK, little legalese here. Almost all these images are copyright my employer - not that anyone here would misrepresent themselves, but.. now it's out there. I've put a copyright on my stuff to differentiate it, tried to not be obnoxious about it. If you hate the C notice try to ignore it.

About the 3D work: as mentioned previously, 99% realtime, ground vehicle simulation research, low poly work: models and environments and vehicles. They have served me well but are looking dated compared to the latest generation artwork y'all are putting up. All realtime are for 60Hz operation, horizontal fov is 360 degrees (yee-up - all the way around - dome display), OpenGL based renderer running on a nvidia35 chipset (yeah - it's getting ancien, mes amis). Except for the 2 alias pics, the 3D work is all created using a product from Presagis called Creator. It's been around a long time - I think I used the first OpenFlight version on a unix box. Given that it's not a parametric modelling app, it does a good job for polygon work. Direct access to the scene graph, vertex level editing, etc.

My goal here is to take what I know and haul it into this century by updating workflow, tools and techniques to get things more "next-gen" or at least current state of the art. Have uncovered the volumetric tree threads, would love to get a handle on making reasonably realistic 3d trees with modest poly (ie, vertex) counts; these as you can see are all fins or crossed quads, no rotating billboards (for some reason admin seems to dislike those).

First up: geo-specific environment. Stats seem to show this is probably 45k tris. Depth complexity most reasonable, maybe 6 including the skydome, minimal LOD (since the entire area is visible from anywhere!).

Here's another shot showing some vitals:

Here's a closeup of a light pole from this environment:

Geo-typical (not a real place) environment; depth complexity more serious:

Residential geo-typical:

Modular stuff:

Modular building low-poly wire; if memory serves this hasn't actually made it into a project environment yet:

Here's an overhead wire of a road network for a "typical" swiss city (old project):

I'll be digging into some simple things first, probably post them in another thread (WIP?) but wanted to make some progress on my intro :D

Thanks for looking in - cheers!
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