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first character model

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Micah polygon
Hay guys new to PC.

Just started my first character model and need allot of crit.

first off i did my concept on my ds :poly122: because i have no tablet yet.


As you can see i only did the profile.
Now for the model.


Thanks Micah :)


  • uneditablepoly
    Wow, that's pretty good for your first character. My first character was absolutely disgraceful. Everything looks pretty good so far. It's hard to comment too much because it's just kinda blocked on right now but the forms closely match what I envisioned from your concept, so good work thus far! :D And that's awesome you did the concept on a DS, haha.
  • FlyByKnight
    This looks fantastic for a first time model. Look forward to seeing where you go with this.
  • Mark Dygert
    Nice work! I dig it!

    If you're thinking of taking it into a sculpting app you might want to work a little more in quads and less in tris.

    You did that concept on the DS? How did you do it, and how did you get it off of there? I' have to try that out.
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    Nice work Micah. I would love to see the full model of this................whats ds?
  • uneditablepoly
    Nintendo DS, the new-fangled Gameboy.
  • Micah
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    Micah polygon
    uneditablepoly: Thanks
    Vig: I've never used a sculpting app yet so might give it a try thanks.
    well i got an acekard2i which is a cartridge that you can put a memory card in (sd card) and downloaded Colors a painting program for the ds. all i have to do to get it off is take the memory card out the cartridge put it into a usb that comes with the memory card and im done.
    Here's the colors site http://colors.collectingsmiles.com/ check out what some of the amazing artists can do.

    Nitewalkr: Nintendo DS
  • Micah
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    Micah polygon
    OK back with improvements!!! changed the eye because it was bugging me and me been weird decided to stare at the mirror for half an hour :\ and have decided to change the noes area, Ive also made everything quads encase i decide to sculpt it but that's only if my computer can handle it :poly127:
    so I've also done the bicep and triceps but might move it around when doing the forearm though, I've also done abit of the stomach. To do list for now is back, ribs, hips and what the the hell the howl body :poly142:

    All crits welcome
    Enough talking time for progress pics...

    thanks Micah
  • TravisAuerbeck

    Good start man. This great for a first attempt at a character:) my only quarrel with this is the lack of edge loops and polyflow. Those things will come with time though the more characters that you do, and the cool thing is the more characters you do the better and better they become.

    Here are some helpful tutorials to help you learm about character modeling and edgeloops:

    3Dtotal.com is a great website for tutorials for beginners, i would definitely recommend checking it out:)

    Keep this up.
  • Micah
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    Micah polygon
    OK last update for the 2day because im off to bed.

    So I've decided that his going to be a gangster :poly121:
    Arms and hands aren't done because forearm is to short and there just blocked out for the moment.

    Back isn't complete yet because i haven't defined the muscles yet i just pulled it down to about the right areas.


    Crit always welcome as always

    Thanks Micah
  • Gallows
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    Gallows polycounter lvl 9
    For your first model, you're doing great. Some of those loops are spot on. Keep it up dude.
  • Micah
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    Micah polygon
    TravisAuerbeck: thamks, i will have a look through the tuts :) im not to sure what you meen by edge loops and polyflow so i will look it up.

    Gallows: thanks

    OK im done with the gangster model time to move on to another model and then another and another and when i get the modeling down i will texture them.

    time for pics.


    thanks Micah
  • arrangemonk
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    arrangemonk polycounter lvl 17
    the arms seem somewhat very long

    and why do so many people do gangstas as their first character
  • Tom Ellis
    You're done??!!

    Stick with this character a while longer dude!

    You've got the foundations here of something that could potentially be pretty awesome.

    Take it into ZBrush/Mudbox, have some fun with it and then go from there. I think you would benefit more from continuing this character and posting here to get crit/advice. Then once the character is complete, you'll have ability and knowledge of the entire workflow.

    The reason I say this is that it becomes difficult to determine when you are satisfied with your own level of ability and you say you are going to make model after model until you are happy with your modeling skills. If I did that i'd be modeling forever.
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    Micah wrote: »
    uneditablepoly: Thanks
    Vig: I've never used a sculpting app yet so might give it a try thanks.
    well i got an acekard2i which is a cartridge that you can put a memory card in (sd card) and downloaded Colors a painting program for the ds. all i have to do to get it off is take the memory card out the cartridge put it into a usb that comes with the memory card and im done.
    Here's the colors site http://colors.collectingsmiles.com/ check out what some of the amazing artists can do.

    Nitewalkr: Nintendo DS

    Oh that DS...carry on.
    looking forward for your further posts. Nice work so far. :)

    EDIT: You are not done yet IMO. My suggustion to you is the same as creationtwentytwo.

    If are using 3ds max 2010. Than it should be easier for you to plug smooth/subdiv and modify.
  • Micah
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    Micah polygon
    OK just read this after starting something new but after reading what you guys have said i have to agree with you all.

    creationtwentytwo , Nitewalkr : thanks i will carry on with my Gangster model because i can see things i know i can improve and was going to improve but due to my laziness didn't, which is the reason i posted this thread so that you guys can keep me on the path so again thanks :)

    creationtwentytwo: unfortunately due to my rubbish computer i cant sculpt my models because it keeps crashing on me but i will carry on with the model nether less.

    arrangemonk: thanks will get that fixed strait away
    Don't know maybe because they don't have to bother with hair because they cant do it XD (my reason)

    i will show what iv been doing for now but put it aside for my next project after iv finished the gangster.

    stylized head concept done on Nintendo DS.


    Thanks Micah
  • Tom Ellis
    Your sculpting app keeps crashing? It's not your computer dude that's just one of the great features of sculpting apps :D

    Seriously though, they can be unstable, but you do need a fair bit of power to run them well. I also remembered you said you are yet to get a graphic tablet so you should probably leave sculpting until then.

    Building a high poly purely in the 3D app will be awesome practice though, and a skill most new artists who are learning may rarely attempt.

    Since you're staying with the gangster character, try adding some more areas of interest and accessories. Maybe a hat/bandana or neck scarf, watch/arm jewellery, spend some time on some badass sneakers, also he'd look good with an UZI or two.
  • Micah
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    Micah polygon
    creationtwentytwo : way ahead of you :) and i can defiantly say that i don't have enough power on this computer but i do on my other one but that one doesn't work :(
    tell me what you think.
    also here's an idea of color.
    Thanks Micah
  • Micah
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    Micah polygon
    Finally decided to do work on the back today :\ gave him some love handles to, and gave him a cig and changed his ears because they were to small and flat.


    Thanks Micah
  • erikb
    You're off to a great start on your low poly/base mesh modeling here. You also seem to get pretty close with the modeling to your concepts, which is good.

    How does the model look sub-d'ed?
  • Micah
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    Micah polygon
    Well seen as my computers graphics cant even take normals and specular XD i dont think theres any point of doing a hi poly at the moment.

    erikb : is this what you mean?

    Next on the to do list is the trousers.
    Any crit world be awesome :)

    Thanks Micah
  • Progg
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    Progg polycounter lvl 11
    Great job so far. The tips of his fingers feel a bit too narrow and jagged.
  • Micah
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    Micah polygon
    Progg : thanks, any better?

  • Micah
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    Micah polygon
    OK i think im finished, because im not sure what to do to him. I've done allot to him since the last update, moved a few verts where they need to be, did allot to the trousers and gave him a baseball bat instead of an uzi :poly124:

    tell me what you think.


    Thanks Micah
  • ES_139
    I think its looking really good for your first character! maybe add a belt to the trousers or something they look a little off where they meet the gut.
  • Eneyeseekay
    Awesome for a first character! I remember modeling veins into my first character. What. A. Mess.

    But yeah! Aside from the odd anatomy tweak here and there, he looks spot on. The only thing I can really ask about is where the thumb connects to the hand. Maybe it's just a bad angle, but it looks like there's some sort of geometry block protruding out. Missing belt aside, it looks awesome!
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